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I am spending my days researching amps and which ones I like the most. My big 3 brands are Marshall, Mesa/Boogie, and Peavey ( I am looking into some Sovtek amps which were made in Russia by EHX, and I LOVE Soldanos, but lord knows IT AIN'T HAPPENIN! SEE AN SLO 100 IN MY DREAMS! ). I do like the Marshall sound ( who doesn't ), but I found that they can be a little ratty and really harsh in the mids ( I like mids, but I don't want em' pointy ). And they don't have enough low-end response for me. As for Boogie, I was looking at the Mark V, but I really do not like it. It has WAY too tight low end and is really dry and sterile sounding, to my ears. I really like Rectos though. More my style. BUT, I really love the Peavey 6505/5150. It is very juicy sounding, but not harsh. Just wonderin' what you guys think.

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I like me a good Marshall amp now and then too. Have you tried out some Fender tube amps? IMO, they're the best tube amps on the market. Love the Hot Rod series. What kind of music are you gonna be playing on said volume increasing device?

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I would say that my style is kinda mixed. A little Hendrix, Bloomfield, Page, Eric Johnson, Satch, Gilbert, EVH, SRV, BB, Freddie King, Albert King, John Fogerty, Walter Trout, Popa Chubby, Frehley, Alvin Lee, Blackmore, Gilmour, Trower, Bonamassa, Gary Moore, Malmsteen, Hammett, and Dave Murray/Adrian Smith rolled into one. I mainly play blues-based rock, but I like to incorporate shredding and tapping into it. My kind of amp would be somewhere between a Dual Rectifier, Soldano SLO 100, and Peavey 6505/5150 with some Plexi for good measure. I am also a BIG fan of 70s-80s Ampeg amps like the V-7 and other Lee Jackson-designed amps. I have tried Fender tube amps ( the 65' RI Super Reverb and a Supersonic-MEH at best. Groove Tubes are terrible nowadays ), but not a HRD. My Peavey Prowler is similar to one so I have a pretty good idea. BTW, the Prowler BLOWS ANY MESA/BOOGIE MARK I OUTTA THE WATER!!!!!!



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I currently have a Traynor YCS50H head into a Traynor 2x12 cab. It's Channel 1 is the dirty channel which ranges from vintage type overdrive to modern high gain tones and includes a variable footswitchable boost. And it's channel 2 is the clean channel. It can go from clean right through to a nice crunch. It's a very versatile amp.


I also like Marshall, Fender, Vox, and Mesa. I'd always thought I would like Orange, but when I finally got the chance to try one out I found the tone was just not for me.

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I currently enjoy the 'Brit' sound of EL34 and EL84 tube amps...Laney VC 30 and LH 50


This is the punchy Stones and Beatles etc sound from the 60's onwards with their Vox AC 30's


Any desire for a tighter hi gain sound can be achieved with OD pedals


I also like the clean sounds of Fender DeLuxe, which again can be driven hard if desired....





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Plus 1 to Dub. If he is saying that his dream amp is a SLO, a Fender probably isn't gonna cut it


For the money, I'd say Pravey 6505 or 5150. My friend has one, for higher gain stuff, it sounds pretty good and it won't break the bank either

+1 for Fred for +1 for Dub. I have to reinforce this statement as right on. If the sound is SLO, the Fender will NOT cut it.


And, as far as Peavey, I don't think they can be beat for the money.

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BUT, I really love the Peavey 6505/5150. It is very juicy sounding, but not harsh. Just wonderin' what you guys think.

I've got 6505+112 and love it. For my Harp playing I've got a Valveking 112. Both low maintenance and great sounding amps [thumbup]

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A 1997 Fedner Prosonic, from Oregon, Zinkys' name on the board, I'm the original owner. Pair of Jensens in it, stocker Celestions just too pointy. All tech bulletins done including the switch mod. The only amp I've taken out for the most part since that year. It was my second Prosonic, I won't ever part with this one I don't think.


A late 99's or early 2000's, 2001 maybe, Marshall DSL 401. Stock. Used it tonnes of rehearsal time, gigged a bit, but not too much. Records very well, I like it a lot.


A 2007 or so Fedner Princeton Recording Amp. Mrs gave me that for my birtday. It is just stupid good, I love that little thing.


