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New Arrival (9lb 1oz)


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So I traded in my Explorer today for this Traditional Desert Burst. Tried a few in store but this one really called out to me [biggrin] even though I didn't have this burst in mind before going in, it just looks stunning in the grain and importantly feels just right.

here's a pic,


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Congrats....I live the Trads...The Desertburst is ALMOST too dark for my tastes, but, I'e gotten used to mine..


Outside of re-issues, IMHO, the Trads are THE L.P.s to own as a players guitar.......

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Congratulations, I have a trad an iced tea burst and I prefer it even in comparison with my black beauty custom. I remember having tested a Std 2008 but to me (only personnal opinion) the 2008 sounds souless, empty but perhaps it was just a bad one :)

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