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this year, be wary of video on line stuff- a robot with initials a i may be sending them to confuse ....or excite...or incite

have a nice day and be nice  

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JVI -  I agree.   The process is complete:  Up Is Down, Down Is Up.   You cannot believe anything, so don't believe anything.   USGov just came out with GDP numbers that showed growth 50% higher than the experts predicted.  I find that hard to believe.    If we get to the point we do not believe anything - apathy will grow like crabgrass and those who are marginally informed will stop voting, deflecting to the half of the population that has below average intelligence.     I guess it comes down to whether you think that group of a dozen Chinese people waving CCP flags are paid actors or communist activists.   Less scary to think they are just actors.  Bad actors, but good people -- not bad people.   

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5 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

JVI -  I agree.   The process is complete:  Up Is Down, Down Is Up.   You cannot believe anything, so don't believe anything.   USGov just came out with GDP numbers that showed growth 50% higher than the experts predicted.  I find that hard to believe.    If we get to the point we do not believe anything - apathy will grow like crabgrass and those who are marginally informed will stop voting, deflecting to the half of the population that has below average intelligence.     I guess it comes down to whether you think that group of a dozen Chinese people waving CCP flags are paid actors or communist activists.   Less scary to think they are just actors.  Bad actors, but good people -- not bad people.   

Fake piano jacka-ssery.

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I think there are still facts to be had, some news orgs,  and some politicians , we just have to be VERY discriminating when choosing,

and again  BEWARE THE ROBOT- this year more than ever!

altho, I could look younger and seem smatter, and maybe play like Jimi with  "robot help"_

( nah  it wouldnt be me  (and who would  believe it ? )  too many thats who

 have a nice day...

Edited by jvi
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I skipped through the video, not enough to even grasp what’s going on, other than some Chinese people didn’t want to be “filmed”, as they hogged the camera and shouted down the guy in the shades. 

“Do not touch her.” “Do not touch her.” “Do not touch her.” “Do not touch her.” “Do not touch her.” “Do not touch her.” “Do not touch her.”

All I can see is a fake scenario with some below average acting.


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58 minutes ago, jvi said:

I think there are still facts to be had, some news orgs,  and some politicians , we just have to be VERY discriminating when choosing,

and again  BEWARE THE ROBOT- this year more than ever!

altho, I could look younger and seem smatter, and maybe play like Jimi with  "robot help"_

( nah  it wouldnt be me  (and who would  believe it ? )  too many thats who

 have a nice day...

He still is the best guitarist ever according to any poll that comes out. Hasn't played a note for over 50 years, and no one on Earth as been able to play better than him. That to me is funny.

Richard Thompson any one ? He is still alive and playing.

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14 minutes ago, IanHenry said:

Here's the video where the Chinese people are identified:


The gentleman standing next to the girl is Jeremy Hunt the UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer.

You guys over in the UK have such fancy titles for your jobs. 

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20 minutes ago, IanHenry said:

Here's the video where the Chinese people are identified:


The gentleman standing next to the girl is Jeremy Hunt the UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer.

The technology exists where guys in their mom’s basements, with a decent computer, can stick famous people in compromising/embarrassing/sordid positions seamlessly.  Nothing more than CGI effects aided by AI.  Of course, there is still just  the good old fashioned look-a-like “stand-ins.”  

Funny thing, years back, we attended an invitation only, private porch concert by “Almost Willie.”  Even though  he and the hosts said he was just a local guy who tours the country doing a tribute show, I spent that entire set, 6 feet away,  trying to convince myself it *wasn’t* Willie.  He was that good.  

Besides just the appearance, and mannerisms, I have a really good ear for voices, and the tone/delivery/cadence and even his speaking patter, was absolutely spot on. Tbh, I’m still not entirely sure it wasn’t all just a ruse to keep the  exclusive party from being crashed by the hordes, chuckle.  

And interestingly, for a “local” guy, I’d never heard of him before this, and he’s never popped up anywhere here since.  

