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Mr. Gibson

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I packed. Going to Austria tomorrow for the 25th anniversary of an MRI meeting that I helped found in Graz for European Radiologists. After a 2 year hiatus I am so excited to go. I have been vaccinated 4 times now so I am not looking forward to wearing a mask for the 11 hour flight but whatever, I'm excited to go. AND I get to play a bunch of Stones songs with some great Austrian musicians, eat amazing food and drink amazing Gruner Veltliner.  Can't figure out how to put an umlaut.

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Worked, read about Ukraine, ordered some CDs and an album, bought some more motorcycle tires and a new CD burner as I'm tired of making coasters.

Now to see if the lawn mower will start, the neighbors are making me look bad which doesn't take very much.

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Did the lawn for the first time this season on Friday.  First time is always the hardest.    Yesterday went to the local grocery chain store. Big & Fancy - reflective of the neighborhood.   As we were leaving - we saw this guy,  long hair, beard early 30s,  dressed nicely - waltz out the door without paying - had one of those plastic baskets you can carry on your arm - it was stuffed.   Walked calmly to his car, no one paid any attention to him.   While some people traditionally resort to eating cat food when they can no longer afford people food.  Made me realize the sickness is growing.  

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On 4/23/2022 at 5:40 PM, Rabs said:

I had a small clear out of a cupboard I havent cleared out for ages.. Like years..

Found out as I had forgotten I do actually have a fender shaped object in my home.. Sadly it was something I picked up from a friend who passed away in 2018.. Totally forgot about it...

It is actually a Fender of sorts (but not really)  🙂  What I may do with it is assuming the electrics and tuners are crap.. Do it up and give it a nice upgrade and then give it to my niece who will start her lessons soon.






I almost forgot about one of my Covid projects, I had my modded Ibanez in its Strat case stuffed under my bed since I moved into my new house last year. I forgot how mean this thing is with its Mean90's.


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I was also working on an Ibanez...   My friend David passed away in 2018... In 2019 some time I was asked to his old flat by his family to help clear it out. There was so much stuff. Many musical instruments but this is the one I most associated with him so I grabbed it (or they were giving it to charity).

Well its been in the cupboard (along with that Sunn strat thing I posted a few days back) and I decided to finally get it out and give it a good clean (which I knew it needed)..  I am not sure if David ever actually cleaned it or even changed the strings lol.. It was very much him. He just liked to play them,

It took me a short while to work out exactly what model it is. And its apparently a limited run its an SA 360 EX. There are several models out there similar but only this one (in that line anyway) has no fret markers. It also has these Ducncan Designed pickups which are also different to the others in that range. 

This is it. Its one of those weird colours that looks different at various angles. Somewhere between grey and purple.


But sheesh.. Check out the fretboard 😮 


So I get out a razor blade and give it some 


And after an oil, that gets a large part of it off. But you can see its still no cleaned yet



So then I go at it with the sand paper..




So much better now  🙂




Several hours of work and my hands hurt but I am really glad I got it clean and playing again.. 

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Really nice work on the restoration Rabs, the SA 360 EX has a value at least double or triple of my RG 421. I did have a few Japan built shedders from the early 90's and 80's that had me captivated for quite a while. I think Ibanez built some of the best out-of-the-box shredders of their day. Enjoy 🙂

I removed the pickups, 5-way switch, wiring and bridge, replacing them with Mean 90s, a Tele wiring harness with a 3-way switch and a nickel Gotoh bridge.


This thing has a wonderful neck, but does feel a little alien to me now compared to my Epipihones, no matter though I adjust to it after a few minutes.


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55 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

Really nice work on the restoration Rabs, the SA 360 EX has a value at least double or triple of my RG 421. I did have a few Japan built shedders from the early 90's and 80's that had me captivated for quite a while. I think Ibanez built some of the best out-of-the-box shredders of their day. Enjoy 🙂

I removed the pickups, 5-way switch, wiring and bridge, replacing them with Mean 90s, a Tele wiring harness with a 3-way switch and a nickel Gotoh bridge.


This thing has a wonderful neck, but does feel a little alien to me now compared to my Epipihones, no matter though I adjust to it after a few minutes.


Cheers. And yeah its a pretty nice guitar... I am not used to the pickups but thats about it.. Its easy enough to play for me.

This guitar also has a 5 piece neck and its set in rather than bolted.... 




My only real issue with it is the action is a bit high..  In looking at the bridge there is very little room to lower it too


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39 minutes ago, Rabs said:

Cheers. And yeah its a pretty nice guitar... I am not used to the pickups but thats about it.. Its easy enough to play for me.

This guitar also has a 5 piece neck and its set in rather than bolted.... 




My only real issue with it is the action is a bit high..  In looking at the bridge there is very little room to lower it too


Hmm set neck, do you know what year it is? If its old enough it could be Japan made.

here is a similar one in Germany.


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2 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

Hmm set neck, do you know what year it is?

here is a similar one in Germany.


Lol... Yes I have had a look about for info in this model too and found that Reverb listing.. Very little of it out there.. From what I have been able to gather it was made only in 2003 as a limited run....  Also another interesting note is Ibanez use Jatoba wood (aka Brazilian Cherry) instead of Rosewood.

