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I try and keep my gear nice.

Playing my Diamond Aniversary Tele this afternoon.

Someone knocked on the door.

I set my guitar down. Got up out of my chair. Turned to walk to the door.

Tripped over my guitar chord. Down went my guitar into the solid oak wooden chair I was sitting in.

Know I'm the proud owner of a quarter inch ding.#-o

Fortunately it's on the back of the neck. Unfortunately it will always be there.

Oh well, easy come easy go. :-k

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Sorry Caliman. That sucks. Could have been worse though.


My friends always make fun of me for babying my SG. They just don't realize how easily it gets dings and scratches and I hate the fact that once it happens it's there for good. This isn't really a big deal if I inflict the damage. But nothing bothers me more than someone damaging my guitar because it will be there forever and I didn't even do it.


They tell me to stop babying my stuff because it looks cool when it's beat up.

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you might be able to steam it out if it is dented and the fibers are not broken indentations on the neck usually come out pretty good if you do it soon enough


Wouldn't you need to remove the finish for that?

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Yeah I remember the first dig I got on my robot... I don't even remember doing it...[blink] It was just there all of the sudden. I went ballistic looking for someone to blame. Came to the realization I must have done it myself....#-o


At least you know for sure you did it Calman... It's your dig, was meant to be and is probably nicely placed.... There is an art to dinging... [biggrin]

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Yeah I remember the first dig I got on my robot... I don't even remember doing it...[blink] It was just there all of the sudden. I went ballistic looking for someone to blame. Came to the realization I must have done it myself....#-o



This is what happened to me and my LP....i dunno who did it...i dunno when it happened...but i can only blame myself. *sniff*

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Yeah I remember the first dig I got on my robot... I don't even remember doing it...[blink] It was just there all of the sudden. I went ballistic looking for someone to blame. Came to the realization I must have done it myself....#-o


At least you know for sure you did it Calman... It's your dig' date=' was meant to be and is probably nicely placed.... There is an art to dinging... [biggrin


The first and only ding on my Robot LP was about the third day I had it. I was taking the guitar off my shoulder when I caught the strap on something and bang, I got nailed on the front tooth. Put a small dent on my guitar and a trip to the dentist to repair a broken tooth.


Played hockey for years and never broke a tooth. Who knew Guitar playing was such a rough hobby.



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Back in 2000, I had just bought my Ebony Studio and I was playing at this party full of attorneys with this dude who played a 12 string. He had backing tracks and sang. I was hired to play lead with him. I didn't know the dude until I got there, and I placed my guitar near his stuff and went and did something. When I got back, he had put it flat on the concrete face up, no rag, towel, nothing underneath. The neck was hanging off the curve of the porch, fortunately. I could have done something bad to him, but just grinded my teeth for a long while. There was no damage, miraculously, but I was furious...! Now it's got a big indentation I put on there myself on the side of the fingerboard. It doesn't affect playing, but it is mighty visible. Again, sorry about yours man.


.. I just noticed you can't write 'm i r a c u l o u s l y'. the c u l.... is 'arse' in Spanish slang, lol.

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A ding can give it character for sure, but you're sad so I'll be sad with you.


In my collection my fav guitar looks all f#@$ed up.

I'm only sorry I didn't do the dings myself [biggrin]


Truth is, I don't play enough to add dings to any guitar.

At least yours are being loved regularly!

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Totally understand how you feel about that ding.


We've pretty much all done something stupid like that one time or another.


I would leave things as they are for a few weeks then if it's still bothering you take it to a couple of different decent luthiers and see what they say they can do. As a general rule I if I was buying a used guitar (or a new one for that matter) and it had a ding I would be more likely to buy it if it had not been touched up. The thing with your ding it's on the back of the neck. Like Fred I don't like dings in that area if I can feel them every time I play. If that turns out to be the case I am sure that a decent luthier can restore your tele to it's former glory. They can do really excellent repairs on most things. Just be sure to go to the right reason, try to get a recommendation.


Let us know what happens and also please post pics of the tele and the ding if you can!

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Sorry to hear that California, I had an incident back oh maybe 10 yrs. ago. My 2 week old Fender Fat Strat was sitting in my guitar stand. This was before the Hercules stands were around. I was using one of thoss stands where the body rested on a swiveling U shape with the surgical tubing on it and a little swival plastic bar on top to lock your guitar supposedly securely. Anyway the cats got into the room in the basement where my equipment was kept. The cats were running around chasing each other and went between the wall and the guitar stand and knocked the whole stand over. Now this is a cement floor with tile on top of it. This is not a very forgiving floor.I heard the noise and went down to investigate and found my guitar and stand on it's side. I picked up my guitar and checked the headstock and there was only a small dent on the top of the headstock. I then looked at the neck and the neck had moved so far that the low E string had a gap between the neck and the string. I didn't know much about guitars at the time. So I reluctantly took the guitar to a local luthier and embarrassingly told him what had happened. He told me I was luck I had a bolt on neck and he fixed it in about an hour and all was well.. Long story short. Sh!t Happens and it can happen at anytime.


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Yeah, that truly Suck, Californiaman. Personally, I'm one of those that that DOES NOT think blemishes add Mojo. 17 years after an Earthquake knocked a rock onto my Strat, I still wish it hadn't happened. I've come to terms with it, but when I see an old picture of it with no Dings I get heartsick.


Sorry to hear about your Tele, at least it wasn't your 175, but that doesn't make it any better.

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