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Happy 4th of July to all my American brothers and sisters...!


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With all due respect to our international members, please allow us this one day of pride and patriotism.


This is my personal national anthem.


Ahh... Ray did that song better than anyone.


Looks like rain here as well, oh well I hate that for the kids who want to watch fireworks and pool parties and cooking out.

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The background is the hat on the porch lion. We decorate him for holidays. Looked like a good picture when I was standing there, but didn't come out all artsy fartsy like yous guyses do.





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The entire family went over to my youngest sons house,he and his lovely wife put on a low country boil and was it a feast.Thewy had more food than we could eat so everyone got to take home some for later. MMMMMMMMM, We also had Blueberry,strawberry,and raspberry cobblers,with vanilla ice cream. After that we all went to our local town square to watch the fireworks thiseve.Unfortunately I had to cut it short due the heat,but we will have 5 more days of getting together.Great time so far,looking forward to more time with my daughter and her family from Texas,time seems to fly when they come,but we all enjoy the time together.There was so much food it covered the entire table.


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Hi everyone, hope you all have a happy and safe 4th.., how about some cookout and fireworks photos from wherever you may be. Guess what movie I am going to see tonight...


Thanks Dave. I'm gonna guess Independence Day 2? :-kO:)


We have lots of fireworks here. Of course beers, burgers and some horseshoes in the rain. B)

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We just had a little backyard party, and man, those fireworks we picked up in Wyoming were awesome. We had the cops come and everything. Well, a cop. He actually made an illegal warrantless entry onto my property, which I called him on. He didn't like that. Nevertheless, we'd already shot everything off, so yes, sir, no mas, and that was the resolution he was looking for. Thanks for stopping by. :rolleyes: It was a memorable evening even before that. We tend to get pretty independent around here on Independence Day. Cheers one and all!

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