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in it's entirety, last night while on the treadmill. Second time this year already for that one, and I only listen to it all the way through, I don't know why. 40 years now, I can't believe it.


What records do you never tire of?



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The dry heating season air in our place combined with my allergy meds has been waking me up in the middle of the night lately to get some water. Anyway, as I was trying to fall back to sleep early this morning for some reason I started to dwell on the fact that the Who released Quadrophenia 40 years ago this year. Still listen to that one all the time and I can't believe that's been 40 years. Subsequent brooding over the passage of time kept me up another half an hour or so.

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Rainbow - Rising, On Stage,

Sabbath - Live Evil, Master of Reality,

Pistols - Never Mind The Bollocks,

Stranglers - Rattus Norvegicus, Black and White,

Hawkwind - Space Ritual, Chronicles of the Black Sword,

Zappa - Apostrophe*, Joe's Garage, You Are What You Is,

Deep Purple - In Concert (BBC), Machine Head,

Judas Priest - Unleashed in the East, Killing Machine,

AC/DC - Highway to Hell, If You Want Blood,

Hendrix - Axis: Bold as Love, Are You Experienced, Hendrix In The West.

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I never tire of the Beatles-who does? and Jimi,Matthew Sweet,Susanna Hoff,Donovan,The Cure,The Smiths,The Doughboys,The Killjoys,Deathcab For Cutie,Apples In Stereo, Nada Surf,The High Dials,Amos the Transparent,Echo and the Bunnymen,Hothouse Flowers,House of Love,The Housemartins,Belle and Sebastian,Beach House,Rogue Wave and many dozens more.Whenever I like an artist or group enough to buy one of their recordings I'm pretty well sure that I'll never tire of their music.

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in it's entirety, last night while on the treadmill. Second time this year already for that one, and I only listen to it all the way through, I don't know why. 40 years now, I can't believe it.


What records do you never tire of?



Wishbone Ash

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Great topic!



Robin Trower - Bridge of Sighs

Deep Purple - Machine Head, & Who Do We Think We Are

Crosby Stills Nash and Young - Dejavu (this may have been my first full vinyl)

Rush - Counter Parts

Zepplin - 1st album

Jimi - Are You Experienced.

Jeff Beck - Blow By Blow


all I can think of atm

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The albums I have to listen to in their entirety from beginning to end are, just off the top of my pinhead.


Exile On Main Street

Abbey Road

London Calling

Close To The Edge

The Yes Album

All Pink Floyd albums

Live At Leeds

Bridge Of Sighs


I'm sure there's more.


If I can't listen to the whole albums, I usually won't put them on.


I don't like greatest hits or best of albums.

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in it's entirety, last night while on the treadmill. Second time this year already for that one, and I only listen to it all the way through, I don't know why. 40 years now, I can't believe it.


What records do you never tire of?





Lol,, not your usual insightful post there rct,, but I have to say, a good one nonetheless.


I got a kick out of Tman's response about sheepishly liking Tormato for some reason? I agree Tman,, that also was one of my favorite Yes albums.

There are some that are more classic but that one stuck for me too.



But to answer your question rct,,, that's gonna be hard.

There are so many. And I don't really listen to much new music.

I like it, I just don't follow it.


I took a turn in my mid/late 20's where I seemingly matured musically.

So anything I listened to in those years I can still listen to today, and enjoy completely.


So rather than a top album I never tire of I have top artists I never tire of. Every artist can put out a dud so I'm not saying I like everything ever released by them but I do have a top 5 of artists I have been able to listen to for the better part of 30 years and still get the same tingles when I listen.


Top 5 artists in sort of an order that changes dependent on who I'm listening to at the time...lol


1. Zappa - of course as my avatar is an album cover of one of my all time favs and is also one I never get tired of hearing.

2. Neil Young

3. Jimi Hendrix

4. Jethro Tull

5. Pink Floyd,, note: This is a revolving door.


The artists who revolve through number 5 for me are numerous.




King Crimson


Bruce Cockburn

Jeff Beck

Steve Vai

I could add 20 more here.



So as I blather on,, I realize,, this is impossible for me to answer.




I can't pick a favorite Pink Floyd, or Neil Young, ,or Zappa album,, There are so many I like.



(just an observation,, anyone else find it strange that my top 2 artists are musical polar opposites? I mean Zappa and Neil Young? From Zappa who created some of the most complex musical pieces in rock and Neil who has brought me to tears with 3 chords???? I don't get it. Music is strange indeed)

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