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Just finished Geoff Emerick's book on recording the Beatles. Good read - interesting how things were done back then.


I read this book two years ago and loved it too. Right up my alley because I am both a musician and have done some audio engineering.

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I haven't read a book in over a year [blush] . Nothing but Magazines, News Papers, and The Internets. I'll have to get back into it, which means "Cat's Cradle" or "Hitchhikers Guide" to get back into "Book Mode", then something I haven't read yet, like Claptons book or something like that Kieth Richards book up there.

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Try "Being and Nothingness" by Jean-Paul Sartre

I LOVE Sartre. Are you reading it because you have to or because you want to? It was required reading for my degree (in social work) and at the time I wondered what the relevance was. Now, after being in social work for 30+ years, I totally get the relevance. Sartre's 'bad faith' concept is my fav. I routinely run into people who practice 'bad faith'. They claim they don't have choices, but they do. We all have choices, we just choose to believe we don't. Sartre was a fascinating study for me.


I'm reading a book called Heart of the Horse right now.

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"The Chalk Circle Man" by Fred Vargas. The French describe it as a Roman Policier, a sort of Dectective Mystery story, but 'Better than the Average Bear' as it were.


Zola's stuff is very good (though not too many laughs to be had, I found) but I much prefer Hugo's writing.

I heartily reccomend Les Miserables. The novel - not the musical (I still can't work out how on Earth they managed to turn it into a musical...).

Sartre and Camus are just too depressing for words (ha ha). After either of those I need to read some P. G. Wodehouse to recover both my humour and humanity.



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I wish I could say I read books but I don't, my job requires me to be glued to a computer and requires a lot of reading, after that I am only in the mood for magazine articles, coffee table books and well this forum. Short and sweet, if I see a long post I skip it.

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Command Influence by Robert A. Shaines


I was at my moms house the other day and she gave me this book and said

its about a family friend that I knew very well.



I cant believe what happened to this guy and that we never knew.

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I LOVE Sartre. Are you reading it because you have to or because you want to? It was required reading for my degree (in social work) and at the time I wondered what the relevance was. Now, after being in social work for 30+ years, I totally get the relevance. Sartre's 'bad faith' concept is my fav. I routinely run into people who practice 'bad faith'. They claim they don't have choices, but they do. We all have choices, we just choose to believe we don't. Sartre was a fascinating study for me.


I'm reading a book called Heart of the Horse right now.

When I was in college 35 years ago I took a elective course in Existentialist Philosophy and Sartre,Albert Camus and Soren Kierkegard were required reading,because I was a philosophy major-It wont keep you on the edge of your seat like keith richards life story but it will make you think.....

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I'm currently reading The Bourne Ultimatum.


I've read the first 2 - The Bourne Identity & The Bourne Supremacy. I enjoyed them both, but they're nothing like the movies - which I love.


Also, I'm a fan of audiobooks - currently listening to Philip Pullman's His Dark Mateerials trilogy. They're supposed to be children's books but they're brilliant.

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@Xaj I agree with you on that. Great series.



Wonderful series. It rekindled my enjoyment of high fantasy novels, which has been a lot of fun. [thumbup]


Cool! Some Fantasy fans here!

Over the last 12 months I have read quite a lot of fantasy novels.

Of these, I recommend Brandon Sanderson's work, which, by the way, has led me to read the first book of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time, because it is Sanderson who is writing the finale of the series.

Also, I recommend Raymond E. Feist's The Serpentwar Saga (of course, if you haven't read the Magician, Silverthorn and Darkness at Sethanon, you should) and Trudy Canavan's work, The Black Magician Trilogy and prequel, and the Age of the Five Trilogy.


Happy reading!

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I am about to re read (probably for the 10th time too!) The Dice Man


It is a great book about a bored family man who so bored with life, finds himself contemplating suicide. He has a dice and decides his fate by the role of a die.


As his interest in chance and randomness increases, his philosophy develops that what ever decision you make, a load of other minority decisions exist along side it. The throw of the dice liberates these other selves. Eventually to his friends his behaviour has become so unpredictable and erratic things in the normal sense of the word begin falling down around him. However there isn't a consistent him anymore anyway, so things going wrong becomes just events.


Here it is..very funny, interesting and as the back cover quotes from a review "sex always seems to be an option" (with the dice)




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I'm reading a book called "A Book of Tongues" by Gemma Files


Its a wild west story with a twist - magic....not just your typical hocus pocus stuff either....some evil ****. An Aztec goddess is involved...


Its a pretty dark story and not for everyone...two of the main characters are gay (this AIN'T no Brokeback Mountain) and some people are put off by the sex scenes (they aren't very graphic but they are there)...but they are both bad *** mofos.


There is some horrific violence and pretty interesting characters....its the first book of a trilogy and i'm almost finished it. Looking forward to the next book.

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I'm just starting this...

..should be interesting...


Hopefully he doesn't dwell on addictions too much, I want to read about the other stuff.

Music, tours, personal stuff, and basic mayhem, ect...


The Slash, Clapton and especially Nikki Sixx books were really depressing.


If it ain't about musicians or Gibson guitars, I ain't reading SQUAT!!!

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