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I Like Mine....


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Lotta Gibson bashin' here lately.


I've bought 3 new ones in the last 18 months, an ES-339, and 2 Les Paul Studios, (one for my daughter, a Fireburst) and they are all perfect. I did have to send the first Fireburst back for a flaw in the rosewood board, but it was replaced quickly, and without question.


I had a Strat in the '90's with clear coat flaking off the neck in hunks. It would actually cut your hand. It was American.


I don't have much interest in the way Companies do business, if they own the business.


But I do tend to prefer Gibson guitars above others.


Best to ya.

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I like mine too.


But even back when I joined the forum I stated that nearly 50 passed through my hands before deciding on my two Lesters.


I got lucky with the Firebird only took 3.


The J-185ec. Maybe 15.


The Explorer. It could have been a turd and I'd of bought it.

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Cant argue here. I was suprised by the level of agro recently towards Gibson. Maybe it is the dealer or maybe its where they send them? I dont know, maybe I cant tell the difference? I admit I have played a few very bad ones, but the rest just seem to be personal preference.


I am very happy with each Gibson i have bought since 2000 - all new ones.

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I have to agree with AXE® here I also went through a lot to find a good one.

If you go to the LP or SG forum everyday there are new problems. Murph how many

did you try before you got the right one. I'm starting to wonder how many would

know if they got a good guitar or not. All my that friends that play all noticed this and

it's a common topic. Like it's been said before with the amount of money they charge

there shouldn't be any. With all the M&P's dropping Gibson for us in the midwest it

will be a 4 hour drive just to see one. How smart is that. Locate the product away from

the customer . Brilliant just brilliant.



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Honestly. Would you have purchased them if you didn't like them?


Pretty much a no brainer here.


How many folks would chime in saying I spent a pile of money on a guitar that blows.


Oh wait. It happens all the time.

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I do like mine. Quality is good, sounds great, plays great, I can't complain.


I want a different sound, but I highly doubt I will ever get rid of my Les Paul. With Gibson cranking out so many guitars, and so many different types so fast, I don't know. I have played some real lemons, but most of the time, they were great.


PRS' are cool, but for some reason, I can't really connect with them. Like Jack White said, "I want it to be a struggle." To a point, I agree, I don't want it to be impossible, but I don't want it to be easy. Through my struggles, is when I have found my best riffs, songs, playing, etc.

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I bought my first LP in 2007 off the wall at Guitar Center... I had no idea what a good one or bad one was. I just liked the look (cherry burst plain top) and it was a Les Paul. Not too long after that I got my Robot 1st addition. What a difference in feel sound and playability. It was like night and day... The Robot just sounded great, no buzz, low action, the whole guitar resonated when playing a chord. In comparison the cherry burst sounded dead, action wasn't that great and nothing resonated. I started playing with the set up myself and was able to put some life into it but it still doesn't even come close to the Robot... Just about all my other Gibbies needed a set up after getting them home. I just figured it was a way Gibson let their distributors make a little extra money doing set ups... Glad I learned to do it myself....

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I am pretty sure Murph knows.


How do you know if you did?


I guess 42 years of playing would give me that info. I jam with one of the

best guitar techs in my area and I'm constantly learning from him. Boy does

he have stories to tell. I said that also because I deal with kids I teach and they

all thought they had good playing guitars until they played one of mine and then

they all say the same thing. Why doesn't mine play like that. How many years

you been playing and do you teach?



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You can fix a "flaw" on a Gibson or keep on looking for one without' date=' how do you fix the ugly *** headstock on a PRS?[/quote']


Yeah, I know. My friend has one and it sounds great, plays great, but I just don't get that 'vibe' from it. The headstock is butt ugly, I don't like quilted or flamed tops for some reason.


They are great guitars, I can't bash 'em quality wise even on the Korean made ones. I don't know if I will own one though

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I am sure you didn't need 42 years of playing to know what a good guitar is.

Your right on that. It's like Dave said you have to play some good guitars first so you know

whats good. Experience is the best teacher like in everything else also variety so you know

what the other brands have to offer. The first good guitar I played was a guy that has a 59

Double Cut JR. LP that he still has. Most people do like Dave did on his first guitar luckily he

learned right away the difference. It's like any thing you do you need to surround yourself with people that

know to learn anything worth while. Oh all my student know what a good guitar plays like and

most have replaced what they had or had them set up. My friend is good enough to go over every thing

he does to their guitars so they learn.



