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RIP Ronnie Montrose.


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RIP! Always liked Montrose. He'll be missed. I wonder what Sammy has to say about this. Please do not take offense to this, as I am not meaning to insult Ronnie, but I have heard that he was very self-absorbed and egotistical (Seriously, I WATCH TOO MUCH SEINFELD!!!!!!) and that kept him separated from his bandmates, including Hagar. I guess what comes around goes around. I am a strong believer in karma.

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Please do not take offense to this, as I am not meaning to insult Ronnie, but I have heard that he was very self-absorbed and egotistical (Seriously, I WATCH TOO MUCH SEINFELD!!!!!!) and that kept him separated from his bandmates, including Hagar. I guess what comes around goes around. I am a strong believer in karma.


So mean people die? You don't get too far in the music business, or any other business, by being nice

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RIP! Always liked Montrose. He'll be missed. I wonder what Sammy has to say about this. Please do not take offense to this, as I am not meaning to insult Ronnie, but I have heard that he was very self-absorbed and egotistical (Seriously, I WATCH TOO MUCH SEINFELD!!!!!!) and that kept him separated from his bandmates, including Hagar. I guess what comes around goes around. I am a strong believer in karma.


If Karma existed Chet Atkins would have lived for ever.

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RIP! Always liked Montrose. He'll be missed. I wonder what Sammy has to say about this. Please do not take offense to this, as I am not meaning to insult Ronnie, but I have heard that he was very self-absorbed and egotistical (Seriously, I WATCH TOO MUCH SEINFELD!!!!!!) and that kept him separated from his bandmates, including Hagar. I guess what comes around goes around. I am a strong believer in karma.


I read an interview with Ronnie not too long ago (guitar player or guitar world) and Ronnie talked fondly of his time with Sammy and said that was his favorite era. I'm sure Sammy will say something nice. Sammy really is a class act rocker


RIP Ronnie.

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So mean people die? You don't get too far in the music business, or any other business, by being nice


I see your point. But Ronnie's ego prevented Montrose from playing together again, and that's what big egos do. Why do you think Ace Frehley and Peter Criss aren't in Kiss any more? Gene and Paul's big egos and their greed. Why do you think Michael Anthony isn't in VH right now? EGO ISSUES! Why did Cream disband? EGO ISSUES! Why did Jeff Beck leave (or get fired. I don't know the whole story) the Yardbirds? EGO ISSUES! Get my point? Sometimes I think that karma got John Bonham because of his big ego (or his drunk ego. I heard he was pretty nice when he was sober, but when he was drunk, we saw Bad Bonham). Same thing for John Lennon because of his wrongdoings in his past. I can put a hoax on anyone I want to. Anyone can do so if they wish. My bass player believes that he sent a hoax on Michael Jackson on accident (which he regrets).

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