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Single pedals vs. 'all-in-one' board....


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Hi guys,


so my dad is off to the states next week and i have been considering switching over to single pedals rather than using my boss me-20 which is one of those all in one pieces....


all i use off the me-20 is the tuner, wah, distortion and EQ.

So i have looked at picking up a dunlop crybaby original, MXR distortion+ and MXR 6 band eq, and thne just using a normal tuner....


what you guys think? better off keeping my me-20 or should i go for the single pedal?


feedback very much appreciated,





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i just sold my digitech rp350 on ebay, i'm a single pedal guy now and that multi effects has just been sittin in the corner gathering dust...


single all the way, and i'll let you into a little secret...the boss ns2 noise supressor is the best thing since les paul teamed up with gibson [lol]

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I prefer single pedals.


I think if your amp has an effects loop it sounds better to run certain effects thru the loop - delay, reverb for example.


Others sound better and are built to be used before the pre-amp section of your amp - tube screamer, distortion for example.


When you have a single pedal you cannot separate the pedals that way. You have to run them all thru the loop or all in front of the amp.

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It depends on what you play.


If you rock out modern covers and need to nail multiple guitarists' sounds, an all in one unit is probably what you want. All in one units are also good if you want all sounds at your feet and don't care if it is generic.


For me, I am a single pedal guy. I like the unique sounds of individual pedals, especially older ones like my Mosrite Fuzzrite or my pre Dunlop Phase90. I also like the characteristics of analog fx which you won't get with an all in one unit.

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I'd say try as many of the single pedals, as you can, and see if any do something

more for you, than what you have, already. Are you playing "out" in venues, or

for people...or just in your room, etc.? Is that Marshall in your avatar, your amp,

or a "dream?" The problem with "pedals," is they can become "addicting," always

looking for the next or "Best" tone. Most of that, comes from you, a good guitar,

and a good/great amp. Have you tried the pedals, you've mentioned, and like them,

better than what you have? I've played gigs, with a borrowed Boss ME-20, and it was

just fine, handled everything that "I" needed! But, I'm not a "pedal freak"(at All), either.



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charlie brown, yes that marshall in ym avatar is sitting next to me and i type, and no i havent tried any of these pedals just watched all the videos on youtube as i can.... after working it out the state tax in texas means i need to pay around $18 tax on those three pedals when i could just go down to a local store where i will be able to try the pedals out and maybe even pickup some freebies.....


my amp can hit the metal tones i sometimes like to switch to, rock/punk tones i use out on stage with my band and the laid back classic rock and blues tones i use in the bedroom, i just want to pedals to really bring these tones to how i think they should sound.... the wah for solos, distortion for an added boost, eq to tweek the lows mids and highs to where i think they should be.


thanks for feedback much appreciated [lol]

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wow....am i the only one here that uses a multi effect pedal?? I have a GT-10' date=' but only use it in my studio. Gives you lots of options when recording, but that's just me i guess.[/quote']


welcome to the forum, is the lp in your avater yours?...very nice colour/top [lol]

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yeppers....that's my baby in my avatar. I've had it a little over a year. Just took it in for a tune up today and no matter what the tech did, there's still a slight frett buzz on the low E string. you can only hear it when playing unplugged, but it still makes me cringe. Anyway, Thanks!!!

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If that's really all the effects you use, then sure, single pedals.


I moved the other direction, to a Boss GT-6 that I love, because settings for any effect I use (chorus, OD, delay mostly) will change from song to song. (and that's before trying to cover someone else). Being able to store settings for a song and simply stomp once instead of twiddling every time I play it = priceless.


Especially since my memory sucks. "Now where did I have the gain for that solo?"


Having things pre-set also cuts down on the number of times I step on the "suck" pedal... turning the OD off, instead of the delay on, etc...


And finally, having most any other effect there when I want it freed me from the powerful oh-so-fun addiction of "just one more" pedal. =)

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I like both. I have a pedalboard of all individual stomps, then I have a pedalboard the utilizes a Line 6 M13 (which can be setup to run clean FX in your amp's FX loop as well as send FX to the front of the amp) along with some individual stomps.


I also used to run a Boss GT-8 and it worked out great for me as well. Plus an integrated multifx unit I've found can run cleaner and quieter than a bunch of individual stomps.


