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Whats the strangest guitar youve almost or did buy


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So a while back I was in the market for something different. I had just got my second electric at the time (the DC Faded) and after having it for a short while (that was the guitar that started off my GAS problem as I had only had one electric for years before that) I really wanted something different. I wanted that Gibson sound but something very different from a Standard.. In the end I also wanted that Humbucker/P90 combo that I found so interesting..


So I made my mind up that I wanted a 2009 Nighthawk that had that combo I was looking for and was something very different.

However when I got to the shop they had sold the last one the day before DOH!!!... this is it.



In the end I got a Gary Moore BFG which has the Bursbucker/P90 combo.. and I loved everything about it BUT the most important thing, the neck.. its a 50s and I thought id get used to it but didnt so sold it after a while..



So the main reason for this post.. While looking for a Humbucker/P90 guitar I came across this.. Never seen it anywhere else and man it intreagues me... It even has an assymetrical neck.. BUT I cant find one localy and wont buy a guitar without trying it first.. They still have it for sale here http://www.gak.co.uk/en/gibson-les-paul-traditional-special-london-fog/40383 ive just never seen anything like it before.. Its a LP London Fog??? Apparently made for the Japanese market but this UK shop got one in. See what you think.




Im still interested in it and maybe if I win a load of money or manage to start saving I will go for it.. But whats the most interesting and different guitar youve ever bought (or are extremely tempted by? :))

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I tell the story about when I worked in a music store....back in the mid-60's. One of my jobs was to sweeep and mop the floors.


I went to the closet one day to get a broom or mop and there was a old, beat up Les Paul Gold Top leaning up against the wall. I never knew the year.


I asked the boss about it. He said he took it in on trade, said he'd paid $12 for it. I asked him if he's sell it to me for $12.


He said yes....so when I got paid, I got $12 and went to the closet to get the guitar....and it was gone!


I asked him what happened to the guitar? He said he didn't think I was serious, so he sold it to Barry, (also worked in the store, and was lead guitar for our band).


Barry told me recently, (like 4 years ago), he sold the guitar for like $1200, but I don't know how long ago that happened.

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I almost bought one last time I was in California from TrueSound Music in Santa Monica when I bought my Johnny A. I told the owner Ken I was looking for one. The last day of my trip he called me up cause he found me one. It was a beauty, in perfect condition but it weighed like 12 lbs so I passed on it. Couldn't imagine myself wearing a brick like that of any amount of time. Shame it really was a beauty... I still might pick one up if I find a good one that doesn't weigh so much.


More pics and technical information about the Gibson VooDoo here

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I very nearly bought Hamer number 0076. 76th one ever produced (and one of their very first "production" guitars, it was an Explorer shape, awesome flamed cherry burst finish, really a beautiful looking guitar. I think they wanted $900 at the local music store (this was circa 1877 when that was quite a bit more money to me than it is today!) If I could have talked them down another $100, I would have bought it (they were not a well known name at the time, but were gaining quite a reputation with Professional Musicians and recording artists). See the Wiki here.


Do I wish I'd done it? Yup.


Strangest guitar I ever did buy? Around 2 years ago, had a bit of extra cash and picked up the Eastwood Airline Map Guitar in Sea Foam Green. Cool take on the old National Newport from the late 50s/early 60s. Built in Korea, TBH I'm fairly well impressed with it. It's not up to Gibson (or Fender) quality by any means, but it's quite acceptable IMO and just oozes cool! [cool]



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I almost bought one last time I was in California from TrueSound Music in Santa Monica when I bought my Johnny A. I told the owner Ken I was looking for one. The last day of my trip he called me up cause he found me one. It was a beauty, in perfect condition but it weighed like 12 lbs so I passed on it. Couldn't imagine myself wearing a brick like that of any amount of time. Shame it really was a beauty... I still might pick one up if I find a good one that doesn't weigh so much.


More pics and technical information about the Gibson VooDoo here

[thumbup] That is sweet... I bet its a tone monster.... Im not a big fan of black guitars but I like that one :) the fact you can sill see the wood grain.. nice

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I had a Tokai MAT (Most Advanced Technology) which was basically a plastic Strat. Good guitar though it lacked good tone in the higher registers...long ago so sorry no pix...I also once bought a Hohner Steinberger headless bass copy...I found out I'm very headstock-oriented.

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Jackson Roswell Rhoads - blue sparkle finish - crazy crop circle inlays on the fretboard. It is great. Don't have a pic by itself, but you make it out in here...




p.s these are the non-Gibsons in my collection....

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I'm not much for odd guitars, I don't even care for the Flying V or Firebird but I almost bought one of these!



If you decide to get it, I'd suggest saving up for the Gibson model instead. Otherwise, you'll always wish you'd gone the extra mile... [laugh]

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That I own? My Silvertone 1448. The case has a little tube amp in it. Got it in 1996 for ~$250 if I remember correctly.





I remember when those were new, they are really cool for what they are. They were a lot less than $250 new too [wink] .

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Never owned any oddities, but I'd love to have one of these...




It would make a nice "touring guitar"! And I bet you could put some miles on it! Maybe play some Americana rock on it?!? I better stop now...


It is a pretty huge gimmick (like something a certain band that wears makeup and acts like superheros would do...), but I bet all that wood sounds great!


Lots of sustain!

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When I was a young I used to look to buy the strangest guitars. I almost bought a teardrop like Brian Jones'. My brother had a Jedson tele. we had a Rose morris Les Paul but best of all he had a Hofner Galaxy. I wish I still had that, It was ok.

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