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Anyone got a good cold remedy?


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Guest Farnsbarns

How to get rid of a runny nose and sneezing without taking drugs... Herbal remedies if you know got 'em...


I have a cure for the common cold. Everyone who tries it agrees.


Make a Lemsip max (ok, that's got paracetamol) with only half a mug of hot water. Top it off with Morgan's spiced rum. In 10 minutes you won't know you have a cold.

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When I get a cold, one that's bad, I HAVE to have Sudofed. (Or however they spell it).


The main ingredient, the drug pseudoephedrin (or however they spell it), is a wonder of modern science. For some reason, when I am in the cold desease, I can't feel the side effects, but when I no longer have a cold, the side effects make me feel like crap. It's like the effect on me changes depending on if I have a cold or not.


In the state I live in, they made it so you need a prescription, so you can't buy it. So, we have to make the short trip over the border to Washington to get it. The reasoning behind the law is that they make "speed" out of it, so it's supposed to cut down on crime and such.


So, you could say that for me, "feeling" is more important than "speed".

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I'm comming out of it myself. And I was in the trenches with you by way of "not taking anything" and letting the body do its job and fight it off using nettles, vitamins, the garlic herbs etc... I hate the idea of all these chemicals running throughout my body.


but after a few days of that i had to try something.... anything... the physical pain of trying to breathe with what felt like rubber cement poured into my sinus areas all over my face was too much to bear.


We have what's called Health Alliance for Musicians. Community Heath and primary care for working musicians. and at 3AM they had a call cntr nurse authorize a visit to the local hospital and i was seen that night.


I thought it was only the cedar allergies in a case of the danger zone.... as it gets awful in my region. but since i had gone so long with only using vitamins, herbal drops like nettles, and the nettipot it was turning into a nasal infection that made me more vulnerable to the current flu strain.


The on duty physician was like "it may have started with allergies but now you've got the virus."


So whatever. I'm now on a handful of antibiotics some psuedofed, (which thanks to the hillbillies you have to show ID to purchase) but now I can breathe again and not being able to breathe and a face swollen with inflamed sinus at 3:00AM is Hell on earth.


I had the exact same ideal as you when this began... NO DRUGS!!!! unless they're baked nicely into brownies of course. [thumbup] but that doesn't help much with the flu.


I hope this helps (if nothing else for a reference) hopefully not let things go too long before you get some help.


The Neti-Pot & premixed solutions do help.., but you MUST use bottled or distilled, or boiled water. water from the tap still has chlorine etc. your nose doesn't need that adding insult to injury.


Being sick sucks balls, get well soon!

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Do NOT, whatever you do, use Otrivine (or Sinex) nasal drops. This stuff atrophies your nasal turbinates! And if you didn't know you had 'em, believe me you will miss them when they're gone. I speak the truth from horrible and painful experience.

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Zycam (zinc) at first sign of sickness works for me. Been 'almost sick' about 3 or 4 times in past 13 months (e.g., scratchy throat,,,which always leads to head, chest, cold, chils, etc...sickness)...but never got "sick". Take with care....can keep you up at night if you take too close to bed time, can give you jitters or cause you to lose your sense of taste if you don't follow directions.

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I found that a great cure for the runny nose,itchy,sore throat and congestion was to boil a sliced orange and/or lemon-peel and all-in a saucepan in 1 1/2 cups of water,until the peel becomes soft.When it's done just pour in honey to taste and drink the whole works,eating the pulp inside the peel too.

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First - Sheesh, Dave's just a youngster... <grump>


I'd say a bit of "Yupper" to the peppermint schnapps and also to pseudoephedrine to relieve the worst of the nose and sinus problems. Never used it more than two little pills a day as the cold "hit." An aspirin, shot of schnapps or just as good, a half and half Drambuie and Scotch at beddie boo time.


Also, in cold season I'm pretty much into a good multivitamin. If I don't start before I start to get a cold, it gets bad fast, if I do, I get a little warning, hit a cupla days of the Sudafed and aspirin and... it's not the two-week discomfort.



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