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Gibson Forum membership benefits extend far beyond guitar/music stuff

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Posted (edited)

Originally, I joined this specific Forum to get more accurate information about my 1983 CSE Korina Explorer, beyond what I had been able to find elsewhere prior to joining. In a matter of a few months here, I was able to find over twice the amount of info I already had about my guitar, and the info I previously learned had taken decades to acquire. Some info came directly from members, and some came from members who pointed me in the right direction to aid my continuing research.  Along the way, I have learned exponentially more about guitars here, than I had learned in the previous 4 decades playing them.  It is not hyperbole when I say that, "Every day that I log on to the Gibson forum, I learn something new and interesting."

But, the most valuable thing I have learned here, is that each participating Forum member is far more than just a guitar guy, or just a musician. The range of unique experience, expertise, and connections they have that are not guitar/music related, (or is just music/guitar adjacent), is incomprehensible. I am humbled, not only to be able to freely communicate here with so many highly skilled musicians and industry professionals, but being able to simultaneously (and oft unknowingly) communicate with Phd's, engineers, well known authors, highly skilled test pilots, business owners, awesome parents/grandparents, military hero's (active and retired), architects, CEO's, etc..  Many times, the only common thread connecting these disparate and diverse individuals on this forum, is music. This forum provides many of them the ability to shed their day to day "professional cloak", and live here for a bit as their inner musician.      

The really cool part of getting to know other members here via music related interactions, is when that musical kin-ship becomes friendship. I have gotten to know many of the regulars here from their posts and replies and our interactions. Some, I have gotten to know on a musical and personal level. And, I have been blessed with the opportunity to meet and hang out in person with a few members. The interpersonal benefits gained from those relationships far exceed the original music based connection formed here.

As in life, never judge a book by it's cover. This forum is replete with folks you should want to get to know, network with, provide assistance to when/if you're able to, and become friends with if you are kind and lucky enough. Keep this in mind; the next time a forum member says that he likes P90's better than humbuckers, or says he likes Firebirds over Explorers, etc., think before you send a negative reply. You may have a different opinion, but is it worth missing out on getting to know a really cool person just because you chose to send an argumentative reply?  Be mindful of what lies beneath a screen name. I can personally attest to only being able to go somewhere, and do and see lots of cool stuff that I, with all my connections,  would have never been able to experience with out the kindness and top tier connections a Gibson Forum member, (that I met here), has. (and I'm talking experiences and access light years beyond back stage passes or guitar factory tours.) This awesome Gibson Forum member did this not for my own person benefit, but to provide my 18 year old daughter exclusive, behind the scenes insight into her desired and highly specialized career path, (and also to provide her with future employment opportunities with two of the world's most premier employers in her field.) Not to talk "out of school", but one of those employer's name rhymes with MASA. (that hint may have been too "on the nose"-cone, lol).  

To all of the Gibson Forum members I have interacted with here; to all the Moderators and site support staff, and to all the current and future Gibson forum members I have yet to meet, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME AND MINE, AND FOR WHAT YOU MAY TEACH ME IN THE FUTURE!  I can only hope to return the favor in some form or fashion that is valuable to you and yours.

Edited by Sheepdog1969
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I have the same experience. Lots of education on guitar/music topics and sometimes even farther out. Like a real "Lounge". Even had a few laughs now and then. And not the sarcastic kind, which rules the political lansdscape nowadays. Everything is nicely organized & great folks here. What else could one want? 🤠

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Sheepdog1969 said:

Never a borrower nor a lender be.  - Ben Franklin

Which is why I would never have asked him for a loan.

Besides, he wasn't a Gibson forum member.


Edited by RBSinTo
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Well said, Sheepdog1969. 

Having been a forum member here for just a few seasons has helped me immeasurably. 
Personally, musically, and intellectually. 

I not only learn a lot, I am able to vent my spleen occasionally, and to wax philosophic. 
I can exercise my sense of humor, and I rarely if ever find myself banned or censored in doing so. 

(Wish I could say that about my telecaster forum. Every time I turn around there, I'm on some sort of suspension.)


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SheepDog,    Thanks for a timely and uplifting thread start.   We all need to consider our implied responsibility to 'pay it forward'  and try to be helpful to other members in whatever small ways we are able.  I'm not big on specs - but I can put a Thumbs Up on a comment that answers a question well.     I guess some of those here for a  long time are concerned the forum content and culture isn't as 'cool' as it was back in the day.  But, change is inevitable.  It's up to us to make it positive.  Sometimes that might mean reining in a perpetually negative influence unfortunately.

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It's nice when new members stay. I remember your early posts, they were wonderfully peculiar!

Yeah, so much information here. You need help with something, it's solved in five.

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I really don't see how this particular forum differs from many others on the Internet.

The folks who frequent this, that or the other site always claim theirs is the best, when in fact they're mostly all pretty much the same.


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On 7/3/2024 at 9:28 AM, RBSinTo said:

I really don't see how this particular forum differs from many others on the Internet.

