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Old 335 Dot found in a barn near Glastonbury


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That's an epiphone dot. Wouldn't be worth the trouble unless he gave it to you, and you either made your own headstock and grafted it on, or could just replace the whole neck. $399 for a new one.....so it would have to be stupidly cheap or free LOL It's really not worth it. Someone would do better just trying to buy and save the pickguard LOL

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Thew only way that would be worth it is if it was a original Gibson, had a headstock; and actual serial number. Hell that could be a Epi someone threw in a dirt pile and aged it over a year and wham no serial number and that 3 screw TRS scream EPI.




The 3 hole trussrod cover and the pickguard are dead giveaways. Those really big F-holes also give it away.

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...smashed onstage at Glastonbury, then abandoned in a barn...... what a crock!

Yes I also feel sorry for guitars that get smashed at gigs.. What harm did they ever do to anyone? (maybe if it was owned by a Jonas Brother, thats quite a harmful use for a guitar :P)

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