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The New Madrid Fault Line


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I lived by the San Andres Fault line when I lived in California. I think I stood about 5 feet from it when I went to Mission San Juan Capistrano for a class field trip in about 8th grade. Looks like some crumpled up dirt. 

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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Fortunately, I don't live in an earthquake zone. Instead, we get hurricanes.

But if I'm going to live in a zone with chances of a natural disaster, hurricanes are preferred. At least we get time to prepare for the event.

I was in a slight earthquake in California. Unfortunately, I was driving on a rural highway when it happened, so I didn't notice it. That evening it was on the news.


Notes ♫

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I don't think earthquakes are in the Top Ten of things we have to worry about as a country.   Maybe we should have a "National Honey Do" list.  Don't put earthquakes on it until science figures out how to prevent them.   Would be like my wife telling me the tree in the front yard needs to be twice as tall.   We can put tougher building codes in place to withstand stronger earthquakes, but that is as likely as me telling Mrs.40 she just needs to be half as tall.  

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Ya'll know I live in Northern California.   I was in the back yard of my house, (on the edge of a cliff), when Loma Prieta hit!

But that's not the thing I wanted to say.    When I was stationed in Chambersburg, PA in 1971, there was a HUGE earthquake in Los Angeles...Killed close to 60 people.

I was working with a guy from New Jersey...he said to me, How can you live in that state?

I told him the 'big' earthquakes happen about once every 70 years or so.... and this quake is as far from my home as Charlotte, NC is from here.

I also told him more people die due to weather on the East Coast each year than died in this earthquake.

But.... I sure hope they discover a way to predict earthquakes better in the future!

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I used to work for Southern California Edison in Palm Springs, Ca. years ago in my youth.. Occasionally I had to go out in the Desert & check Power lines & Meters..

I used to find Sea Shells out in the middle of nowhere in the Desert.. A reminder that this hasn’t always been a Desert….

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14 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

I used to work for Southern California Edison in Palm Springs, Ca. years ago in my youth.. Occasionally I had to go out in the Desert & check Power lines & Meters..

I used to find Sea Shells out in the middle of nowhere in the Desert.. A reminder that this hasn’t always been a Desert….

Next time I'm at the Polo Grounds, you'll have to stop by and well irritate the others in their motor homes!


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19 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

That would be fun! I live near there.. Have a few Brews, pick Guitars & sing a few Tunes.. Let me know..

I'll make sure to let you know next time I'm there....the dog show is usually the first weekend after the New Year.

We might be there this New Year.... we usually drive to Bakersfield, spend the night, then on to Palm Springs..... do the same thing backwards when we return.

We have a new Affenpincher Puppy ***** we'll be showing, so there's a good chance we'll head down there, (depends on the judges).

It'd be fun!


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12 hours ago, DanvillRob said:

I'll make sure to let you know next time I'm there....the dog show is usually the first weekend after the New Year.

We might be there this New Year.... we usually drive to Bakersfield, spend the night, then on to Palm Springs..... do the same thing backwards when we return.

We have a new Affenpincher Puppy ***** we'll be showing, so there's a good chance we'll head down there, (depends on the judges).

It'd be fun!


Sounds good to me.. Look forward to getting together.. Let me know..

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