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2 minutes ago, Rabs said:

Lol... Yes I have had a look about for info in this model too and found that Reverb listing.. Very little of it out there.. From what I have been able to gather it was made only in 2003 as a limited run....  Also another interesting note is Ibanez use Jatoba wood (aka Brazilian Cherry) instead of Rosewood.

Hmm it could be Japan made. which is very desirable.

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4 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

Still very desirable, most are made in Indonesia now..

Serial Number W920071

Production year: September 2002   serial: 0071

(factory: World Musical Instrument Co., Incheon, Korea)


Ahh ok cheers.. Wasnt far off...  As I say, hard to find much info at all on this specific model...

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2 minutes ago, Rabs said:

Ahh ok cheers.. Wasnt far off...  As I say, hard to find much info at all on this specific model...

one more note from guitar insite

Some Korean Ibanez serial numbers only consist of 7, 8 or 10 digits.
These guitars were produced at the Cort factory in Incheon.
(for an 8 or 10 digit serial number this is not entirely certain)

Because they had no date stamps at the start of the production,
the serial numbers of the Artstar models were hand written.
These handwritten serial numbers are difficult to read and decipher.
In 2003 the production of these Artstar models was discontinued.

1997–2008 7 digits
Example: 8071234
The first digit shows the last digit of the year.
(7=1997 en met 8=2008)
In the case of a 7 or an 8, you must have a general timetable for
the correct year can determine, because this can be either 1997/1998 or 2007/2008.
The next 2 digits indicate the month (01=January...12=December)
The last 4 digits are the consecutive production number for that month. (1234)
Serial number 8071234 is the 1234th gitaar of 1998 or 2008, built
in July. Made by Cort Guitars in Incheon or Daejeon.

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3 hours ago, mihcmac said:

Hmm set neck, do you know what year it is? If its old enough it could be Japan made.

here is a similar one in Germany.


Ha.. Weirdly one has come up on Reverb.. I dont think they know exactly what it is...


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Helped Cherry ready her flat for sale. Replaced light switch in kitchen. The last tenant smashed the old one to pieces. Pulled up old hall carpet & kitchen vinyl ready for new flooring.

We got sticky gunk all over our hands & had to use white spirit to remove it. 

Now waiting for my grocery delivery. They are running late.  

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Fiddled around with a Yamaha powered mixer this morning. I was going to sell it for $100 just to be shed of it but it has some nice built in effects. I may just hook a couple old monitors to it and pretend it's a guitar amp.

I mow our 3 acres with a 1940 something Ford tractor with a 72" mower. Sometimes my wife helps me and had used our POS 2008 Toro that I bought in 2012 for $900. It was near death so I sold it for $200  a couple weeks ago went to Lowes and got "her" a new 46" Craftsman. This morning I drug out my backup mower, a 1996 White 46". Fired right up. Looks like something that was pulled from the ocean after a decade. Yet it runs and mows fine.

Un-sodded a patch for a flower bed in front of the house. Got to use a pick/mattock that has been in the family barn with a broken handle since the 1960s. I fitted a new handle to it last winter. I also used that mattock digging up the septic tank at my property across the street, since the tank will be pumped tomorrow.

I laid open a tenor sax case outside in hopes of airing the funk out of it.

I laid my Telecaster on the deck in hopes some of the nicotine will go away. 

I am leaning heavily on the Albuterol today. I need to do more physical labor and maybe harden up to it. I've been lazy too many years. i don't have much wind in me.

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I kinda started work again today after a year and a half break.  I dont really need to work (lucky boy) but have been so bored recently that I decided to go and help my old boss on a job for the next few weeks..  Its also getting warmer out so that makes it a lot nicer..

So yeah..  More London Plane.. This time we have wall tiles.. They have been made at a customers request. And as if I needed reminding, London Plane is the most incredible looking wood.. Each piece so different.. Check.

So this is my work station. They have been sanded. My job is to oil one side and re stack them


And this is the pile of tiles I have to oil.. 1000 of them 😮   (and this is just the first batch, 3000 have been ordered in all).


But the wood.. So so amazing.. Known as a lacewood.





So yeah...  A weeks worth roughly..   If I stay on to do the other 2000 is yet to be decided (by me)..  I would imagine though once I get t o the end of this I will never want to oil anything ever again 😄   My first full days work in about a year and a half..  Everything hurts

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I have recently discovered that my HoneyTone sounds the best clean or driven at really low volume. Where my Marshall is just better for being obnoxious with sustain. But if I am concerned about someone hearing me while I am freedom playing on batteries I use my Roland Cubes.


Sometimes I do like to just plug everything in.


I do miss my Fender and Ampeg 1/2 stacks (not so much the Marshalls), but my hearing seems to be better these days.

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This morning I repaired a pair of skates for a hockey bud. He complained that the leather was tearing, and because he loved the fit, was unhappy that he would have to buy and break in a new pair.

Spent a couple of hours cutting, fitting and gluing patches to the damaged areas, and now they should last him a few more seasons at least.

It was a mutually beneficial exercise. He gets to wear the skates he loves, and I got the pleasure and satisfaction of working out the solution and then bringing it to fruition.

Later in the day Mrs. RBSinTo and I who are looking after our Daughter and Son-in-Law's dog while they have bathrom renovations done, took him for a long walk, and I found some escaped garden flowers on public land that I will go back tomorrow and dig up for our garden.

Tonight? Playing hockey at 8:30.

Life in the fast lane.




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