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Covid19 How many in your state or country?

Mr. Gibson

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1 minute ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Because a lot of those K-12 students go stay with Gramma and/or Grampa after school so mom and dad can work. 


You know, there are ways to address that and all the other issues without a permanent shelter in place order.   Or, maybe you don't.

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18 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

You.... you do realize that long before you become the director of anything, you ARE that "frontline" physician?  


But how do I trust a supposed contagion expert who tells people surgical masks are useless when they're not,  and centuries of research would show that they at least with a very high probability protects you when used correctly? And then he changes his tune. 

I understand he was probably trying to cease hoarding. Me, I have a saying: lie to me once as an official, and I'll never listen to you again. 

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25 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

It's a fluid situation.  They didn't have data to support using masks.  Now they do. 

Why not just "play it safe"?   Because there are only so many masks out there and the medical staff needed them more urgently. 

There was nothing to indicate the barrier method of protection wouldn't work. 

As evidenced by the urgent need of the medical staff of masks that were supposedly useless. Come on. 

Edited by Pinch
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27 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

It's not personal.  You're some random dude on the Internet.   It makes sense that everyone isn't hanging on your every word like it's gospel.  Sorry but I will go with what the experts say, not rando-dude. 


Which is precisely why I have posted numerous links to information from physicians and scientists from Stanford, Harvard and other less-rando-dude practicing physicians who are saying the same thing that I am saying.

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8 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

It's a fluid situation.  They didn't have data to support using masks.  Now they do. 

Why not just "play it safe"?   Because there are only so many masks out there and the medical staff needed them more urgently. 


Exactly what data do we have now about masks that we didn't have before this?

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35 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Ok.  Parents live in Puerto Rico.  Child ONLY stays with grandparents when they are in the US.  Where do those children sleep at night? 


And the only solution you see to that is shutting down the entire economy??  Are you out of your mind?  People can find ways to deal with it.  Will things have to change?  Of course.  Can it be done without shutting down the entire economy and confining people to their homes?  Of course.  We have spent at least 6-7 trillion dollars on this so far.  There are lots of people out of work right now that would love to have jobs taking care of kids after school.  Maybe those kids in your example would have to stay with the parents in PR.  Nah, that would never work.  They shouldn't have to sacrifice anything.  Just shut down the world instead.  That's ridiculous.

Edited by Black Dog
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52 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Ok.  Parents live in Puerto Rico.  Child ONLY stays with grandparents when they are in the US.  Where do those children sleep at night? 

I would suggest at Fauci's place. But make sure they address him with his full CDC title and shoe size. 

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1 hour ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Nobody shut down the economy.   You're probably just not happy because your stocks took a hit.   With any situation like this, some companies take a hit while other thrive.  

And I don't think you understand the scope of that problem.  My school district has 8000+ students.   A LOT of them are crammed into houses with their entire extended family.   And that's just one district.  It's not as simple as you seem to think.  

RE: Shutting down the economy

Markets went into a free fall starting 2/24.  Quarantine started in March.   🤔


Actually, this created some great buying opportunities for me.   Anything I lost with existing investments will also come back.  I'm not worried at all.

Oh, I understand it very well.

You mentioned in a earlier post that you previously worked in health care.  What did you do?

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1 hour ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Nobody shut down the economy.  


Our businesses are our economy.  Money is our economy.  When the government shuts down our businesses and interrupts peoples income, and their own income from tax revenue that shuts down the economy. 

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20 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

You mentioned in a earlier post that you previously worked in health care.  What did you do?

Why does that matter? Because you have already told everyone that you are a physician and therefore what you are saying about our complicated societal condition carries more weight? Getting the guy to admit to being less than an MD will let you put your neck over his since your tail chasing and urinating comments fell a bit flat?  Belittling and bullying people who disagree with you wasn't part of my Medical School curriculum. There are better and more effective ways of letting people see your point of view if you have ultimate truth behind you. 

It's a freaking guitar forum by the way.

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Me belittling and bulling people who disagree with me?  What are you smoking man?  I'm the one who has disagreed with the "mainstream"  and the angry bullying has been directed toward me for doing so.  Whether you want to admit it or not, people here have been very angry and bitter towards me about this.  

He mentioned that he worked in health care in an attempt to give himself added credibility in this discussion.  He brought it up, not me.  I don't think he has any background in medicine or science.  That is being deceptive.  That is a lie.  

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8 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Because a lot of those K-12 students go stay with Gramma and/or Grampa after school so mom and dad can work. 

