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What lessons have we learned in the past three years?


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You don't really seem to understand much, eh?  [wink]

I've gotten my share of tickets over 50+ years of driving.  But never for running a red light. 

HOLESHOTS off the lights maybe.  [cool]

But never going through them.  [thumbup]


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On 4/5/2022 at 1:35 PM, jaxson50 said:

I have witnessed the following many times, I would love to hear an explanation of why this is happening.

I'm at a signal light,  first in line, next to mne is a police car,  our light turns green, three cars run the red light,  the cop does nothing, nada, zip.  Once I was at a red light and a school bus blew through a red light,  officer in car next to me, nothing, then a few months ago I was at a signal light,  there was one motorcycle cop in front of my, and four (4) behind me,  our light turned green and five vehicles blew through the red light.

The five officers did nothing..... so what I learned by witnessing these events is that it is legal to run a red light.



Could be that the jurisdictions you witnessed this behavior in are now turning a blind eye to traffic violations in the cause of “driving equity.” I have no doubt that Seattle and Philadelphia are not the only jurisdictions with such policies.   So it’s quite possible those officers you witnessed  have been ordered NOT to make traffic stops for “minor” violations.  Political correctness always trumps public safety in some jurisdictions.

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1 hour ago, tx-ogre said:



Could be that the jurisdictions you witnessed this behavior in are now turning a blind eye to traffic violations in the cause of “driving equity.” I have no doubt that Seattle and Philadelphia are not the only jurisdictions with such policies.   So it’s quite possible those officers you witnessed  have been ordered NOT to make traffic stops for “minor” violations.  Political Correctness always trumps public safety in some jurisdictions.



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36 minutes ago, saturn said:




Yet another example of the failures of mindless politicians in places like Baltimore and Washington, DC.   Ignore the problem and it will go away.   Your kids can’t read?  No problem.  We are pissing away more money than other school districts in the country.  Which means that we will eventually surpass other schools in our performance despite our stupidity.  The solution is always more money.  Yeah right.  

Same with crime.  Are you going to believe us or your lying eyes?  C’mon man!  That just LOOKS like lawlessness.  Just close your eyes and think crime-free thoughts.  Smash and grab robberies…carjackings…aggravated assaults…Asian women being assaulted and thrown down stairs…just figments of your imagination.  Ignore the obvious and “drink the Kool-Aid, rube.”  You will feel better and be considered better “sheople” because your minds are “right.”


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1 hour ago, jaxson50 said:

I guess it's racist to enforce traffic regulations now?

Why have them at all?



Everything is racist nowadays.  You workout?  Try to stay in shape?  The Nazis once promoted physical fitness so if you believe in being healthy,  especially with a home gym, you are a white supremacist.  I have been involved in organized sports since I was a kid and had home gyms most of my life and still work out 5-6 times a week.  But I have never possessed or worn a white sheet or hood in my life.  And with all of the knee, back, shoulder and wrist surgeries I’ve had over the years, combined with the severe psoriatic and osteoarthritis in most of my joints, I just can’t “goose step” or extend my arm in a proper “Heil Hitler” salute like I used to.  Just goes to show that white supremacy is a young man’s pursuit.  I feel so inadequate.

I just wonder if Oprah knows she is on the verge of being “cancelled” due to her history and business relationship with Weight Watchers.  She is doomed.  And how about people like Richard Simmons?  I have always suspected him of being a closet neo-Nazi and white supremacist.  And Jillian Michaels?  Any female at that level of physical conditioning is obviously a white supremacist.  She obviously needs to be sent to a “re-education camp” and fed nothing but Twinkies and chili dogs until she gets her mind right and gains about 100 lbs.  The world will be a much better place.

The scary part is, the first MSNBC link is the mindless babbling of a media talking head.  Nothing new there.  Business as usual.  The other link relates to a seminar sponsored by King County, WA employees.  These idiots are perpetuating their stupidity with taxpayers funding and on gubamint time.  They should be the adults in the room, but as usual they are the infants in Romper Room.

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10 hours ago, tx-ogre said:


Our local media has a policy.   They will not give physical descriptions of people police are looking for, but they will damn sure report someone is at large.    This started a few years ago because people complained it was always a certain type of person. 

here is an example just from TODAY.......they blocked streets off looking for a male suspect.   This is a college town.   And right next to the college, Frat and Sorority row. 
There are at least a dozen multistory parking garages within a mile of this location.   Yet no one knows who to watch for.  LOL  The  comments on social media are always entertaining. 



