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We have a billionaire businessman entrepreneur reality tv show actor as President of the US and he is a weird shade of orange with what ever you call that thing on his head for hair and we are not supposed to make fun of him even if you wear the same color sweater as he does. And he knows a lot about wind. I think the guys I work with that have Aerospace Engineering Degrees from fancy University that work at the wind tunnel I work at know more about wind than he does.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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3 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

That was great, I want to jam with the guy in the hat. 

Here is another 'Malone' doing his best.  This is the most accurate cover of Nirvana I've ever heard.  


Its not Nirvana but a cover of Nirvana, yeah.  Why people salivate over that band still to this day amazes me. The dress is you Postie Malone. Those face tatts are gonna look great in your 70',  if you make it that far. Looks like his life is rough?

Sorry that was no being to optimistic, our beaches are open in SC. Yeah. Read into that what  you will.

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Fauci just announced a new study on Remdesivir.  It's a better study, double blind placebo controlled.  That's good.  It showed a mortality reduction from 11% down to 8%.  Not exactly a game changer but better than nothing.  But, it reminds me of Oseltamivir and Zanamivir, both Influenza drugs.  When they came out the manufacturers had all this great data that was not reproduced when we actually used them.  We'll see. 

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21 hours ago, Cougar said:


That's the media where you get your news?  The Blaze?  LOL!

"The Blaze reports news with a far right bias... Story selection almost always favors the right on The Blaze and there is a heavy Christian bias as well.... A factual search reveals two failed fact checks directly attributed to The Blaze, here and here. However, the founder of The Blaze, Glenn Beck, has an abysmal track record with 6 Pants on Fire claims from Politifact alone.

Founded by Glenn Beck, American conservative political commentator, radio host, television producer, and conspiracy theorist.

You guys are really something.  Regarding the fish tank story, you forgot (?) to mention that the fish tank cleaner they injested contained chloroquine phosphate, and that the wife said she and her husband ingested the cleaner because Trump praised chloroquine.  Clearly, they would not have taken this stuff, and the husband would not have died, if it wasn't for Trump making reckless claims about chloroquine, which we can now see turned out to be nonsense, even the correct medication.

How anyone can continue to support the felon in the white house is beyond me.  I don't think I have to list the daily outrages he pummels the nation with.

I'm outa here.


I did not 'forget' to mention that the fish tank cleaner contained hydroxychloroquine.  It's right there in the middle of my 3 line comment.  Perhaps you 'forgot' to read it.  Politico is probably less reliable as a source of news than The Blaze.   If you had read the article - you'd  know it wasn't Glenn Beck who is accusing the wife of murder. It's the police.  Pesky Facts.  Convenient to cherry pick the ones you like though, isn't it?  Oh, I forgot - you're   "outta here"  .  

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22 hours ago, Black Dog said:

The Remdesivir study is poor.  It was only 397 patients but more importantly it was not randomized and there was no control group.  Not very impressive.

You can't even rule out the placebo effect there. 

It's what's in scientific terms is known as "pfft. Boo!" 

But the race is on for that golden patent. There'll be more of this. 

Edited by Pinch
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May 1.

More Freedoms!

Illinois Governor says Southern part of the state will be easing restrictions faster due to far less cases in the south.

We've actually already been doing that.


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2 hours ago, Murph said:

And Nascar will resume May 17th.

Never was a race guy, but I might have to check that out.


Me either, but here in the South one of the first questions you get asked is "who's your driver?"


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5 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Just curious - where did you see that?  Or is that an assumption based on people going back to work?  Not being snarky, I want to know how to track GDP. 

The NewYork Times is reporting that The GDP is steadily growing, although more slowly than it was before the virus shutdown.  Easy to find if one looks for it.....  He didn’t make it up.

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Went out to Wilco today and got some supplies.  Herbicides, plants for the garden, some fittings I needed for my sprayer.  Also stopped at my "water pump" shop and got 20 bags of salt.  Then hit the post office.

Everything seemed more normal than not.  Everyone social distanced (I was social distancing before social distancing was cool).  But, people circulated freely.  People are getting it.  We'll be done with this soon. 

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3 hours ago, Murph said:

Over 25% of the Illinois corn crop is in the ground. It would be more had it not been so wet.

The ag biz is rockin'...


Yes.  They were getting bailed out long before the current round of Farmer Welfare Queen bailout they are about to get.  Makes the auto industry look like shoplifters.  They'll get bailed to plant this load, plow it under or burn it, and get bailed next year again.  


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2 hours ago, rct said:


Yes.  They were getting bailed out long before the current round of Farmer Welfare Queen bailout they are about to get.  Makes the auto industry look like shoplifters.  They'll get bailed to plant this load, plow it under or burn it, and get bailed next year again.  



When you're b!tching about American farmers, be sure you're not doing it with your mouth full...

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2 hours ago, Mr. Gibson said:

The price of putting crop in these days they need every penny of it. 

Knowing nothing about farming  please excuse my ignorance. Are you planting what the current market wants or planting  something for international sales  in the hopes that the tariffs will end.  If the tariffs don't end what happens. Is there such a thing as tariff insurance? I know they have it for bugs, blight, drought, flood.  Do the buyers tell you what their expected needs are for the year? Is it done by a quota  or contract of some type or just what you think will bring the most profit?  How do you know how much and of what to plant?  As far as the bailouts, the last one i didn't have a problem with. The rug was pulled out from underneath you. This round i'm on the fence with.  No argument or anything like that just curious.  If it is known that there is no market for something do you plant it anyway in the hopes things will change?  If soybeans took a dump and the demand and price dropped by two thirds,  and the current situation hasn't changed, do you plant soybeans again the next year?


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8 hours ago, Murph said:


When you're b!tching about American farmers, be sure you're not doing it with your mouth full...


Cargill.  Archer Daniels Midland.  Monsanto.  Bayer.  That's just a few of the monster corporations.  You think they are NOT getting food here?  They are.  It's called Agri-Business for a reason.  They'll be just fine.


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California Counties defy the Newsom Kremlin and are opening up. Some including bars and gyms.


Makes me proud to be an American. These Governors are grabbing far more power than they actually have.

Push back...


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Newsome declared that California was a 'Nation State' a few weeks ago. He, and his predecessors, have been trying to create  a contra-country for decades.  Why do we -  in the other 49 states have to see  warning labels about "Complies With California Codes"  on mattresses, cars, guns and even simple, unpainted wood decorations in Hobby Lobby (made in China) ?  We have to pay extra so all these codes can be complied with. Either the company makes two different products, or 'dumbs down' the one we all get.  It started with them having their own "Fire Safety Codes" then they moved to autos.   On the flip side, of course, they ignore any Federal Laws they disagree with.    When this Virus first got notice in the media - the pack of governors who follow Newsome's lead prepared their own version of "Shock and Awe", and as soon as the NBA cancelled their season, and San Francisco ordered 'Shelter In Place' (which soon became "Lockdown") for itself and all surrounding counties - these governors  jumped on the 'Let No Good Crisis Go To Waste'  bandwagon.   Push them back, way back. 

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