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You know you are getting old when........


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We havent had one of these in a while and I was really feeling it today.

My family doctor retired ages ago and I hate going to the GPs now. Its always a different person who doesnt really know you and they look about 25 years old...  Then last week I went to my dentist and found out he has retired so again. A couple of people have taken over.. Today it was the optician, again, we have been going to him for years, he was a good friend of my father..  And again, now retired and we have a new optician who again looks like she was like 28.. 

Not that I have an issue with any of these new people. They all seemed ok.. It just all makes me feel really really old.

That and haemorrhoids  😄   (why did no one ever tell me not to push?)

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yea,  Rabs,  I am with ya on this one.

I'm a bit older than you are (65) so these kind of changes are kind of disturbing to most people around my age.

Thankfully  I'm pretty healthy (knock on wood,, at the moment) so I'm just kind of rolling with the changes as they say.



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15 hours ago, mihcmac said:

I get startled when I see my Dad staring back at me when I walk past a mirror.

That's the truth!  And you start to understand and embrace  the underlying reasons why he saved "Twist Ties" from the bread as you notice your junk drawer is full of them. 

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17 hours ago, mihcmac said:

I get startled when I see my Dad staring back at me when I walk past a mirror.

Lucky.  I can't see my Dad in the mirror because my GRANDPA keeps getting in the way!  [cool]

I had a standard gag about knowing when you're middle aged,  but I'll have to work on some "getting old" ones.  For the first....

You know you're middle aged when you wake up in the morning, and it's your back that's stiff!  [wink]

Maybe you know you're getting old when that middle aged lady sitting across from you keeps insisting she's your daughter.  

Or you keep thinking you're going to go to that store you always liked to buy some certain thing only to realize that store went out of business shortly after you graduated from high school.

And when you start to think somebody keeps sneaking into your house and adding steps to your basement's stairway. 

Or when youact surprised when somebody wishes you a "happy birthday" because as far as you know, you just had a birthday six months ago! [omg]

2 hours ago, kidblast said:

I'm a bit older than you are (65) so these kind of changes are kind of disturbing to most people around my age.

Trade ya.  I'm 71 this 28th  [wink]

White(long in the)fang

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8 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Lucky.  I can't see my Dad in the mirror because my GRANDPA keeps getting in the way!  [cool]

I had a standard gag about knowing when you're middle aged,  but I'll have to work on some "getting old" ones.  For the first....

You know you're middle aged when you wake up in the morning, and it's your back that's stiff!  [wink]

Maybe you know you're getting old when that middle aged lady sitting across from you keeps insisting she's your daughter.  

Or you keep thinking you're going to go to that store you always liked to buy some certain thing only to realize that store went out of business shortly after you graduated from high school.

And when you start to think somebody keeps sneaking into your house and adding steps to your basement's stairway. 

Or when youact surprised when somebody wishes you a "happy birthday" because as far as you know, you just had a birthday six months ago! [omg]

Trade ya.  I'm 71 this 28th  [wink]

White(long in the)fang

I think I'll stay at 65 and holdin Fang..  [thumbup]


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21 hours ago, mihcmac said:

Sun streaking cold
An old man wandering lonely
Taking time the only way he knows
Leg hurting bad
As he bends to pick a dog-end
He goes down to the bog and warms his feet

I prefer to watch as the frilly panties run.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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12 minutes ago, merciful-evans said:


The real kicker is when nubile women start calling you "lovely". It means they no longer see you as a sexual threat.

Here in the south they like to say sweetie, honey or hun, or darling. 

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37 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

Daughter texted this am  to tell us she is weight lifting 244lbs.     I felt old when my sons got to the point they could  beat me arm wrestling.  Now I feel decrepit. 

Is she doing the Clean And Jerk, or Benching that. I don't think I would mess with your daughter.

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Trust me. It'll happen. You're too old to play gigs when:

1. It becomes more important to find a place on stage for your fan than your amp.
2. Your gig clothes make you look like George Burns out for a round of golf or Dolly Parton with no bosom.
3. All your fans leave by 9:30 p.m.
4. All you want from groupies is a foot massage and back rub. ...
5. You love taking the elevator because you can sing along with most of your set-list.
6. Instead of a fifth member, your band wants to spring for a roadie.
7. You lost the directions to the gig.
8. You need your glasses to see the amp settings.
9. You've thrown out your back jumping off the stage.
10. You feel like heck before the gig even starts.
11. The waitress is your daughter!
12. You stop the set because your ibuprofen fell behind the speakers.
13. Most of your crowd just sways in their seats.
14. You find your drink tokens from last month's gig in your guitar case.
15. You refuse to play without earplugs.
16. You ask the club owner if you can start at 8:30 instead of 9:30.
17. You check the TV schedule before booking a gig.
18. Your gig stool has a back.
19. You're related to at least one member in the band.
20. You don't let anyone sit in.
21. You need a nap before the gig.
22. After the third set, you bug the club owner to let you quit early.
23. During the breaks, you now go to the van to lie down.
24. You prefer a music stand with a light.
25. You don't recover until Tuesday afternoon.
26. You hope the host's speech lasts forever
27. You buy amps considering their weight and not their tone or "cool" factor.
28. Feeling guilty looking at hot women at the audience, 'cause they're younger than your daughter.
29. You can remember seven different club names for the same location.
30. You have a hazy memory of the days when you could work 10 gigs in 7 days and could physically do it!
31. Your date couldn't make it because she couldn't find a babysitter for the grandkids.
32. The set list has to be in 20 point type..
33. Your drug of choice is now coffee
34. It seems impossible to find stage shoes with decent arch support.

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1 hour ago, fortyearspickn said:

Barbell Hip Thrust ... whatever the h3!1 that is !  

A barbell is the long one, so maybe lifting it from the ground to her hips. Just a guess.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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