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I hear you, personally I do not think there are 9 bad Gibsons out of 10 out there. Not my experience, I do have to say when I see a Gibson that is not to par I do remember it more than the other 9 that were fine.


The thing is I do not see any guitar company destroying a guitar after it is finished because it isn't as resonant as it should be according to somebody. All guitars made out of wood are different from each other that's a fact.

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I hear you' date=' personally I do not think there are 9 bad Gibsons out of 10 out there. Not my experience, I do have to say when I see a Gibson that is not to par I do remember it more than the other 9 that were fine.


The thing is I do not see any guitar company destroying a guitar after it is finished because it isn't as resonant as it should be according to somebody. All guitars made out of wood are different from each other that's a fact.[/quote']


I agree 9 out 10 aren't bad they wouldn't be in existence. Lets just say there are more than there

should be. Have I ever bought a bad guitar. Unfortunately yes. After playing my friends 59 Jr.

I bought a 57 Jr. LP Single cut. The previsous owner had stripped the finish and it was stain walnut.

It had the smaller frets and for the longest time I kept playing it. I hated the P90 it fed back terrible

through my Ampeg V-4 so I put a mine hb in it. It sounded good but it still didn't play good because

of the frets. Funny thing is I thought it played great. Then the big awakening. They got one of the

Rocket Roll Ibanez V's in that put the jr to same. It was traded that day. Do I regret getting rid of the

the Jr. no. It didn't play good. I also bought a 55-75 Special and that played good when the neck would

stay straight but it twisted all the time. Down the road it went. My students by guitars for 2 reasons.

There hero played one or they just like the color. They are trusting the company to have made a good. Saddly

in many cases that not so. The big thing for me and Gibson is they are making it so you can't just jump in

the car and run down and try a new model out. If I lived where I did it would be a 4 to 5 hour drive one way.

The local mom and pop I go to I now everyone and get treated like a king. They are always happy to see me

and I get great deals on everything. They sell Fender, PRS, Guild, Gretsch,Grodin, and a bunch others. They are

thiinking of getting rid of the Gibsons because of the problems. They don't destroy the guitars that don't

resonate as well because someone will not know that or they are buying like I said above hero or pretty.



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I like mine, too. I did have to look at and turn down a couple of R8s before I found the one I really liked. The first one was a beautiful guitar, but not the finish that I had ordered. The second one had a little bit of curdling of the finish up next to the neck. The third one was (and is) perfect.


My most recent Gibson purchase was an '07 LP Studio I picked up at GC. It's the only guitar I've ever bought at GC. I know that, in general here in the Lounge, GC seems to have a bad rep, and perhaps, sometimes, deservedly so, but they did me right on my Studio purchase.


It takes a little bit of looking around to find good lefties, but here's what I got:

'91 Gibson LP Standard. Bought off the wall at a music store in KC in '92. A friend up there facilitated the deal.

'98 R8. Bought over the phone from Ronn David's Vintaqe World, New Jersey, in '98. He shipped me two before I got the one I liked. It was worth the effort.

'99 SG Standard w/Bigsby. Bought used in '05. I found it on e-Bay, crossed my fingers, and went for it. It's a little beat up, but all in one piece.

'07 ES335. Bought it over the phone from Southpaw Guitars in Houston in '07.

'07 LP Studio. Bought at the local GC in '09.


They're all great guitars.





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In 1964 it took me one hour to find and decide.


In 2006 it took one year.


I like my Gibsons. But, I like all my guitars. That is why I bought them.


Seems the way to go about it.

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IF one has the luxury, of going through a LOT of guitars, to find that "special" one,

that's Great! I, however, have never really had that, being as isolated here, from any

real music stores, to make those kinds of comparisons. So, I've gotten "used to,"

my guitars, and their idiosyncrasies...and, I still Love 'em ALL. As long as they've been

structurally sound, and without "defects"...they've usually been "keepers." I did spend

several months, finding my LP Classic, but that was more the kind of top, and color...

than anything else. I can (and do) get used to whatever neck, they have...and my

guitars run the gamut, in neck shapes and sizes. So...???



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