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What's the most bad@$$ thing you've ever done.


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Now, lets see.............


Shoplifted when I was a teen

Lusted after my mate's girlfriend

Got prosecuted for underage drinking.

Smashed bottles on the pavement on the way home from school. (nearly we myself laughing. Dont know why)


That is about as bad as it got.

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Drove my Corvette on the Autobahnen (highway in Germany with no speed limit). Was a dream come true. After about an hour at 130+ miles an hour it seemed as though I was doing 80. I remember passing by miles and miles of fields filled with yellow flowers that I saw in my peripheral vision as a big yellow blur... Was wild!



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I asked the head cheerleader of my highschool out. One of the prettiest girls in school.

She said yes' date=' and we were inseparable for nearly 9 years.

It caused me to drop out of highschool, though.

She was given less of a hard time once I left.


My mom shot my dad after he beat the crap out of her. TRUE STORY.

He was exhausted after pounding her face in, so she got away.

She aimed her Smith & 40 at his head but took only a little piece of ear.

She said she would have put up with it, but because she was pregnant it was unforgivable.

Don't think I'll be topping THAT any time soon.[/quote']


Damn,you're a gutsy chic Iz.

I've lusted after girls like you but...


My up-bringing weren't that different to yours really...I guess that's where music walks in the door huh.Did fer me.

Won't go into bad things here but I know what yer talkin' 'bout. Sounds like you do too...Anyways...:-$

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I withstood the infamous "LOOK" from my wife for almost 5 seconds before having to turn away. If you have ever had to suffer the "LOOK", you know - I must be the man!


That tops the time I slapped a female grizzly bear and had my way with her while her cubs watched. (Hence, the "LOOK" I got from my wife.) She was not happy but the grizz was...



Seems we all lived on the edge once or twice.

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Lots of "******" stories here. "Badass" should be qualified as something that was out of the ordinary for you or really lucky and you were proud of.


Thats not to say this thread hasn't been entertaining. [crying]


I'm with you on the entertaining aspect; great tales! But as for real badass, I'm fairly certain I'm not the only one disinclined to talking about what a badass I've been at some time or another. Leave that to the young lions.


Truth is, if you've been to the wall (whatever it may be), you don't have to ask for such stories. And, if you haven't, you wouldn't understand them anyway...not the real ones.

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Izzy... yupper, may you never have to try to top your Mom on that story.


I've done lots of cop rides out here and my personal rule is that I'll do anything to help except get out of the car on a DV all. I lack the courage for it. One defense tactics student of mine years ago told me of an almost indefensible situation where boiling water was poured out onto him, for example. Nope. Not for me.


I played in a band once where this one guy was married to a gorgeous woman who was some older than him and very, very jealous. He didn't even have to do anything to get her temper going. One band practice nite he just barely got out ahead of a bullet and we were practicing next door at his brother's. Made me think a bit.



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Izzy you had me at Cheerleader!


Im sorry about the other story though....it must have been terrible.



Aw, thanks for the hugs. Really though, is was okay.

I was in her belly so it really didn't affect me.

Just taught me what not to put up with ^.^

...and not to date Latin women >.>


This is a FUN thread, thanks for sharing, ya'll.

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True Story: I was the only non ethnic comedian on stage at an all ethnic gig. There was a packed house, about 450 folks from various ethnicities, I walk on the stage and had 900 eyes look at me like, what the hell?


My white boy jokes didn't go over and was actually BOOED off the stage after about 20 minutes. My agent at the time told me it was "a mix up."


Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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True Story: I was the only non ethnic comedian on stage at an all ethnic gig. There was a packed house' date=' about 450 folks from various ethnicities, I walk on the stage and had 900 eyes look at me like, what the hell?


My white boy jokes didn't go over and was actually BOOED off the stage after about 20 minutes. My agent at the time told me it was "a mix up."


Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.







Could you define "non ethnic" for me? I'm white and I'm ethnic...I don't get that whole thing, like someone decided white people have no ethnic background? Did we just fall out of the sky?

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Awwwwwww...... C'mon, we gotta get modern on that stuff.


Even in South Dakota we've traditionally got two "racial groups." Here you're "Indin" or "Nonindin."


Seriously. A buddy who was dark-skinned "African American" clarinet player (masters in music ed) and I used to joke that only in South Dakota could we be the same "race" - the one spelled "Nonindin." That was well over 30 years ago.


Actually, I never was that sure about clarinet players, but he taught me some non-music skills and I taught him a bit of guitar. I s'pose clarinet players are sorta okay. Maybe. So I just considered him a guitar picker with an odd hobby.


Where I am now you're never quite sure of the pedigree of folks around you. So everybody just insults everybody else in a general sense. If you think I'm kidding, you should hear what it's like behind the chutes at a rodeo at times.


Then everybody pitches in to help everybody else.


City folks wonder why I like it here? Sheesh.



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