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Things you wished you'd never seen.


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Coming home from work the other day I noticed traffic was very slow near the rural area that I live in and as I came up on a couple of pulled over vehicles I saw the worst thing I have ever seen, a human body in the middle of a 65mph hwy. laying there lifeless and completely broken up...This happened on Wednesday and i still cant shake it. The worst thing is right next to the guy was a plastic lid from a coleman lunch cooler...after reading and watching the news. It appears that the guy went into the lane trying to get it and was hit by a truck. So please anyone who is reading this Don't make the same mistake! if something comes out of your car or truck leave it!...it's not worth it.


This is what i witnessed:


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Years ago I saw a co-worker laying dead on a stretcher after he had a heart attack. He was bloated and purple. I also saw my mother in a hospital room in the same condition. The doctors were trying to revive her' date=' but to no avail...[/quote']


Sorry to hear that LPguitarman. I can't even imagine if someone in my family went thought that or what i saw on Wed. afternoon.


On a positive note...Seeing this has made me appreciate things a lot more...crap.. I even hugged my cat when i got home that day [blink]

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In my line of work I have seen hundreds of things I wouldn't wanna see again... Some real ugly 5hit....


The worst thing I have seen involves a photograph taken during the second world war with a German soldier and a little jewish kid... It doesnt even bare a mention whats going on in it...



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About 13 years ago I went to a work dinner party at a restaurant (with an amazing view over the South China Sea). I was sitting next to a beautful Japanese girl (I had worked with her for some years) and was talking to her about my band and rock music for most of the evening. We later went back to her house for more drinks. The following day she drove to work, hit a tree and died. I paid my final respects to her (which is a Japanese tradition) and stood by her dead body which was resting on a slab on concret. She was badly beaten up and the floor was covered in her blood. [cool]

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Simon, I know you see some nasty stuff. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but I'm glad we have folks like you to deal with it. A friend used to do EMT for the county and said his worst call was a man who'd been patching his roof and pulled a tarpot over on himself as he was climbing the ladder. I don't need to tell you.


I saw all the ugly sh#t I ever wanted to see 40+ years ago. I can't even think about that stuff now.


I'm gonna say it right now, my deepest respects to folks like Flight and everyone else in law enforcement and fire and medical services. What they go through on a daily basis would make me crazy. [cool]

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Well not in the topic of dead bodies but.


I was driving to NH about a month ago and we drove past this 16 wheeler. It was legitimatley melted, It was malformed. I hope the driver got out ok. I hope to never see something of that sort again.

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Very ugly scene' date=' Diatonic, sorry you had to see it. Stuff like that is hard to get outta your head. Most of us aren't accustomed to witnessing such violence and trauma.


But it's also a learning experience, however unpleasant. Peace.[/quote']


Thanks a lot Cruznolfart.


I guess i should feel a little lucky, as if i were even 2 minutes early i may have been the one to hit him!...imagine what the guy driving the truck is going though right now [cool]

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Simon' date=' I know you see some nasty stuff. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but I'm glad we have folks like you to deal with it. A friend used to do EMT for the county and said his worst call was a man who'd been patching his roof and pulled a tarpot over on himself as he was climbing the ladder. I don't need to tell you.


I saw all the ugly sh#t I ever wanted to see 40+ years ago. I can't even think about that stuff now.


I'm gonna say it right now, my deepest respects to folks like Flight and everyone else in law enforcement and fire and medical services. What they go through on a daily basis would make me crazy. [cool


Absolutely Cruz. +1000.


I'm probably in a silent majority here who are, to date, fortunate enough never to have witnessed such a thing. And I'm in no hurry to do so really.


More power to your elbows chaps.

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Thanks Cruz,


To be honest you kinda get used to it... I see some real strange 5hit too. I have witnesses a four year old child fall head first from a fourth floor window and land face first on a grass verge. The boy never had a scratch on him.... (Miricle)His mum thought it be ok to leave him in the house alone playing on a trampoline next to a low sash open window...


It kinda sounds off, but you have to learn to laugh at others regardless of how sad because if you dont you will break and end up having a heap load of your own problems... Its not sick its just the nature of the beast...




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Several years ago I was sitting in a FARP (Forward Area Refueling Point) waiting for a Blackhawk to finish getting gas. As they finished up, they began to load their passengers for takeoff. As they were doing this, one of the passengers walked straight into the rotor blades. I watched as his head exploded and his body convulse upright for 5 or 6 seconds before the decapitated body collapsed.

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10+ years in law enforcement and swat team assignment so you can imagine. suicides are always bad for some reason first Time I ever saw a person hang themselves I was surprised and I still have nightmares about a beautiful young woman who set in a tub to be clean and slashed her wrists.


Such a waste hard to accept.

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Cop's, firemen, and EMT see the worse stuff every day, I'm not just talking about seeing dead people. My dad was a cop for 30 + years, started in 1954, before his death I finally talked him into relaying some of the stuff he saw.

I won't go into details, but if you like Lecter Hanibal this would be right up your alley.

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In india..I see many dead!

A bus hit a truck on The road of Death

14 Dead tourists..Drivers Face was a pancake...His brain flooped out...and was lying 2 meters after his Flat Head

Tourists where lying dead.all around Everyone sitting on the left..got ripped in Half By the truck Who openeded the bus like a sardinecan....I saw this german girl..Eyes wide open..dead..lying on the road..Her Boyfriend in Shock....Ambulances do not excist!And I missed this Bus due to a malariaattack!I love Malaria!

Oh Saw 2 people burning alive in a car...They still move after dead!

Coudn't get them out!

Then.;some maniac trew a handgranate in a nightclub in Phom penh...ect..ect..

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