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The Last Minute.......


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Bah, humbug! Already gave my daughter's family a new laptop since they are travelling over the holidays. Will get some other small gifts for them when they visit for New Years. Will send my ex an Amazon gift card on xmas eve as usual. That's about as far as my gift list goes. ;)

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For us it is all about the kids. We actually got our shopping done before X'mas Eve for probably the first time. We buy what we can locally from small Mom & Pop places only doing the internet when it was something that could not be found. My wife will go buy herself whatever she wants. Me, unless there is a 1956 Porsche 356 with a ribbon atop of it sitting in the driveway X'mas morning I am not going to worry too much about it all.

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We just bought a tree and put it up today. Does that count?



Believe it or not, there was not a Christmas tree to be had in our small town in Florida when we went shopping for one 10 days ago. Our trees come from North Carolina, and the big snowstorms there after Thanksgiving completely disrupted the final scheduled tree deliveries, when we normally get a tree.


My wife decorated a ficus tree she has in the living room, instead. Looks good, and saved me $70, so I'm ok with that. With the temperature dropping into the 40's F overnight tonight, we'll have a fire in the fireplace, so it still seems a bit like Christmas to us transplanted New Englanders.


Merry Christmas to all here, even the grumpies!

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My wife and I both despise anything Christmas until after Thanks Giving Day. It's +/- a whole month from then until Christmas. Most everyone we know is done by then. We get started about 1st weekend in December. In my younger days, MUCH younger days, one could find me roaming aimlessly in an open Zayre's or Bradley's department store after work on Christmas Eve. The 1st weekend in December feels like it's an endless amount of time compared to that.

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Removed the X-mas decorations this morning - just in time for the new year to come clean.

Then sat down and switched between the 1963 Southern Jumbo and the ditto born cherry J-45.

Both half a step sunken, but with capo on the 3rd.

A nize way to start the day, , , sensing the obvious differences, , , and the siblinghood between them.


🌠 🎇 Have a safe cross over ` don't ruin those ears 🎉 may 19 be worth remembering 🎆 🌌 *

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Removed the X-mas decorations this morning - just in time for the new year to come clean.

Then sat down and switched between the 1963 Southern Jumbo and the ditto born cherry J-45.

Both half a step sunken, but with capo on the 3rd.

A nize way to start the day, , , sensing the obvious differences, , , and the siblinghood between them.

🌠 🎇 Have a safe cross over ` don't ruin those ears 🎉 may 19 be worth remembering 🎆 🌌 *



Along similar lines, I've gone back to playing my old J-45, despite its skinny nut. I find the unique fat but narrow neck on that one is actually easier on my hands than the wide, shallow neck of my '43 SJ re-issue. It may also be that the old J-45 is set up with super low action--too low for hard strumming, but fine for the flat-picking I'm mostly doing.The narrow nut does force more precision in the fretting hand, but it's good discipline.


And I am startled by how good that old J-45 sounds these days. Maybe it's a function of the relatively low humidity, or maybe the guitar's 70-year-old body and 50-year-old top are finally coming to terms with each other. I wish I could come to terms with my own 70-year-old body, but that ain't happening.

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Removed the X-mas decorations this morning - just in time for the new year to come clean.


Took down the decorations yesterday as well, but that's because I haven't been able to find my guitar tuner since we set them up. It didn't turn up, arrrrgh. How long do you wait to find something you know has to be around, but just can't find before you replace it? I think it's something like 'one day before you find it'.

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Along similar lines, I've gone back to playing my old J-45, despite its skinny nut. I find the unique fat but narrow neck on that one is actually easier on my hands than the wide, shallow neck of my '43 SJ re-issue. It may also be that the old J-45 is set up with super low action--too low for hard strumming, but fine for the flat-picking I'm mostly doing.The narrow nut does force more precision in the fretting hand, but it's good discipline.


And I am startled by how good that old J-45 sounds these days. Maybe it's a function of the relatively low humidity, or maybe the guitar's 70-year-old body and 50-year-old top are finally coming to terms with each other. I wish I could come to terms with my own 70-year-old body, but that ain't happening.

Wish I could still navigate that skinny neck of which you speak. I always liked the less shallow profile, too. My '60s J-45 was like that, and I reluctantly let it go when arthritis began to happen. Seems it's advanced further through the past year, as all the old injuries (didn't realize there were so many!) have started hurting to the point that I graduated from OTC pain killers to prescription within the past 2 months. It's funny how you can get back to playing a specific guitar and it sounds better than you remember. Glad to know that the phenomenon pertains to someone in addition to me.

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Took down the decorations yesterday as well, but that's because I haven't been able to find my guitar tuner since we set them up. It didn't turn up, arrrrgh. How long do you wait to find something you know has to be around, but just can't find before you replace it? I think it's something like 'one day before you find it'.


Thrown out with the wrapping paper ! 😖

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