“Almost Willie” if you’re on here, chime in, and take a bow! Chuckle. 

Edited by PrairieDog
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20 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

He still is the best guitarist ever according to any poll that comes out. Hasn't played a note for over 50 years, and no one on Earth as been able to play better than him. That to me is funny.

Richard Thompson any one ? He is still alive and playing.

Leo Kottke ? many greats  but one Jimi

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49 minutes ago, jvi said:

Leo Kottke ? many greats  but one Jimi

One Jeff Beck, One Zappa, One . . .

Jimi was great, Jimi was a game changer, Jimi could play with his teeth, but he is not the best, no one is. 

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15 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

....but he is not the best, no one is. 

I was just pondering that this morning. Thinking about Chet Atkins. He was great but... he seemingly had one style. Ditto Merle Travis. Les Paul played over everyone's head. Most jazz players play over everyone's head. Joe Pass didn't even play for human beings.  I'm not sure what planet he was playing for.

So many talented guitar players in our lifetimes, and if we, as individuals, were asked "who was/is the best?", at the very least our answer would be clouded by the type of music we enjoy.  Not that the "best" could be quantified or digitized anyway. People like Glen Campbell and Jerry Reed come to mind, but they both seemed to be in a race to see who could play the fastest. It's not a race.  I guess in my ripe old age, I tend to think about people like Tommy Tedesco, someone who was not only finger talented, but versatile.

Finger talent, versatility, humility to play simple stuff when needed, and a lack of parlor tricks or muscle flexing.

Suddenly the bar raises.

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2 hours ago, jvi said:

Leo Kottke ? many greats  but one Jimi

Funny story. I was a kid with my first cheap acoustic. So I was sitting on my front stoop strumming, pretending I was John Denver up in the mountains or something,  (okay, gimme a break, it was like 1970).

A fellow walking past came up and smiled.  Asked about the guitar and how long I had played. I mumbled something about being brand new and just starting.  

He asked if he could show me a few things, I said, “sure!” He took the guitar and gave me a few chords, a strumming pattern, and a bit of simple picking.  

Then he flew up and down the thing like doves taking off to heaven.   Handed it back with a warm smile, and said, “Have fun! Practice!”  

My mom came out and asked if I knew who that was?  “He said his name was Leo.”

He was staying around the block from us, and I always brag he gave me my first guitar lesson, not that you could tell or anything 😆

Edited by PrairieDog
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Its a modern version of the 1967 Chinese Embassy in London when the embassy diplomats came out brandishing clubs, bottles & iron bars threatening Police and journalists. They were also waving the 'little red books' and deliberately provoking trouble. The Chinese press presented this as their diplomats 'defending themselves' in the hostile west. 

This ended with the British legation in Beijing being sacked. 

Only this time they picked their high flyers to do it. The worst thing was the bobby who took the side of the provocateurs. He should be put on traffic control. 


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3 hours ago, PrairieDog said:

Funny story. I was a kid with my first cheap acoustic. So I was sitting on my front stoop strumming, pretending I was John Denver up in the mountains or something,  (okay, gimme a break, it was like 1970).

A fellow walking past came up and smiled.  Asked about the guitar and how long I had played. I mumbled something about being brand new and just starting.  

He asked if he could show me a few things, I said, “sure!” He took the guitar and gave me a few chords, a strumming pattern, and a bit of simple picking.  

Then he flew up and down the thing like doves taking off to heaven.   Handed it back with a warm smile, and said, “Have fun! Practice!”  

My mom came out and asked if I knew who that was?  “He said his name was Leo.”

He was staying around the block from us, and I always brag he gave me my first guitar lesson, not that you could tell or anything 😆

I saw Leo Kottke in concert at least 3 times back in the 1970s;  as well as being a tremendously powerful player he was highly entertaining and amusing - I still have 8 LPs.  Definitely one of the 12-string heroes.

