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How Many Hours a day do you practice?


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Schedule permitting, I generally practice bass for an hour or two per day. I try to sneak another hour, more or less, on guitar when I can and when my hands will let me. But I don't practice for anything other than my own pleasure, no band commitments anymore, so the motivation is often sporadic. [biggrin]

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Other: I don't actually practice, I just play and that's a total of maybe a half an hour to an hour every other day or so during commercials on TV. I live in a small apartment with my girlfriend and, even though I could play in the bedroom, I like to hang in the living room with her. I'm no guitar god though and I'm sure it's due to not having any kind of formal practice routine. I do have band practice one night per week for three hours if that counts for anything.

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Rarely ever practice, though like Rich I'm far from a guitar god.

I just play when I can - sometimes weeks pass by and my guitars stay put away.


If I'm gonna play a set with friends at a gig, I'll get in front of the stereo and run thru as many songs as I can.

Otherwise, I just play to play.

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Depends on what my wife is doing. Sad, I know. On nights where it's just me and the kids, I play for at least 2 hours after they go to bed. 3 hrs band rehersals on Saturdays, 2 hours on Thurs, it amounts to about 1-3/day. Before marriage and kids, it was at least 3 on weekdays and well over 3 on weekend. Man, I miss my college days of no friday classes. I would play from about 8pm Thurs night well into the wee hrs of Friday morning (5-6am).

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Im 46. I dont practice anymore....I noodle. Sitting watching tv' date=' or anytime at all really. Most times im not even plugged in.[/quote']



About the same here too (except I'm 12 years older), I have noticed that it tends to reinforce bad habits so I do try to do some sort of formal practice (scales and stuff) for at least 2 hours a week just to keep from getting too sloppy.

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I try to practice but I end up noodling and trying to come up with riffs, even learning a song bores me sometimes. I put on a backing track or drum loop and hack away.


My wife is a nurse and she works nights, 3 times a week I have the opportunity to plug up and turn it up enough not to bother the neighbors and yet I do not take full advantage of that.


I have been playing my Stratocaster a lot lately, somehow it got me out of a rut. last night I plugged up my LP and it was soul soothing. [angry]

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i don't practice enough lately that's fer sure. as a beginner, i used to practice all day everyday it seems. nowadays, i fit in an average of a half-hour a day just noodling around or playing certain riffs or tunes. sometimes if i'm inspired or i hear something in my head that needs to get out, it'll go for an hour or more....

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