I think there is a place for both. I'm a pedal collector, I love stomp boxes, so I will never stop having them but I also appreciate a good multifx floor unit.


We're playing over in Germany this November (my first time playing in Europe) and I picked up an ME-25 to use as it is small (will fit in my carry-on) has the basics of what I'll need to use with whatever backline is provided and it runs on BATTERIES so I don't have to screw with any power converting stuff. Because it's an integrated multifx, I don't have to bring multiple pedals, patch cables or a larger pedalboard that I would have to baggage check.

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Thanks, Larsson...I was just trying to find out, a bit more, of what you did, musically, and what you were after?

I can get 99% of the tone "I" want, from my guitar(s) and amps (Fender or Marshall). The Wah-Wah comes

in handy, when needed. Anything else, would be for a very specific sound/application, that a song might

require. I DO use a Compressor/Sustainer, for my Ric 12-string, as it really adds, to that particular sound.

But, yeah...try a bunch of them out, prior to your Dad's trip, and see if you really want, something else, or it's

just a curiosity? (Smile) As I remember, that ME-20 was a pretty good little "all in one," without a lot of

the added "Stuff" that most might never use. But, again...I'm conservative, that way. ;>)



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really appreciate these comments guys!


i will go ahead and try a bunch on stompboxes out, as well as a few les pauls standards and customs :- and a yngwie malmsteen start while im at it ^^, before my dad goes and hopefully find out if i want them or if its just gas for something new :-

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Okay, I have a somewhat "old" <grin> Zoom 707II.


I bought it because:


1. I can set it to thicken the sound of light strings on a jazz-type guitar. Different settings work with several of my guitars but get more or less what I want with several instruments.


2. It has a built-in tuner.


3. It can be used as a volume pedal.


Reasons 1 and 2 remain valid. Never use the thing as a volume pedal. I still have one of those from the 70s and never used it, either.


Frankly I like any "pedal" except my other one - a boss Leslie emulator when I wanna pretend I'm playing a B3 'stedda a six-string - simply to accentuate what I want in terms of guitar sound anyway as opposed to intentional distortion.


So perhaps my opinion here doesn't count. <grin>



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Single Pedals for me. All you need is a Distortion, Overdrive, Chorus, Flanger, Wah, and Delay and of course good amp. I can nail any Cover Tune with those 6 pedals. Actually I'm only running 5 right now, I can't get into delays.

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Although single pedals do sound better, and like someone else noted, certain effects sound better in the loop and others before the input, I found the compromise of a Boss ME-50 the most practical. The Boss was the least "digital" sounding multi-effects pedal to me.


I mainly use my amps channels for clean vs. dirty tones and use the ME50 for chorus, delay, flanger, wah etc. I even got rid of my Dunlop Crybaby even though it sounded better than the "Expression Pedal" on the Boss. The convenience of the multi-effects far outweighs the slight difference in tone IMO.

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Although single pedals do sound better' date=' and like someone else noted, certain effects sound better in the loop and others before the input, I found the compromise of a Boss ME-50 the most practical. The Boss was the least "digital" sounding multi-effects pedal to me.


I mainly use my amps channels for clean vs. dirty tones and use the ME50 for chorus, delay, flanger, wah etc. I even got rid of my Dunlop Crybaby even though it sounded better than the "Expression Pedal" on the Boss. The convenience of the multi-effects far outweighs the slight difference in tone IMO. [/quote']



Hey Saturn I have a ME-50 too... I think it sounds pretty good and set up time is nothing... Just curious are you saying you run the ME-50 in your FX loop of your amp? I use mine on the front end.... Guitar--->ME -50--->Amp input I'm not using the loop for anything right now...

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I prefer single pedals.


I think if your amp has an effects loop it sounds better to run certain effects thru the loop - delay' date=' reverb for example.


Others sound better and are built to be used before the pre-amp section of your amp - tube screamer, distortion for example.


When you have a single pedal you cannot separate the pedals that way. You have to run them all thru the loop or all in front of the amp.[/quote']



You need to check out the DigiTech RP1000, it connects to both the front and loop of the amp and will route the effects as you stated, it also has a loop of it's own to add other stomp boxes.



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