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Rules to live by - add your own...


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I saw this and kinda liked it.


There's a million ways to look at it, but here's one for starters...



1) Never make a threat you don’t intend to carry out.

Your word is the only thing you have. If you make statements that you don’t carry out you will not be believed when it is very important. Think carefully when you say something and if you define a cause and effect ("If you leave, I’ll never talk to you again") be prepared to make good on the threat.


Therefore it is important to think carefully, word carefully and leave yourself an out ("If you leave now, I won’t talk to you until you apologize.")


If you do this consistently, then when you do talk people will pay attention, and as a bonus you will be more precise in your communication and less reactionary.


2) Don’t sh!t where you eat.

This usually involves sex, but could also include a multitude of unsavory activities. Mostly it means don’t do things that might effect you negatively close to home. For instance, don’t sleep with the daughter of an important client. Don’t steal from a friend.


3) Don’t mess with the devil in his own backyard.

Don’t get greedy. If the risk is too high, pull out. It is better to make several smaller scores then get busted on one bigger one.


4) The Glass Is.

Aka… Life begins today.


Is the glass half empty or half full? The glass simply is. Play the hand you are dealt. Enjoy life as it is, don’t waste life wishing it were different, or waiting for something to change..


I have a lot of trouble remembering this one.


5) Don’t fxck with trucks.

Aka… Know what battles not to fight.


Sometimes it is better to walk away. Know when a battle is going to cost you more than winning is worth.


6) Never get angry because someone stops doing you a favor.

Aka... Don't take things for granted


Aka... Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


This occurs most often with family, friends and associates. Just because someone has taken it upon themselves to do something repeated, does not give you the right to get upset if they suddenly decide they no longer wish to. For example: the office worker that always brings the donuts, the family member that always sets the table. If they decide not to, do not be angry remember to be grateful for the favor they saw fit to grant for that time period. This extends to larger issues like relationships and Government "entitlements" as well.


It is human nature to feel neglected, slighted or wronged in these situation, but really you are just pissing on the past favors - and if you can manage that mental manipulation you will be much happier and more grateful for what is around.


7) Inflow equals outflow.

Aka… You reap what you sow


Aka… Kindness is it’s own reward


Aka… Kindness begets kindness


Flipside… The downward Spiral


When you are happy with your life, it is easy to eliminate or reduce envy and bitterness. Without envy it is natural to do the little things that promote harmony and peace in those around you. With peace in your environment you will become happy.


The only trick to this cycle is starting the ball rolling. You can do that at any time.


8) The price is the price

Aka… Know your worth.


Set a fair price for your product or service and then strive to produce the best produce or offer the best service, but do not negotiate on the price. If they are not willing to meet the price then your product needs to be improved.


9) Loyalty beyond self

We are lucky if in this world there are one or two people we truly trust at our backs. Treat these people as if they are yourself. When they need you be there even if it is a sacrifice. Be generous; give them the better end of the deal. In life all that really matters is family and friends.


10) Stuff can be replaced.

Aka… Don’t let your stuff rule you


Aka… Your worth is in you.


Nothing you can buy is worth sweating about. If it gets damaged or stolen, no matter what it cost, how hard you worked for it, or how irreplaceable it seems at the moment, it is just stuff. Don’t let your life be dragged down worrying about the state of your stuff. If you lose something, or it is stolen, let it go, don’t waste time dwelling on it.


Money really doesn't buy happiness. Enough money for freedom and security is all you need. Beyond that it can begin to run your life, rather than freeing you to enjoy your life as you want.


This also extends to the idea "Why pay for it twice?" People will buy things and be unhappy with them but still continue to stick with them and use them because they paid for them. In my mind this is paying for something twice, once in cash, and once in unhappiness and inconvenience. Stuff is just stuff, like excess money, it is only as important as the happiness and security it brings. It is not important itself.


11) All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

This is the flipside of ‘Don’t fxck with trucks’. Some battles you have to fight, regardless of the cost, if the result of not fighting the fight reduces the quality of your world and lowers the enjoyment of life for those you care about.


Some people are very unhappy and do what they can to stop those around them from being happy. Do whatever it takes to remove these people from your environment.


12) God is an Iron

Aka… Chance favors the prepared mind.


Aka… What you don’t know can hurt you.


Aka… Prepare for the X-Factor


Aka… The early worm gets eaten by the bird.


Think through conventional wisdom. Everything has a flipside. See things from all angles and plan accordingly. Always, always, always have several contingency plans, as the universe has an infinite number of surprises up its sleeve.


Felons commit felonies. Irons commit ironies. God is an Iron.

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It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.


When in doubt tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends.


I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.

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Illegitimi non carborundum





People gonna make ya wonder if you're right

Keep ya wide awake and worried late at night

Why don't ya tell'em to beat it

Why don't ya tell'em to eat it

Just a bunch of clowns

Don't let'em grind ya down


Sons of *****es, crocodile tears in their eyes

We scare'em shitless just by showin' up alive

Why don't you tell'em to shove it

They might as well love it

Give you runaround

Don't let'em grind ya down


Evil bastards ain't got nothin' else to do

Make your life a misery and put you off your food

Don't you dare to go under

Don't let'em steal your thunder

Listen to the sound

Well let'em grind that down

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Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and SMACK the a$$hole upside the head.


Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.


The things that come to those who wait may be the things left by those who got there first.


Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.

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