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Nineteen Years Ago Today


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It is hard comprehend all that has changed in the past 19 years.  I was 50+ and have more perspective, for what it's worth, than someone who was in homeroom when they heard this news.  I think we've forgotten the inspiration we received from the thousands of heroes that day - and the tsunami of patriotism we experienced.   Hopefully, in another 19 years the monuments to those who died will still be standing.  God Bless Them All.    

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I was working on the Patrol Boat I was stationed on when I was in the Coast Guard and one of the guys wives called and said a plane just flew into the WTC. The world changed in an instant.

It sucks anyone who lost a family member in a chicken s-hit act of terrorism.

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47 minutes ago, SteveFord said:

That was a terrible day, my favorite cousin was on the 101st floor of the 2nd tower and nothing was ever found of him.  

Things really changed after that day but the US really came together when the chips were down.

Yes,  I had a cousin who died also..  Lynch, NYFD. 

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Sitting in a meeting in stupid work.  Guy brought in a laptop to show us the film.  Oh crap.  BOTH my nieces work up at Windows, the restaurant on top.  Got Mrs out of her cube and went home, but we were government and we all got dismissed anyway, after the Pentagon became public.

One niece hit it a little too hard the night before, had been with a couple work mates and told them she would take Tuesday off and work Saturday, all agreed.  She was sound asleep up in Queens.

Other niece was about 8 blocks away, hoofing her way down, late again, probably going to get disciplined or maybe even terminated.  She never made it to work on time.  She felt that a jet flying into her workplace was not normal and turned right around and headed back up.  She had to wander around heading away for the rest of the day and into the night, everything was all frigged up.

So, YaY.  For a minute or two.  Haven't been in that town since July of that year.


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1 hour ago, ghost_of_fl said:

I was teaching a computer class in Long Island that day.  We ended up losing Internet service and sending all the students home.

One thing I'll never forget is driving home - the weather was perfect.  Not a cloud in the sky.  And the only time I ever looked up in Long Island and didn't see a single plane flying.  That might sound weird if you live in a rural area, but Long Island is surrounded by airports.  There is constant air traffic. 

Another thing I will never forget is GW addressing Congress on Sept 20th 2001.  I remember that like it was yesterday. 


Ahh the days when we actually had a consoler in chief. A lot of Americans got behind GW after this tragedy struck the mainland. 

guess who said they had the tallest building or one of the tallest in Manhattan after this mess... something selfish I know that...

Edited by NighthawkChris
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"Where were you on 9/11"...  a question just about everyone knows the answer too...

Littleton mas,, at work doing what ever I did back then... (I think it was building laptop images for internal deployments for HP)...

my buddy comes into my cube,, "Some moron just crashed a plane into one of the towers in the trade center."

The Cafeteria had two huge TVs that we're always on some news feed.  So we go down there, and half the building is in the cafeteria watching the TVs.  

All the cafeteria workers are watching too.

With all those people standing around,  it was eerily quiet.  no one was saying anything..  then those b@st*rds flew the second plane into the other tower..

By then..  we all knew,,  this was no accident...   By about noon time, everyone was heading home.



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I was working as a Supervisor for US Airways  at the time. I was also what was known as a Ground Security Coordinator (GSC). All that summer my email was inundated with Information Circulars and Security Directives. They were well aware that something was being plotted. 

I worked late the night before and got home about 2AM. My two oldest kids were in school and my wife went with her mom and my youngest to Ikea early in the morning. I got up around 9AM and noticed it was eerily quiet. Normally I would hear planes flying over my house. Then I noticed the sound of a jet but could tell it wasn't an airliner. I looked out the window to see two A-10s flying just above the treetops.

Went downstairs to let the dog out and turned on TV to see total chaos. I knew immediately it was  Bin Laden.I was scheduled to come in at 3PM  but when I finally got hold of my manager he said don't bother, BWI had been evacuated and I wouldn't even be able to get close. Eventually I would hear all kinds of wild stories from the people who were at work that morning.   Needless to say my airline career was never the same.  I somehow kept my job for awhile even after massive cutbacks and layoffs. Eventually I got a position in Corporate Security handing Homeland Security and TSA Regulations but even that didn't last. Finally left in 2006 when my airline merged with America West and I would have had to move to Tempe AZ to keep my position. By that time I was fed up with airlines and dealing with TSA,  LOIs and Watchlist issues etc. Took my severance package and walked away. I often wonder how my life would be different if I had remained.   


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