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Where Are You Really From?


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I'm born and raised in the US. Can document one ancestor who came to the New World from Perthshire Scotland in 1703 (surname Duncan). Also have other ancestors from Scotland (Neeley), England (Taylor) and Prussia (Kappen). Though citzenship wise I'm American, heritage wise I consider myself Scot, since the majority of my ancestors were from Scotland. Here in the US I think most people identify others and themselves by their heritage, as well as being american. After all, our population comes from all over the planet.

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LOL Andy! Although I've never met you before, I feel like we're fellow countrymen [biggrin]


Greetings and I'm pretty sure there are many more of us. Although I never want to return to my original homeland I do enjoy visiting similar regions as often as possible. [biggrin]

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Greetings and I'm pretty sure there are many more of us. Although I never want to return to my original homeland I do enjoy visiting similar regions as often as possible. [biggrin]


That's a shame, visiting similar areas to your homeland is great, but there is nothing like actually going back to where you are from and seeing how it has changed over the years.






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That's a shame, visiting similar areas to your homeland is great, but there is nothing like actually going back to where you are from and seeing how it has changed over the years.








LMAO.... Matt did you read my previous post and what "region" I'm referring to? I'm pretty sure it is illegal, immoral, and a place I hope I never see again lest I poke my eyes out and stab an icepick in my brain...... [scared]

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Both sides of my family came over to the US in the 1860's. One from southern Germany, the other from Bohemia (now the Czech Republic), and according to family legend they were both draft dodging conscription for the Seven Weeks War (opposite sides I think).

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I am Trinidadian however my family would have originally come from India. I'm not sure how many generations ago that was, 4 I think.Indentureship in the British Caribbean started in roughly 1845 and ended by 1917, so somewhere in that time frame.

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My family history is like a tour of Europe. My Mother is English of Irish Scottish decent on her mothers side her grand father is Scottish Danish. My Dad's side he is Australian 2nd generation from French English mix. My wife is Australian with Darker cappuccino skin from an Anglo Indian mix. Her Mum was born in India to Irish English from a military family. Her father is Indian born to French Moroccan heritage. My children are perfect mixtures not albino white like me and seem to have adopted My wife's good genes. So none wear glasses and none have Asthma, Its funny here is Australia there is racism towards the Aboriginal People yet not towards African Americans it has always appeared to me to not be the colour of ones skin that defines a person but their actions. The Aboriginal community in general here is impoverished and hence turns to Alcohol and crime ( I repeat in general and a small but highly publicized minority ). So as I said to me it is the Actions not the Colour that affects the way we see people what we are lead to believe and what we have seen we will then rope a culture or race into a stereotype.


I have traveled the world and was amazed at some places and how people are treated. I caught a taxi at midnight from Houston Hobby the driver was African American, I was told by the lady behind me in the queue not to get in. The driver half way through the drive remarked he never gets people like me at night. lol I said what people like me? he said man white people.

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I think I was gonna say "from your worst nightmare" but that wouldn't help you on what seems to be a grad school paper your doing

this is a guitar forum ? yes ? Hello , Hello , testing , testing . I think I took a wrong turn at the last light LOL!!!!!

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This is particularly for chanman who I know loves historical battle reenactment. It is a narrated drama called '1066' and about all the invasions of The British Isles. The film shows that even from this time, how multi cultural we were!





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