They each sit on a cabinet, a custom 2x12 Tantrum has been under the Prosonic since before 99, I have an Eganator single 12 Celestion box under the Marshall, and a Fedner Vintage Modified Bandmaster 2x12 under the Princeton. Buncha microphones too.


I use a crummy junky Fender Rumble 60 for bass. Direct out along with a Beta 52 in front of it, right? All the Thunderous Low End my dumb a$$ needs.


I am like a glacier to do anything amp wise. Once I get what I need, I don't change at all. Prosonic was thee best thing that company ever did, in my opinion. Theirs too actually, I believe they sold every single one ever built, making it the most profitable platform they ever did. Something like that.



Amps are like hairstyles though, you just can't ever figure out why that person has that one. So personal. Each very much to his own is all you can say about it.



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I see you have good taste, and I see you understand that amps ARE the place to look for great sound. Nice to see such high aspirations, as well as realistic expectations.


I notice that of the amps you listed as in the "like" category, they use the 6L6, and the ones that were not so much other tubes.


I am a little surprised about your assesment of the Marshall. If I were thinking of lots of bass with the guitar, that would be the first place I would look to find it. Which Marshalls have you played?


I do understand the brightness and harshness to the Marshall, and the crunch. But, it really depends on the amp and how it is set up to be used. If you have a Marshall with EL-34 tubes and set up for that CRUNCH and natural overdrive from the output tubes, it is extremely loud at that point and does sound great, but it will sound really dry and peaky at low volumes. A JCM-800 with 6550's through a sealed 4x12 will have so much thump you can feel the sound on your skin, and will actually sound warmer at lower volumes.


I have tried the SLO-100 years ago, and I didn't think it sucked but I was not really impressed. Part of the reason was it didn't seem to justify super-amp status at lower to medium volumes, and didn't have super-amp status for clean or slightly overdriven. I do remember the sizzle it did and liked it, but it did not retain that character for me throughout that made me think it sounded great at any setting.


Lastly, I will say that the Dual Rec is one of my favorite amps ever. It was the amp I thought was the best for a long time, and I actually had one for a couple years. It was really to loud to be able to enjoy and get the most out of it, But I really did love the sound. One thing I did have problems with at times were the controls, as they were really sensitive, and one adjustment might make me want to make others. It did have a lot of switches and settings, and I found them useful and fun getting great tones.

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I have tried the SLO-100 years ago, and I didn't think it sucked but I was not really impressed. Part of the reason was it didn't seem to justify super-amp status at lower to medium volumes, and didn't have super-amp status for clean or slightly overdriven. I do remember the sizzle it did and liked it, but it did not retain that character for me throughout that made me think it sounded great at any setting.


I have to agree with this. I remember Warren Haynes having a SLO100 up there, among others, for lots of Allmans shows. When I tried a few of them I was underwhelmed mainly because I can't use it at the volumes he does. Volume is a really really really big and important part of how an amp sounds, and how you are going to use it directly effects what you get out of it. My bands were always too loud, but not THAT too loud. So I passed. Didn't really know Soldano was still around.



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Egnater Renagade combos.............Egnater Tourmaster Head and cab................................


I own both..........Versitile and powerful amps.....

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Ever since I was a kid I've been infatuated by Vox and Marshall amps and that's mainly because of the Beatles/Hendrix connection.My main amp at the moment is a 1983 JCM 800 2204 model that I put through an Marshall MG4-12A cab and a JCM800 1960B cab.For my livingroom amp I use a 1984 Marshall JCM 800 4210 model.I also own a 1972 Marshall Artiste but it is currently on long term loan to my guitar-slinging nephew who has gained local fame by putting out some CDs that have won awards on the local scene.


I have a Vox AD120VTH with a 412 BN cab loaded with Grinrod designed Wharfedales and a VC12 footcontroller but it's very confusing to use for an old Luddite like me.So my Pathfinder 15R probably gets more use.I have 2 old Traynor amps-a 1966/67 Guitarmate and an '82 TS 15 that although solid state is amazingly tubelike in sound.Pete Traynor spent 6 years developing a series of solid state amps that would have the same warmth as tube amps and he suceeded with the TS series but strangely enough they were'nt in production for long.


I have a Fender Blues Jr. also and it has a real British type sparkle when I play my Casino through it,it has a real Beatlesque tone.Now if I could only find a way to hook it up to my old Leslie model 16 cab I'd be happy.A few years ago I picked up a '69 Bassman head and a '68 Bassman 2-15 cab for real cheap and they are tone monsters also.That's the problem with being a GAS freak,you are never satisfied with just one or two tones,you want a whole palatte of tones to play with and the more gear you get the more obsessed you get.

