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Everything posted by Tman

  1. Fantastic Steve, good on you. Really great looking LP. The 60's neck is my favorite, by far.
  2. 2020 vision, rear view vision. I feel a country song coming on. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year
  3. House building is progressing. Even with 4 hours sleep my back didn't hurt as much this morning. Wife is happy because she closed her office due to the pandemic but she gets to be back home full time while she monitors the house being built and plans a new office sometime next year....here. Avocado's still hanging on the tree. A lot to be happy about.
  4. I'm fairly unsophisticated in such matters but I do have experience with ceramic magnets vs. Alnico V and I don't think they are similar. I had an LP classic with ceramic humbuckers and they were incendiary devices. Maybe the SD's are close because they are more powerful? In the end if you love it, good on ya.
  5. The hospital said high risk people get it first, as they should, ICU nurses, infectious disease, etc. They were pretty organized and got it done within a day. I am 2nd tier, initially estimated mid January so I thought I've followed (what I think are) common sense guidelines so I'll wait until then and hopefully not get the virus. We are in the midst of an exponential surge here in So. Cal on the order of thousands of new cases per day. ICUs are full. Hospital ER parking lots have tents to take care of very sick people who are dropped off. Honestly surreal. I work in an outpatient center that sees about 30-40 patients a day during the pandemic I got a call from the hospital that said come on down, you are at risk especially now, we have enough to vaccinate in your category. They were pretty efficient. Not often said about big organizations. I'm thinking it will be that way all around. I bet it'll be available much sooner than people are expecting.
  6. I did this today. I'll call it light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not grimacing, my neck is just old.
  7. Luckily the deer haven't come back since the fire. Only a matter of time. Gotta get a fence soon!
  8. presbythredia (presby=old age). Hard to imagine anyone harvesting anything now but the rabbits have been having a go at the avos that are still ripening. Luckily they didn't chew on the actual fruit, only the stems because the fruit are very hard. I let this one ripen for 2 weeks and it was perfect and delicious. I present to you, a Pinkerton avocado. Easily identified by it's long neck. Notice the meant to be gourmet looking salt bowl (square really) and the stem of a chardonnay glass. what a treat.
  9. Wow Rabs, outstanding, congratulations!
  10. You need it. Like with your new Nashville Tele, this MIM is top notch. Go ahead. 😁
  11. I have the Fender MIM XII. It really is great. Great neck, great thin-ish profile, for a 12. Lake Placid Blue.
  12. One of my first make out sessions, with the sheriff's daughter no less of a small Arkansas town, 1976 or 7 (when did it come out?), was to this song which she loved. Hell I loved it too and still do. She dumped me soon afterwards. Oh well. The song had great building of energy. Great voice. One of my goals in life is to write and record a song that someone says the same thing about. Wouldn't be me singing but at least writing. His voice was Styx.
  13. I was in college in Fayetteville, Arkansas living with my brother who was in his last semester as an architectural student. He spent an all nighter at the school. I was woken up the next morning by the alarm radio broadcasting a local station which was playing Beatles song after Beatles song. I got up and my brother had just come back to the apartment. I said, "Man, it's gonna be a great day, they're playing nothing but Beatles!" He said, "Phillip sit down." I can't believe it's been 40 years. The death of John affected me more than any other of celebrities whom I admired. He is still my favorite song writer.
  14. The guitar with the bare pickups looks cool but with those covers (been said a lot on this thread) it is so cool. So cool.
  15. Tman


    Wow you dog. Congrats. I want one too, seriously. In fact every time you get a guitar I decide I want one. Pretty creepy huh.
  16. 8 electrics 2 acoustic Drum roll.......1 amp - Tone King Imperial 2 Combo. Technically 10:1
  17. I completely remember Michael Hedges from the 1980s when I was in school and listened to Windham Hills artists, he was one. Aerial Boundaries was a classic in my collection. I still love it. This guy reminds me of him big time in a good way.
  18. scribing awl, radiused caul , brad point....... You've got the terminology down. Impressive job you are doing, very pro. Going to be fantastic.
  19. Really beautiful. I visited a St. Marys near Leeds. Had the same overall feel and I bet it had a yew tree.
  20. Congrats M-E for averting the overwhelming desire. You didn't fall into learned helplessness and give in. I, on the other hand, have figured out a way to get away with getting a new one but not make it look like I am. I'm slowly ordering Warmoth parts. Nearly done with a chambered zebrawood on mahogany stratocaster that will get Kinman pickups and a raw goncalo alves neck. I think my wife is just pretending to not notice what I am up to.
  21. Thanks M-E. Just kind of happened and I was glad I had my phone. I can tell you in one word: food.
  22. The moon, the setting sun and a b!tch all in one panoramic. 5 minutes later. She really likes to look out into the valley when the sun is setting. Pretty much every night.
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