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RIP John Lennon

Dennis G

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Surprised that no one has yet commented on this. I was watching that Monday Night football game when Howard Cosell broke the news to the world. Love him or hate him, Lennon was certainly a polarizing and parodoxical person. RIP John, RIP.


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I don't see Lennon as polarizing or any of that. I, actually, am completely indifferent to John Lennon's music. Never understood Beatlemania (considering the stuff that was being released at the time), but I've posted plenty about my Beatle confusion. I do think he was a good songwriter, and a competent guitar player. Certainly sad, the circumstances of his death. To be honest, it hadn't occured to me that it was anniversary of his death.

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My wife found out it was the 37th Anniversary of his death tonight. We were talking about that. It was hard to believe it was that long ago, seems just like several years ago and I couldn't believe he was killed after we were married for one year. We just celebrated our 38th anniversary in November, my how time flys. I never got the opportunity to see John or George but at least we got to see both Paul and Ringo. John had great talent and is missed. RIP.

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I was in 7th grade and remember walking with my friend Greg through our neighborhood and he casually mentioned the news to me. It barely had any impact on me then. In those days I didn't know much about The Beatles, and had heard his name more from the Double Fantasy album that was getting a lot of airplay at the time. It wan't until I was older that I became a huge Beatles fan.

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Surprised that no one has yet commented on this. I was watching that Monday Night football game when Howard Cosell broke the news to the world. Love him or hate him, Lennon was certainly a polarizing and parodoxical person. RIP.

Yes I was surprised that it didn't get more of a mention given his somewhat revered status. Being generous (or more likely clutching at straws) I hoped that people who were going to mention it remembered the Casino connection, went off to Epiphone's board and promptly forgot. Yes, straws methinks. As an aside, the 8th December 1972 is the 45 anniversary of me going to see Led Zeppelin in Manchester. They were ok I expect.

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I usually write a post or begin a thread on this subject. This year I didn’t even remember because of all of the stuff going on here in So. Cal I guess, A close friend from Medical School called me and said, “Well I thought I’d call and see how you were (like he’s done for 30 years).”


John is my songwriter hero.


My Lennon murder story is that I was living with my brother in an apartment in Fayetteville Arkansas while I was a freshman and he was finishing architecture school. He spent an all nighter and knew the news. I woke up to continuous Beatles on the alarm radio that I let play since they were playing my favorite music uninterrupted. My brother came into the apartment and I said, “David, t’s going to be a great day! They’re playing nothing but Beatles on the radio!”. He said, Phillip sit down.:

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