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Es335's getting destroyed


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I love the way they carefully laid out the guitars rather than just throw them in a jumbled pile.  It really looks like a mass funeral.    I blame it on the robotuners.  That Firebird X, though, must have been one expensive failure.  Reminds you of the day when Gibson refused to release seconds and destroyed those guitars not thought not to be up to their standards. 

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8 minutes ago, zombywoof said:

I love the way they carefully laid out the guitars rather than just throw them in a jumbled pile.  It really looks like a mass funeral.    I blame it on the robotuners.  That Firebird X, though, must have been one expensive failure.  Reminds you of the day when Gibson refused to release seconds and destroyed those guitars not thought not to be up to their standards. 

  • Proprietary Battery
  • 1st gen Robotic Tuners
  • Based on Windows 98 (UGH!) to pair the guitar to access the guitars features via the software

Right! What could possibly go wrong here............  :-k


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Its a waste.    But in the same token Bozeman cuts up alot too.  But most of those have had flaws where they were not up to standards for the market place.  And they dont sell seconds. 

Im sure the could of done something to those electrics to make those more sellable instead of wasting it all.     Like make a sidewalk up to the plant. 

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A Cadillac Ranch thing creating a Firebird X sidewalk is not a bad idea.  Or perhaps an Atari ET game  scenario where you go to the middle of nowhere, use that excavator to dig a giant grave,  plant the guitars  and then return leaving no trace of the burial site.  Then, decades down the road let something leak and create a new urban myth to solve and an archeological find the Firebird X craze.  Then they could release a limited edition Firebird X which would probably this time around sell like hotcakes. 

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33 minutes ago, Harmonics101 said:

More fake news.

Farmers do this with crops all the time, burying perfectly good food that could be distributed to needy people.

Lot less people in need of guitars than food


Just because it happens doesn't make it right or acceptable. The reason we put up with crap like this in the Western world is partly the reason why we have ended up in a situation of conspicuous consumption and needless and avoidable waste. It's the reason why a small minority of the world's population end up consuming the vast bulk of its resources.

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I agree and totally understand not letting substandard stuff out of the factory , as has been pointed out , you cant blame a food factory for world hunger if they discard produce

but , whoever filmed it needs their arse kicked , I'm flabbergasted that anyone would think that's good PR to perhaps get it out there that they don't let substandard products out the door . Is the only reason I can think of for filming .


AND  surely something  couldve been done other than chop them up 

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