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Bbg's Sunday song .HD35


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Very impressed!Great performance of that song to show off the new buy. A gentle touch to the playing while still getting a full clear sound.Really good.I'm sensing there could be a pretty loud guitar there too when called for.Nice counterpoint to the J-45.

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I put the Elixir HD Lights on my HD28v - the 1,2,3 strings are up a gauge each while the others stay normal.


Full mediums got a bit hard to play after they wore in - bare fingerpicking - and I love these new ones on it.



Give it a try later when you sick of the ones on it now.









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Now I'm curious. What would be the major difference between the HD-35 and the HD-28? I'm getting that the three-part back increases bass response (I have an M36, so I'm aware of this) but what other key differences between the two guitars?


Basically, I'm trying to figure out if one has a D28 does one need a D-35? Is the HD vs. plain D a crucial enough difference to the average strummer?


Absolutely love your performance! The Neil vibe is powerful!

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The the piece back doesn't increase the bass. Well, not directly.....


The theory is that the d35 , because of it's three piece back, has enough strength (?) to let the top cope with 1/4" bracing as opposed to 5/16" bracing. That's where the bass comes from.... The HD35 then has scalloped bracing.

The HD28 has scalloped bracing but 5/16" .


The HD 35 is the only Martin with quarter inch scalloped bracing. Hence the bass .


Whether you want it or not is your own choice !!


Did that help ? :-/

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I loved this performance. Never heard the song before but I really like it. You did well, mate.


That guitar is something else. I was beginning to doubt it had a back but I guess the picture confirms that it does--and a pretty one at that.


People are always talking here about having a certain sound in one's head then having to hunt for years to find a guitar that has it. This one definitely has the sound.


Glad you were able to get it.




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