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9 hours ago, tx-ogre said:



Everything is racist nowadays.  You workout?  Try to stay in shape?  The Nazis once promoted physical fitness so if you believe in being healthy,  especially with a home gym, you are a white supremacist.  I have been involved in organized sports since I was a kid and had home gyms most of my life and still work out 5-6 times a week.  But I have never possessed or worn a white sheet or hood in my life.  And with all of the knee, back, shoulder and wrist surgeries I’ve had over the years, combined with the severe psoriatic and osteoarthritis in most of my joints, I just can’t “goose step” or extend my arm in a proper “Heil Hitler” salute like I used to.  Just goes to show that white supremacy is a young man’s pursuit.  I feel so inadequate.

I just wonder if Oprah knows she is on the verge of being “cancelled” due to her history and business relationship with Weight Watchers.  She is doomed.  And how about people like Richard Simmons?  I have always suspected him of being a closet neo-Nazi and white supremacist.  And Jillian Michaels?  Any female at that level of physical conditioning is obviously a white supremacist.  She obviously needs to be sent to a “re-education camp” and fed nothing but Twinkies and chili dogs until she gets her mind right and gains about 100 lbs.  The world will be a much better place.

The scary part is, the first MSNBC link is the mindless babbling of a media talking head.  Nothing new there.  Business as usual.  The other link relates to a seminar sponsored by King County, WA employees.  These idiots are perpetuating their stupidity with taxpayers funding and on gubamint time.  They should be the adults in the room, but as usual they are the infants in Romper Room.

First:  The first link relates a story about an alleged existence of a fascist neo-Nazi white supremacist culture that encourages a physical fitness  philosophy among members.  I don't believe it makes claims that anyone who chooses to keep physically fit due to rigorous exercise  and has a home gym is a racist or a Nazi.  But does try to point out that far-right and alt-right organizations have used online exercise sites to promote and hopefully recruit and indoctrinate newcomers to far right ideology.  ie:

I myself, a political centrist who, when younger and able to ,  did my best to stay as fit as possible could never have been accused of being a racist, Nazi or fascist.   And know several who are of a variety of diverse political ideologies (liberal, conservative, moderate, etc.)  who regularly exercise, or have home gyms or memberships to gyms.  And I agree that the whole idea of believing anyone who practices a regimen of fitness conditioning is either a racist,Nazi or both is ludicrous.  I also don't believe it's all that widespread of a belief.   And given the number of African-Americans I've know who also were bodybuilders and fitness "freaks" [wink] I'd have to say i find it hard to believe that they too, are Nazis and that any neo-Nazi organization would welcome their membership. 

Second:  As Richard Simmons has never been open about his sexuality, it's commonly believed he is homosexual.  While I don't think there's anything wrong with that,  I also know Nazis consider homosexuals  to be on the same level of Jews  and "kaffas".  And as stated, Simmons' sexuality isn't clear either way on the matter, the general belief he is gay would cause any neo-Nazi organization deny any association with him to them.

Third:  Your second link, to an article posted by a conservative talk radio station(and due to that) lacks credibility to me.  I find it hard to swallow anybody believing that dieting is not only racist,  but that dieting is "harmful" to black people is not only allowed to drive a car among other people, but also allowed to vote!    But as the "proof" is a lot of speculation and "I heard" or  "It was reported" type of otherwise unsubstantiated  items, well.....


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8 hours ago, Whitefang said:

First:  The first link relates a story about an alleged existence of a fascist neo-Nazi white supremacist culture that encourages a physical fitness  philosophy among members.  I don't believe it makes claims that anyone who chooses to keep physically fit due to rigorous exercise  and has a home gym is a racist or a Nazi.  But does try to point out that far-right and alt-right organizations have used online exercise sites to promote and hopefully recruit and indoctrinate newcomers to far right ideology.  ie:

I myself, a political centrist who, when younger and able to ,  did my best to stay as fit as possible could never have been accused of being a racist, Nazi or fascist.   And know several who are of a variety of diverse political ideologies (liberal, conservative, moderate, etc.)  who regularly exercise, or have home gyms or memberships to gyms.  And I agree that the whole idea of believing anyone who practices a regimen of fitness conditioning is either a racist,Nazi or both is ludicrous.  I also don't believe it's all that widespread of a belief.   And given the number of African-Americans I've know who also were bodybuilders and fitness "freaks" [wink] I'd have to say i find it hard to believe that they too, are Nazis and that any neo-Nazi organization would welcome their membership. 

Second:  As Richard Simmons has never been open about his sexuality, it's commonly believed he is homosexual.  While I don't think there's anything wrong with that,  I also know Nazis consider homosexuals  to be on the same level of Jews  and "kaffas".  And as stated, Simmons' sexuality isn't clear either way on the matter, the general belief he is gay would cause any neo-Nazi organization deny any association with him to them.

Third:  Your second link, to an article posted by a conservative talk radio station(and due to that) lacks credibility to me.  I find it hard to swallow anybody believing that dieting is not only racist,  but that dieting is "harmful" to black people is not only allowed to drive a car among other people, but also allowed to vote!    But as the "proof" is a lot of speculation and "I heard" or  "It was reported" type of otherwise unsubstantiated  items, well.....


