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Do you get music stuck in your head?


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10 hours ago, Retired said:

"I want a Hippopotumus for Christmas, Only a Hippopotamus  will do!"  Lol.  Yeh, I love that one around Christmas. 

no crocodiles, or rin-os-er-usis,  I only like Hippopotamuses..  and Hippopotamuses like me tooooooo...



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Before I retired, if I played solitary on my computer after finishing my lunch the song “Secret Love” sung by Doris Day would get stuck in my head. I never liked or purposely listened to that song. It went on for years, it was almost maddening! I tried everything I could think of but the song seemed to be associated with playing solitaire. I’ve been retired five years and the horror has subsided.

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To digress this a bit...

As a "huge Beatles fan", you surely recall all the fuss made over "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"  being about drugs and all that, but what still tickles me about it is...

John Lennon admitting in an interview( I forgot who the interviewer was) that while THAT song had nothing to do with drugs, the later song "I Am The Walrus" was written a line at a time, and each line a week apart and  written while he was tripping on acid.  But nobody made a big deal about that song!  [wink]


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As much as I hate Hey Jude, if that would have replaced Rev 9, it would have been an even better album, or put Lady Madonna, or George's song Inner Light (not a great George song by the way, but better than and LSD trip) on there. 

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But you digress.......

Yes. I do get songs stuck in my head.

Happens all the time, for no particular reason.

One day it's a song I'm learning to play, on another it might be something I heard on the radio, and then other times a tune just pops into my head. 

I suppose I should consider myself lucky that to some small degree, my brain functions at all.


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Happens to me aĺl the time. Usually it's songs that I have'nt heard in years or even decades , then hear it somewhere. Early Beatles songs are the worst for this as I used to play their records every day when I was very young (4 to 10 years of age) . A couple of weeks ago I stumbled on a how to play "You Can't Do That" video and it"s just now starting to fade. That's OK but a few years ago a coworker asked me something about Bobby Goldsbourogh 's (sp?) song "Honey" . I could have killed him for that. lol

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Not hat I have ever suffered from this, but this song occasionally gets stuck in my head.

Love is infectious and I was a victim
The worst case you'd ever see
But still I know no doctor or nurse
Could cure what you gave to me

'Cause you
Really, you left me sore
You really left me sore now baby
You messed me up for sure and I don't mean maybe

'Cause you really left me sore
You didn't tell me and I didn't ask so there's
Nobody left to blame
But still I know no place I can go

That helps to relieve the pain
But now I know no good ever comes
From love on a one night stand

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