The folks who frequent this, that or the other site always claim theirs is the best, when in fact they're mostly all pretty much the same.

I'll politely and respectfully comment in a vaguely-disagreeable fashion. 

Every guitar web forum is different. 
They all have their own vibe, and their own unique set of irregular regulars. 
The cats who make the place unique. 
The moderators who either give everyone a lot of rope, or else crush all dissention with an iron fist. 

Me personally, I don't (and never would) say that this one is the best. 
I wouldn't say that any guitar web forum is the 'best'. 

But I come to this one to satisfy a certain input/stimuli/response/outcome itch that tdpri can't satisfy. 
And tdpri satisfies in a unique way, because of the characters and friends there, that Strat Talk cannot. 
Strat Talk offers something that My Les Paul forum doesn't.
And so on. 

Viva la difference. 


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I have been a member here for 12 years.  

It's changed quite a bit from "those" days when I first came on.  There was a lot more activity then.

I've made a few friends here as well,  I wont name names, you guys know who you are.

All good ppl and they make this place worth coming to at least once a day.

I'm glad it's here, and I appreciate the guys who work the forum and keep the place civil.  (yes - our Moderators)  Hats off to those guys.  



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Well said!

While I can generally speak on any subject (I never said speak intelligently), I can only wish I had a fraction of the knowledge of some subjects held by our Forum members.

I am an "on-and-off' forum member, I come here for fellowship with you all.

Most of the 'personal' friends I made on the forum are no longer active, but there are still members I consider friends.

I've witnessed members passing, spouses passing, pets passing, guitars passing, careers passing, dexterity passing, and a whole lot of other passings during my years here.

This forum is welcoming but still well-managed.

I'm glad I'm a member.

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That was a great introduction Sheepdog 1969.  I miss some older members that are gone. Some dead. But there is great learning here from many.  When I joined way back, I was scared to mess with a guitar. Now I consider myself some what a Luthier. I used to have guitars as a teen that I never even changed strings. Anyway, Welcome here and hope you enjoy yourself.

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2 minutes ago, Retired said:

That was a great introduction Sheepdog 1969.  I miss some older members that are gone. Some dead. But there is great learning here from many.  When I joined way back, I was scared to mess with a guitar. Now I consider myself some what a Luthier. I used to have guitars as a teen that I never even changed strings. Anyway, Welcome here and hope you enjoy yourself.

By the way, I do love P-90's. I have them in 2 guitars. One is a Riviera with 3 P-90's 

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6 hours ago, Retired said:
6 hours ago, Retired said:


By the way, I do love P-90's. I have them in 2 guitars. One is a Riviera with 3 P-90's 

This is where a "bad egg" would tell you how three humbuckers would be better than three P-90's.

I say, "Darn, I bet that Riviera kicks a$$!"

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On 7/6/2024 at 5:20 PM, Sheepdog1969 said:

This is where a "bad egg" would tell you how three humbuckers would be better than three P-90's.

I say, "Darn, I bet that Riviera kicks a$$!"

Lets just say, I have had many guitars, Different brands also. A guy here that goes by Digger who is on the Epiphone Lounge talked me into getting a Casino Coupe, 2 P-90's,  It has put all mine to shame. Including the Gibson Gold Top Standard. At first I got feedback. I bought Red Dragon premium Cables and I never had a problem since. The Riviera has Bell like tones to a Heavy rock tone if you like that? Both guitars get plenty of sustain. 

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No offense, but how can changing cables impact the amount of feedback you're getting from your Casino Coupe? Consider me highly skeptical that a cable swap would have any significant impact on that. It's more a function of feedback/resonance from the hollow body coupled with your playing levels and distance to the amplifier. 

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I went to arrange for a rental car the other day. 
(We have some travel coming up, and I don't want to put extra miles on my daily driver.)

The rental clerk asked, "Are you a member of AARP or one of the senior organizations? We offer discounts for members."

"No. I'm old, but I don't have any benefits with AARP.  How about a Military Discount? I used to be in the Army."

"No, we don't have that. This close to the Arsenal? No way."

"Well, I'm a member in good standing of the Gibson Forums. It's been said that Gibson Forum membership benefits extend far beyond guitar music and stuff."

"Gibson Forums member? Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?  GET OUT.   GET OUT RIGHT NOW!!"

"But I, uh...."

"Scram, you bum! Last time we rented a car to one of you Gibson Forums guys, the thing came back looking like it had been in a demolition derby! It was a former Coast Guard guy I tell ya!!”

“I have no idea who that could b…b….. "
I paused, "Uh, well.”


“Nothing. I’ll leave now. Everything’s good here.”


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On 7/6/2024 at 9:18 AM, DanvillRob said:

I've witnessed members,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, guitars passing........

Pease say 'taint so....... A dead guitar. Oh my. Bless it's little heart. I'd go to that funeral. Definitely go to the wake.


Sorry. Midnight thirty here. Bored. 🙃

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