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What a brave new world we live in.  A pure Tech Dystopia...

If you believe this is a good thing, you better check your brain.  Save up your hard-earned dollars for NFTs and other virtual stuff.  Just wait until they get into the crypto business.  This is the spookiest crap I can find today.  No way in heck are you going to get me to participate in the Metaverse.  It's where we're going though...  All those billions the Zuck got from your data is turning your world into a fake one.  Yeah, social media, what a blessing! 

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I cant watch that..  The guy is just disgusting in every way..  Cant even listen to a word he says..  

I have heard about it but dont really know or care..  I dont really do social media (unless you count this forum), hate it all.... Just another way for "them" to keep control of everything and make even more money.. 

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Just now, Sgt. Pepper said:

isn't this place considered a form of social media too?

It is, but it isn't as spooky as this...  Do you know who I am?  I mean, is this place collecting my personal data?  Maybe they can get my IP and use it for whatever reason...  But are they targeting ads to me?  This place is old-fashioned as far as I can tell.  I don't know what this place takes from us...  Do you know?  I tend to believe this place is about as anonymous as you can get today. 

Overall, BIG difference between big tech and some backwoods "social media" hub like this is.  I didn't see the CEO of this place going to testify before Congress... 

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Just now, NighthawkChris said:

It is, but it isn't as spooky as this...  Do you know who I am?  I mean, is this place collecting my personal data?  Maybe they can get my IP and use it for whatever reason...  But are they targeting ads to me?  This place is old-fashioned as far as I can tell.  I don't know what this place takes from us...  Do you know?  I tend to believe this place is about as anonymous as you can get today. 

Overall, BIG difference between big tech and some backwoods "social media" hub like this is.  I didn't see the CEO of this place going to testify before Congress... 

Well this place had never been used to swing an election vote or sell us anything..  So I dont see it as the same thing as Facebook and the like eve though it is technically still a part of social media,,

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12 minutes ago, Rabs said:

Well this place had never been used to swing an election vote or sell us anything..  So I dont see it as the same thing as Facebook and the like eve though it is technically still a part of social media,,

This place would collect data from what, about 20 people?  🤣 No one cares about old, balding men that like (or not) Gibson guitars.  Answer, this place is NOT big tech. 

If you care about your rights as a human, just wait until you put on those "cool" VR headsets and find out your body is a surrogate for the metaverse.  There will be jobs that use this and you will be essentially forced to put on that VR headset and participate in the Metaverse.  So worrying about the "gubment" taking your guns will be the least of your worries.  FB can have total power over you to ban you for whatever grounds they find fit...  your character will be OWNED!  We will implement the Chyna social media scores where there, you have to pay more if they deem you to be "less" likeable.  Do you trust the Zuck?  Keep FB'n fellas!  Give that ghoul more of your data so he can buy his new mansion.  It's about control and the END of privacy as you know it.  Not that we already have had our privacy violated by our tracking devices - I mean cell phones if we are still calling these phones...  It can and probably will get worse. 

Edited by NighthawkChris
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8 minutes ago, NighthawkChris said:

It is, but it isn't as spooky as this...  Do you know who I am?  I mean, is this place collecting my personal data?  Maybe they can get my IP and use it for whatever reason...  But are they targeting ads to me?  This place is old-fashioned as far as I can tell.  I don't know what this place takes from us...  Do you know?  I tend to believe this place is about as anonymous as you can get today. 

Overall, BIG difference between big tech and some backwoods "social media" hub like this is.  I didn't see the CEO of this place going to testify before Congress... 

All those social media places are s-hit shows cause that is they way people want it. They want to go on Farcebook and Twitter (named right cause your a twit if you use it) and spread the c-rap they spew out and it gave all the morons who can type a voice to vent and spin people up. 

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And yes.. If this really is the way things are going then I am going to very quickly become that grumpy old man who doesnt understand the world any more cos I wont be having anything to do with it...

Ohh, hang on a minute.   Im already there  😄 

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35 minutes ago, Rabs said:

And yes.. If this really is the way things are going then I am going to very quickly become that grumpy old man who doesnt understand the world any more cos I wont be having anything to do with it...

Ohh, hang on a minute.   Im already there  😄 

lol, me too ...

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I had one account on fb for over ten years. My political affiliation was not desirable so I found myself getting thrown into fb jail for simply re-posting or sharing memes that were shared on Facebook. It got to the point where I received 30 days off for a meme I had shared 7 or 8 months previous. It was entitled “if 2020 was a meme” and depicted a (staged) series of photos where a young boy broke one of his front teeth with a pair of toenail clippers and then bit into an ice cream cone. For this I not only got 30 days, when my time was served, I could no longer access my account and was informed it would be erased in 30 days. No appeal. So it’s gone. Luckily I had done a backup so I still have all my pics and messages. Ten years of “social media” wiped out because I had posted a few things that didn’t align. Meanwhile I’ve seen (on Facebook) videos that showed graphic cartel and isis dismemberment, high speed cameras capturing 12 gauge blasts to the face from 3 feet (infidels), male and female cartel informants having their limbs cut off (yes they were alive and awake), infidels being burned alive, a thief shot through both hands with a pistol….. but I’m the bad guy with my broken tooth meme. They said it promoted violence. 

I started a new fb profile about a year ago and I’ve kept a little lower profile. But it’s a matter of time before they determine that I’m not in lock step and I will be sent to the corner once again. 

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I had a MySpace account, but once FB took over, I never once to this day attempted to sign up.  I wasn't as aware of the data collection and the overall plan to "take over the digital space", but glad I never got zucked into it.  Like I said, some spooky stuff goes on over there. 

@ksdaddy glad you got your data back.  That would have been awful...  I don't use any cloud services or online storage spaces.  What I did was take a capable PC and put in a small RAID1 to host our digital docs, pics, etc.  I also buy a xTB drive and put everything on this that I host on my server (since TB HDDs are not that expensive today) and deliver it to stay at my folks' house in an enclosure (in case of fire at my house for instance).  I have 2 copies of everything at home, and one remotely on MY physical disk.  Like you said, one day, they can do whatever they want, whenever they want because the data is on THEIR servers.  So in case of ransomware attack, this is the best method IMHO to just call it quits on the infected OS and reinstall it.  I don't trust AV to protect me from zero-day threats.  I digress. 

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I don't have a TV, use wi-fi or a smartphone. 

 I'll have to get a smartphone - I've been given an old Apple iphone of some sort.

Never have had time for TV, too busy listening and trying to play music.  I've got a long list of youtube bookmarks which I never actually watched yet.

I think I still have an (inactive) Fbk account but can't remember the password and heard it's quite hard to close it down.

Humans have got very good at collecting and hoarding data, and clever at using some of it. 

There is always more data. 

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Not any more...

logged out in 2016 to never return. People my age ruined it as it became an echo chamber for grievance. And the added bonus I freed up so much time.

I was really ashamed of myself how I allowed Facebook to monopolize my time.... I'm a much better person without Facebook and Instagram .

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21 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

In the metaverse, you'll ask your virtual girlfriend to zuck you off.  She'll say no, and then you'll say it won't zuck itself. 

Don't worry, Mark will be watching... 

And thanks to Alexa's echo, Bozo will be listening in.


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