This story, about him meeting Dylan, is brilliant -


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13 hours ago, IanHenry said:

I don't think so, some of the Chinese people have since been identified, one of them having been photographed in the company of very senior UK politicians.  

OK. I have no evidence either way. It just seems that the whole situation could have easily been avoided by either party. The Chinese group could have just moved away from the area around the piano, and the person with the camera could have just obliged and pointed the camera away from the group.

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5 hours ago, jdgm said:

I saw Leo Kottke in concert at least 3 times back in the 1970s;  as well as being a tremendously powerful player he was highly entertaining and amusing - I still have 8 LPs.  Definitely one of the 12-string heroes.

This story, about him meeting Dylan, is brilliant -


Chuckle,  in ‘78 some friends and I had gone to the ELO concert.  I didn’t really know them and wasn’t into their music, but got a free ticket, so had just gone along for something to do.  

Later that night, we were on our way out after closing down the bar at a hotel when some very drunk, long-haired, Brits got on our elevator.   As they exited the next floor they invited us to come along to a party.  My friends figured they must be with band.  

There was just a handful of pretty loosened up folks left in the room. Everybody was pretty lit, and they all kept inviting us to help ourselves to the catering table which, as far as I could tell, only consisted of a large bowl of “sugar.”  

Anyways,  besides the large naked guy busy servicing his gf in the corner, the small group left were all “hail-fellow-well-met” with us, and looked to be blowing off the usual post show rowdies.  

I ended up having a great chat with a quieter fellow about the small town in England he lived in that I had just happened to visit.  We were talking about the bakery, town characters, etc.  I figured the guy was probably homesick, so I was happy to indulge his reveries, and get his mind off the tedium of touring.  

At one point my buddy’s girlfriend rudely interrupted us and made a lame attempt to hit on the dude, and he gave her a bored diss, “what the bleep does that have to do with Sutton on Tyne?” or wherever the town was. Then pointedly turned his back and went back on chatting with me about his mum.  Ouch.  

Anyway, after things were really winding down, my friends were ready to head out, and we were just moving into some deep metaphysical philosophical discussion or another, you know how it goes with artsy types.  So the guy wants me to stay, and offers to have a driver take me home.  I’m thinking wow, this is some tour if even the roadies get drivers.  

But manners got the best of me, and I regretfully but graciously bowed out, saying I came with my buddies, I should head out with them.  As we walked away I said, “nice guy, must be rough lugging amps around the country.”  

That’s when the dissed gf snorted and told me I had been jawing all night with Mik Kaminski.  

Good thing he didn’t ask me what I thought of the show… 

Edited by PrairieDog
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22 hours ago, jvi said:

this year, be wary of video on line stuff- a robot with initials a i may be sending them to confuse ....or excite...or incite

Pretty much the same thing that people have been doing for years...

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54 minutes ago, Murph said:

Pretty much the same thing that people have been doing for years...

if you think a i hasnt changed the game you may be a robot...

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15 minutes ago, jvi said:

if you think a i hasnt changed the game you may be a robot...

Let's get back to arguing things that are less important, like Jimi Hendrix being the best guitarist of all time, and which J-45 model will come out next. Stop the piano stupidity with people from commie China in it over in the UK. Does this affect anyones life here?

Oh, by the way that Leo Kottke guy is damn good.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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We may have beat this to death here, but it's risen to a higher level today on the internet... in the US.    I  think there are somethings that happen in UK that we should be aware of.   Canada even.   Canary in the coal mine stuff.  

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4 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

We may have beat this to death here, but it's risen to a higher level today on the internet... in the US.    I  think there are somethings that happen in UK that we should be aware of.   Canada even.   Canary in the coal mine stuff.  

Thanks for the heads-up Nostradamus.

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2 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

At least Britain gave the world Doc Marten's and The Beatles, Zeppelin, and The Who. 

Don't forget they're responsible for Boy George, One Direction and The Spice Girls

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