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How many of you own a 3D tv?


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I have sold and installed maybe 2 dozen, but personally I am not a fan. The sets can only use proprietary glasses

and need to use batteries and are expensive. Biggest problem is content and it gives me a headache.

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I actually got a TV a few months back that has 3D glasses and a plug in of some kind for the goggles and headphones ? Honestly never even tried it, all I did was turn the 3D and all the other fancy stuff off. A 60 inch flat screen is enough for me I don't need 3D on a TV.


It came with one pair of the goggles or glasses apparently a second pair is $150 or something silly like that.

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...Plus I mostly watch cartoons (South Park and Adult Swim). Those don't need to be hi-res.


Nor 3D!


The boss of Formula 1 motor racing, Bernie Ecclestone, had a 3D TV demonstration at the Montreal Grand Prix this past weekend with views on selling the commercial rights. Even HE was forced to admit it was more like 1-and-a-half D!

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7 Grand? Pass. Besides Blu-Ray players launched at 1000$ and now you can get them for a song. Here's an interesting fact about 3D tv right now;


"Among the limitations placed on the use of a 3D TV set include:


"Children and teenagers may be more susceptible to health issues associated with viewing in 3D and should be closely supervised when viewing these images. Children under the age of six should not view 3D TV."


"Pregnant women, the elderly, sufferers of serious medical conditions, those who are sleep deprived or under the influence of alcohol should avoid utilising the unit's 3D functionality."


"Viewing 3D television may also cause motion sickness, perceptual after effects, disorientation, eye strain and decreased postural stability. It is recommended that users take frequent breaks to lessen the potential of these effects. If your eyes show signs of fatigue or dryness or if you have any of the above symptoms, immediately discontinue use of this device and do not resume using it for at least thirty minutes after the symptoms have subsided."


"Watching TV while wearing 3D glasses for an extended period of time may cause a headache or fatigue. If you experience a headache, fatigue or dizziness, stop viewing TV and rest."


So kids under 6 are out. Anyone drinking is out. Pregnant women are out, as are the elderly. Anyone playing for extended periods needs to take frequent breaks. It can cause headaches and dizziness."


Thanks to Kotaku.com for that http://kotaku.com/5515718/3d-tv-sets-arent-great-for-drinkers-kids-pregnant-women-or-the-elderly


Maybe in a few years I'll look into one that hopefully doesn't use glasses at all let alone ones that cost over 150$ each let alone any glasses at all.

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The older folk will know here, that 3D is a fad that comes every decade - for a few months - and then fades away again


However, this is the most resilient 3D comeback I remember - probably because it is being boosted by the spending boom on anything hi-tech - whether it be an iPad or a LED TV , but it will not last.


They have never resolved the complexity and cost of filming, and the fact that you need the glasses.


Who wants that? And if you already wear glasses, its a pain in the a%$


I predict that 3D televisions will be junk food on ebay in 18 months.

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I feel some "adult" videos would be nice to watch in 3D.

Puts me right in the action.....and then ignores me....maybe not. [biggrin]


Yeah baby!


Wish I could get some of those classics from the 70s and 80s remastered.


Brigit Monet. Yum


Ooops. Showing my age here.

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