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Sounds like he's looking at pretty high gain amps. The Hot Rods are great but their drive is kinda lame IMO.


Cmon Dub..You know better...that's why us Fender Junkies use PEDALS...for our high gain sounds....I've yet to find an high gain amp that sounds better then my HRDLX and my GH No Brainer...



But you are correct on the fact that the stock drive channel's on the Hot Rod series is LAME.


I really want me a 2x12 Hand Wired Vox AC30 with Alnico Blue Speakers tho...

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I really want me a 2x12 Hand Wired Vox AC30 with Alnico Blue Speakers tho...

Now that's an amp. I'm kind of mixed about them being assembled in Korea, simply because I want a British amp to be made in GB. As for the OP, it sounds like you're wanting something along the lines of a dual rectifier. I would try out a few of the amps posted here and see which one really tickles your fancy.

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Cmon Dub..You know better...that's why us Fender Junkies use PEDALS...for our high gain sounds....I've yet to find an high gain amp that sounds better then my HRDLX and my GH No Brainer...



But you are correct on the fact that the stock drive channel's on the Hot Rod series is LAME.


I really want me a 2x12 Hand Wired Vox AC30 with Alnico Blue Speakers tho...


I'm all with you on that though. All I'm saying is he said he wants a SLO... there are other amps that do that pretty well, the Peaveys are killer


aC30 goodness rocks though... handwired series is killer

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Cmon Dub..You know better...that's why us Fender Junkies use PEDALS...for our high gain sounds....I've yet to find an high gain amp that sounds better then my HRDLX and my GH No Brainer...



But you are correct on the fact that the stock drive channel's on the Hot Rod series is LAME.


I really want me a 2x12 Hand Wired Vox AC30 with Alnico Blue Speakers tho...


Of course. I was just trying to keep it about amps.


You should check out the ac30c1 and ac30c2 (newer versions of mine) as well. I know they're made in china and that sucks, but they sound pretty amazing. Definately right on par with the Hot Rods but I went for the Vox cause the whole British thing is kinda more my style.

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Aww yeah, I love me some Dual Recs. OK, from what I've seen, the best Mesa/Boogie amp out there (or at least my favorite from the range,) is the Triple Rec head. It's got the Dual Rec circuitry with a third channel, so there's that much more that you can use. Of course it sounds great. Some day it will be mine.


Two other amp brands that I really love as far as high gain are ENGL and Wizard. Now, Wizards you don't get to see very much, but what's great about them is that they are extremely well-engineered, and they can get very good high gain sounds. They're a little Marshall-y, and you can't get exactly the same ballsy Mesa Dual Rec tone that we both know and love, but they're still excellent amps, and if you boost them you can get very dynamic high gain tones. Also, they have amazing cleans. I'd say that, from what I've heard (and I haven't played a Wizard, but I've seen a lot of demos online,) their clean tones are excellent. Here's a video demoing a clean tone and a mid-gain bluesy lead tone:



And here's a Modern Classic in high gain mode. I think it's pretty brutal:



Again, one day it will be mine. They're not cheap, though...


Another brand of amps that's excellent as far as high gain goes is ENGL. German-made, very versatile...pretty expensive and a little hard to find. But they sound great and their low-end is a little tighter than the Dual Rec, but not as sterile as that of a Mark V. Some of them can get pretty complex...but they're decent amps. I like 'em. I would love to own an ENGL Savage.

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Fender = Not durable


MesaBoogie = Sounds Great at loud volumes, but has a steep learning curve when dialing in tones.


Marshall = Needs to be cranked to max.... better consider a attenuator so your band mates wont hate you.


Peavey = only sounds good at low volume


Laney = too processed


Hiwatt = Needs to be cranked to max


SMF Tour Series (Sound Shitty... I mean Sound City) = Great amps if you dont mind getting a good shock every now and again. [scared]


Soldano = Second best amp I have ever plugged into


Mojave AmpWorks = IMO best amp made, and it has it's own DNA


Swan = boring and dull sounding


Caroll Ann = Great tone


Bogner = Great tone


VOX = Versatile, but have the FX loop removed... it's a tone killer for that amp


Orange = Terrible

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