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I voted no and that it's a scam - I voted that way because of %'s - I feel some chiropractors are excellent and truly work miracles if you need their specific care but so many others and sadly probably the majority are in it only for the money. If you find the right one who is willing to do the corrections needed in a conscientious manner and nothing else than go for it.


I always worry though that a high school diploma and 2 years of night school and you can be a air conditioning repairmen or a Chiropractic doctor...




Kind of a long story but explains some of my lack of my lack of belief in chiropractic providers. seperated so don't read it if you don't care.


About ten years ago I had a real nightmare experience with a local chiropractic doctor (using the term they use not mine) it was so bad I made a formal complaint on one and testified in a mediation hearing and in front of a board to pull a crooks licenses after a obvious scam artist showed me how I needed to see him four times a week to repair a crooked spine after I went to him to have some manipulations done on a old damaged shoulder.


This crook showed me four x-rays of my back. I politely advised him that the x-rays were not me and that I was not interested in any manipulation of my back because of known issues but only a couple treatments for shoulder work to loosen some old scarring, he started in on me yelling in front of a full office and telling me that he was a doctor (not true) and I should never challenge him on treatments - I politely got up told him he was full of **** and left thinking I would never hear anything again and happy about it.


I got a bill through my insurance provider for $800 worth of full x-ray work and $2100 for 20 visit's and treatments. I formally challenged it and he fought it trying to get paid all the way to a formal mediation hearing with the insurance provider and me saying that he charged by the month for managed care and it was not his fault if I didn't show up for the agreed upon treatments, in the hearing I told the mediation officer that I had never gotten any treatments of any kind as I did not trust the doctor and that he only action taken was a single x-ray and that the film he showed me wasn't even me and that he had never touched me let alone done treatments and that I had not signed anything and that he was wrong. The clown interrupted me and pulled out 14 large x-rays and started explaining all he had done for me and why 800 dollars in x-rays were cheap blah blah blah, I just chuckled and shook my head the mediator asked me what I thought was so funny and I handed him a real x-ray of my back showing two large metal appliances and 12 screws in my lower back from three surgeries that miraculously were not in the chiropractor's x-rays at all (he said it wasn't me and his x-rays were my back) I then just lifted my shirt showing the scars proving that this clown had never even taken a x-ray let alone 14 and that he was using a standard set of x-rays for all patients.


The insurance company didn't pay for me or any other patient's and a hearing was set for the guy's license they made a printed report of my statement for a hearing but the Chiropractor decided to move to another state so his license was pulled for AZ when he didn't show up, so who knows where he went probably still practicing and still likely using the same set of x-rays.

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Like any other Dr. you have to check them out before you go to one. I have found a few good Chiropractors, I will not let them twist my neck, if they claim they can cure the flu or a cold by adjusting your back...run!

But if you find a good one they are life savers for those of us who have bad backs.

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Saved my back. Being a professor I have access to some of the best back specialists out there. When I had lower back issues they gave me the standard treatment of drugs followed by physical therapy. It helped but didn't solve my problem. The doctor told me that my right hip is smaller than my left, which caused my muscles to pull. Biking 30 some miles 3-4 times a week without stretching caught up to me.


After I wasn't getting better he suggested I see a chiropractor. Now I feel great. I also do a lot of yoga. Stretching is a must, but I also follow it with back strengthening.

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I used one for a back thing for a few weeks, I liked it and it helped somewhat, but one day she

said I should bring in my 6 month old daughter in for an adjustment.


I told that to our pediatrician and he called some medical board, she was out of business about

1 year later.


Like all other trades there are some good ones and some bad ones.

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When my back gets bad, I go to a chiropractor......one trip doesnt' fix it but multiple visits sort things out for a while. It's a temp fix...but its a fix nonetheless. First step is fixing your bad posture. Then stretching and strengthening as rocketman said....

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I've never had my chiro adjust my neck...just my back.....


I am typically a skeptic though...but my dad has been with this chiro for many years and has avoided several big surgeries by seeing him as Axe mentioned earlier. (About himself.....are you my dad Axe!?!?!)

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I have some friends who are experienced and bright people and are practicing chiropractors. They do, I believe, truly care about their patients' welfare.


However, I know also that chiropractic schools also discuss "business" as most are in private "storefront" practice.


In spite of friends in the business whom I trust, I have never visited one professionally.


OTOH, I have several times had friends who were "doctors of osteopathy," with the letters D.O. after their names, who were apparently known by the medical community as excellent general physicians. Their training traditionally has included some of the "spine" things. I'm not certain about that training today.



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In general it is a scam.


I have been to a few, some much better than others, problem is the system is broken when you have insurance.


They can make you feel better and take 2 seconds more on each adjustment, fair when you wait 20 minutes to get in when you have an appointment.


They don't fix you when you have insurance, when the insurance company approves 20 visits for the year, they will not make you feel better any sooner because they get to bill 20 visits, why would they try and fix you on 10?


You want back help? TRY YOGA!! it is free and works.


I wish I knew a good chiro as a personal friend, that way I could tell him not to **** around and simply do what he is supposed to do.

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Saved my job and $30' date='000 in surgery bills.[/quote']

I agree with Axe in my particular case.


In my early 20's I had no health insurance and was traveling job to job as a crane operator.

Back troubles had brought me all but to my knees.

The therapy used to get my back to function again was a life-saver for me.


What I did out of desperation actually worked pretty well.





About the time I had decided that not all Quackopractors were crooks, I met a woman who convinced me otherwise with a story like Retro's. It was criminal - literally.


Over the years, I've seen some terrible stories unfold in that same fashion.



My vote?

They suck, unless you find a good honest one.

Good luck with that....

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My guy actually saved my fathers life.


Dad was having some lower back discomfort so he went and payed a visit to my guy.


Pops was in his late 70s' at the time so X-Rays were a must.


He saw an extremely enlarged Aortic Artery which could have burst and sent ole dad to a very uncomfortable death.


He immediately contacted my dads cardiologist and made arrangements for a emergency surgery.


Oddly enough several years later dads stint got bent/damaged while he was using a chainsaw.


The outpatient surgery to repair the stint, killed him.


In at 09:00 and was to be released at 16:30. He never made it home.


Chiropractor - 1


Surgeon - 0

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I recommend going to a physical fitness center and aquiring a physical therapist. They can manipulate the spine and instruct you in daily stretching regimens that will keep your back in alignment. I've only been manipulated once and the stretching has kept me straight. I blew 3 disks simultaneously in my back in 2006 and chose this as an alternative to surgery.

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Just as in any profession, some chiro's are better than others. I have been helped by some. The ones than have helped will know my back is messed up just by feeling the vertebrae. Be wary of those doc's that ask the question, "How's the back been?" It's obviously best to be up-front with your doc; but I think if you give some of them any hint that you have an issue(s); you can bet you'll be back in a week, or more, for additional "adjustments". I understand that if you are out of alignment, it won't be fixed in one session. All I'm saying is that IMO, ask your friends to get a referral to the good docs.

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