In addition to only 3 children having died from Corona Virus in the US .....    There are NO cases on record in the US (or UK as far as I know) that indicate children have passed the virus on to adults.  No cases where Gramma or Grampa  or ANY adult - living with a child  -  got sick and could ONLY have gotten it from the child!  China, for what it's worth, has said the same thing.   Articles citing experts opinions two months ago that 'certainly children must pass it on,  because they pass on other viruses) - are basically worthless since they are opinions and not based on science, or recent studies.    So, Dr. Fauci (who, NO, was never a 'frontline doctor' and went directly to the NIH and other research lab jobs after Med School/Internship) -  CANNOT at this point, three months in -    yet prove that children  pass the virus on to adults.   So, absent proof they do - at what point do you admit -  "They must not, we've had 1.1 million cases but we can't find ONE where we know it was transmitted by a child?"   

So, your Gramma and Grampa are Strawmen.     

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3 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Oh by the way, I only worked in doctors offices, I have no actual medical training.  That's why I listen to the foremost expert on the subject, not rando-Internet dude.  


Reminds me of that line in the TV commercial:   "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV."  


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5 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

CDC says:

"If children meet in groups, it can put everyone at risk. Children with COVID-19 may only have mild symptoms, but they can still pass this virus onto others who may be at higher risk, including older adults and people who have serious underlying medical conditions."

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/children.html#:~:text=Children with COVID-19,serious underlying medical conditions.

No documented cases of children passing on the virus to adults but this thing hasn't been around very long.  Data is very limited. If you want to play it safe, follow CDC recommendation.  

For once, I agree with you 😉

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19 hours ago, Black Dog said:


And the only solution you see to that is shutting down the entire economy??  


I'm shocked at how easily some people have given up their rights and livelihood.

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18 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Nobody shut down the economy.   You're probably just not happy because your stocks took a hit.   With any situation like this, some companies take a hit while other thrive.  

And I don't think you understand the scope of that problem.  My school district has 8000+ students.   A LOT of them are crammed into houses with their entire extended family.   And that's just one district.  It's not as simple as you seem to think.  

RE: Shutting down the economy

Markets went into a free fall starting 2/24.  Quarantine started in March.   🤔


"Nobody shut down the economy" ?   

Average unemployment claims last year - 325,000 per week. March and April 2020 - average 4 million a week.  California DOUBLE  any other state - has the strictest Lockdown measures.

"Markets went into a fee fall starting 2/24. Quarantine started in March"?     Wow - four day difference ? 

Normal Dow Jones volume is around 325 million shares.  On Feb.24th volume was 452 million shares and it closed at 27,961   On Feb. 28th volume was 916 million, and it closed at 25,410.   On Feb.27th, San Francisco mayor ordered a lockdown for SF and all surrounding counties.    

See - cherry picking stats is easy.  How about you provide some to provide justification for your two statements? 


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13 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

That is a bit dramatic isn't it?  Do you walk around wearing one of those silly Guy Fawkes masks? 



''I don't think a cervical cap would have helped in this case. 😂''


Like I suggested, provide facts to support your claims - instead of posts like the 2 above. 

Edited by fortyearspickn
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"  how many deaths will it take till we see

that too many people have died?

the answer my friend

is blowin in the wind "  thanks BD... I am still wonderin...

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20 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

DJI LOW (March)    18,500
DJI NOW    23,723

Volume refers to how many trades are happening whether people are buying OR SELLING.  It's not an indicator of anything other than high activity - good or bad.  You apparently do not have a grasp of that concept so explaining in any further detail is pointless.  How's that 401k doing?  


So -  you posted two numbers. What do you claim they prove???   Does the "DJI now" at 5,000 points higher  prove backing off on the quarantine is helping the economy?  Yes or no?  Wouldn't  that conflict  with your claim the quarantine didn't cause the drop?   Yes or no?   What point were you trying to make with these two numbers?  Or are you going to continue to not try to back up your deflection and cherry picking - based on yet another deflective claim:  that  I don't understand  the concept of market volatility.   And my investments are fine - Low Risk.  More deflection?  (Run out of silly photos of masked  fat guys in their Man Caves ? )

To attempt to shut down another forum members discussion  by claiming  'No one shut down the economy'  and  "The market free fall started on Feb 28th but the shut down began in March", still remains un-proven.  As do your claims that children pass the virus on to adults.  As unproven as your claim that US deaths per million can be compared to Swedens deaths per million as "Apples to Apples" - to draw assumptions about lockdowns.  Swedes eat fish - we eat tacos. 

When you're digging a hole, and you see daylight below but not above - it's time to stop digging.    

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55 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

No, you agree with the CDC. 😆


The CDC which, based on years of research studies told us that six feet distancing was their recommendation, and then came out with a revised study/ recommendation more than doubling that to 13 feet.  Which, even Lockdown Governors are paying no attention to. 

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