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what drives you crazy?

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Individuals that dance around here correcting others grammar.


Surely you meant to type ...


"the grammar of others" :-#




Ya that crap......


Just as a little warning' date=' individuals that continue to walk around here, and feel it's their jobs to correct members, will have their responses deleted.


There is no grammar requirement here[/quote']




It is individuals "who" not "that."




Surf and Blue man you crack me up

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People who power-trip.

People who don't wash their hands.

People who don't appreciate the hard work of others.

People who don't say/act sorry when they know they've done wrong.

Disrespect and abuse towards weaker beings (elderly, children, animals...).


I love having my grammar corrected, btw. I always hit spell check. I re-read what I've written. I feel I owe forum members that bit of respect, especially if I'm going to disagree with some one's opinion.

I admit though, in spoken word, nothing is sexier than the linguistic missteps of a foreigner with an accent.

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People that have no capacity to maintain any type of neutral outlook in life. So over-opinionated that it would hurt to have a change of mind. The people that get offended if anyone has any deviation of thought from their own.

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I really don't like bully's, loud mouths, telemarketers, politicians that lie (all politician's lie), celebrities who think they are above the law, "musicians" and "singers" who think volume can replace practice and talent (shouting and screaming is not singing).

I'm driving down the street listening to the radio and this guy is yelling at me. I don't even know him, I have never met him, why is he yelling at me?

That stuff just drives me up the wall. As soon as a song comes on and someone is screaming, it's off!

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How angry and intolerant we've become.


I'm old enough to remember a time not too many years ago when people would say "Thank You and You're Welcome" to one another. Hold the door open for a complete stranger. Stop your car so someone could back out of a parking space instead of racing behind them because you were in such a hurry.


Just yesterday I watched a young man pull up to a car and roll down his window and scream and threaten the person in the other car for who knows what.


On Black Friday a man punched a woman in the face at our local Walmart. Both laid claim to the last toy this store had in stock.


Are we that out of control?


I am sad for my Grandkids and the world they've been given.





Cookie, you just described New Jersey to a tee, at least my area. Rude, obnoxious, and selfish. I have to agree that people are becoming in hospitable.

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