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thats how i feel about PRS.


Same here, I see PRSs and my mind drifts off and wonder what is playing on TV...or why the rabbit that used to hang out on my yard hasn't come back around...or how I can get rid of the moles that are destroying my backyard.


See, it is happening right now.

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Play whatever you like. I go through periods of time where I latch on to a particular guitar for a while then latch on to another one; sometimes it's a Gibson, sometimes it's something else. I have several very nice guitars to chose from.


While I like Gibsons a lot, I really don't have loyalty to any one brand of guitar; whatever works. Currently, what's really working for me is the Peavey Vandenberg I bought from AXE a few weeks ago and I'm loving it with my band. That's right - a PEAVEY, *****es!

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The only brands I know of that I've never been interested in at all (meaning none of their models have interested me) have been Michael Kelly, ESP, Lace, and Schecter.


Right now a Hagstrom Viking, or one of those Ampeg/Dan Armstrong lucite guitars, or a Gretsch Duo Jet, or an Ibanez RG3550MZ, or a PRS Mira X, or a Dean (yes, I said Dean) Cadillac, or a Fender American Mahogany Special Strat, or a Gibson Les Paul Traditional would make me very, very happy. All different guitars, all different brands, all (in my eyes) worth owning.


So no, there's nothing wrong with owning different brands.

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I too, haven't played much other than my Telecaster, in the recent past. I love ALL my guitars,

truly...but, there's just something about my Telecaster, that's really hard to beat! It can do

twangy, sure...but, fat and cutting, at the same time. I did put a 4-way switch in it, and that

added another tonal option. I know some folks, don't like Fender's scale, but I've never had

any problem, going back and forth...Gibson to Fender. etc.



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I have to agree with you especially when you consider the price of gibsons.


I mean you can buy an equally well built Epiphone for less money. Sure you may need to swap out a few electronic parts but that is still cheaper than a gibson. You are only paying for the Gibson name.


If Jimmy Page, Billy Gibbons, Slash, and Bucket Head played Epiphones then their value and price would go up.

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I love my Gretsch 6120 Nashville and my Gibsons (LP Studio and ES-335) more than my Strat (that I just switched out new pups in, and I like much better than the stock pups).


But I'm pissed at Gibson for what they charge and for the many guitars had to go through to find one with the fewest flaws.

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I do know how you feel though. After playing a zillion (seems like it was that many) PRS guitars I started GASing for one big time. This brought my Gibson GAS level down. I even started checking out another forum. In fact I almost joined it because I kept seeing this "Are Nine" guy over there (he he he). I can't wait for my PRS to come in, but Gibson will always hold a place in my heart. Even while I was checking out PRS guitars I always went to look at the Gibson's first.

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it's perfectly natural to feel that way. Sometimes people change. It's all right to feel estrangement. People grow apart. Your tastes change. What once may have been the object of your desires may no longer interest you. The flame dwindles and dies.

Take heart though, there's someone out there who will show that Les Paul the same love and adoration you once showed it. It will one day be held in awe and fascination, placed high upon a pedestal as the object of their worship.

You only need to let it go.

Send it to me.

I'll make sure she is well loved and cared for.

Your feelings will fade soon enough.

But rest assured, she will be in good hands and played with the utmost of passion and affection.



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Sometimes I think 98 percent of what "brand" has to do with the neck if you're a real picker, and with the looks and neck if you're still working at it.


I don't gas over Fenders, although I would like to get the Tele sound, because frankly the necks don't fit me.



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