First of all, I didn’t make any mention of Richard Simmons’ sexual orientation.  Apparently my sarcasm of trying to put him in the same context as white supremacy is absurd.

And as far as a lot of speculation and “I heard” or “it was reported,” that’s the same thing you get from the lamestream media.  How many times over the past several years have the talking heads reported as “fact” information provided by a single, anonymous source.  I would bet that a lot of those single “anonymous sources” were nothing more than sock puppets on their own hands, telling them what what they wanted to hear in their own voice.  One only needs to look at how often they have been totally wrong in their reporting.

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The daughter of a long time friend of mine is a big supporter of Antifa,  she goes to rallies etc. Just from chatting with her it's unnerving.  God help us if that bunch gets traction. 

From everything I can gather, anyone who doesn't agree with the Woke agenda is by Antifas standards a fascist,  don't buy into the  multi gender fantasies of others?

Your a fascist. 

Don't support communism?

Your a fascist. 

If you are a capitalist, 

Your a fascist. 

Support the second amendment?

Your a fascist. 

Blah blah, as they walk lockstep throwing Molotov cocktails at anyone they disagree with. 

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1 hour ago, jaxson50 said:

The daughter of a long time friend of mine is a big supporter of Antifa,  she goes to rallies etc. Just from chatting with her it's unnerving.  God help us if that bunch gets traction. 

From everything I can gather, anyone who doesn't agree with the Woke agenda is by Antifas standards a fascist,  don't buy into the  multi gender fantasies of others?

Your a fascist. 

Don't support communism?

Your a fascist. 

If you are a capitalist, 

Your a fascist. 

Support the second amendment?

Your a fascist. 

Blah blah, as they walk lockstep throwing Molotov cocktails at anyone they disagree with. 

Well, you know they are supporters of free speech and the 1st Amendment, as long as it’s speech they agree with.  Deviate from their pathetic dogma and you need to be silenced, censored and shipped off to a re-education camp away from “civilized society.”  I’m sure the “usual suspects” are “eye-balling” locations like Alaska for such camps.  After all, it would resemble the Gulag system in Russia.  Endless snow, cold weather and isolation for those who can’t get their minds right.  Join us Comrade in our fight for freedom and equality.  So we can all live like the people of Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and countless other countries.  Ignore that man behind the curtain.  Our Marxists are better than their Marxists so we will make something work here  that has failed miserably everywhere else.  Trust us.  We’re from the gubamint.  We’re here to help you.  You can thank us later.  

Oh, and BTW, can you just go ahead and willingly bend over and squeal like a pig.  Our comrade is there to inform you that you “sure have a purdy mouth” and need to “squeal like a pig” while our comrade is mounting you for the main poop-chute event, with the banjo music is being queued up in the background.  Let’s do Ned Beatty proud.  It is least we can do.  We are Americans after all.  Happy, happy.  Joy, joy.  Have a nice day.

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15 hours ago, tx-ogre said:

First of all, I didn’t make any mention of Richard Simmons’ sexual orientation.  Apparently my sarcasm of trying to put him in the same context as white supremacy is absurd.

And as far as a lot of speculation and “I heard” or “it was reported,” that’s the same thing you get from the lamestream media.  How many times over the past several years have the talking heads reported as “fact” information provided by a single, anonymous source.  I would bet that a lot of those single “anonymous sources” were nothing more than sock puppets on their own hands, telling them what what they wanted to hear in their own voice.  One only needs to look at how often they have been totally wrong in their reporting.

1.  Of course I know you didn't mention Richard Simmon's sexual orientation.  And I never claimed you did.   And I was supporting the notion of your sarcasm.  And also with the absurdity of linking  physical fitness enthusiasts with neo-Nazi organizations.  But in spite of your also showing it was just one person's opinion that their might be some who make that misguided connection, you presented it all like you actually believe there's a widespread belief in it.  

And your use of the term "lamestream media" indicates you might be getting the crux of your information from other unreliable sources.   You never really mention them.  Why?   And your posting a link to an item concerning what was presented once on a conservative talk radio station is somewhat revealing. (that, and "idiot-speak" terms like "lamestream media") 

11 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

From everything I can gather, anyone who doesn't agree with the Woke agenda is by Antifas standards a fascist,  don't buy into the  multi gender fantasies of others?


So how about posting what this supposed "woke agenda"( more "idiot-speak) is?  And perhaps the source you culled the information from might be helpful too.

Also a list of "Antifa standards" might be nice too.  And I'm curious about those Antifa "rallies" as I've never heard of any of those happening 'round here.   Maybe your friend's daughter can give you the info and you can pass it along.  I'd be interested in attending one just to learn what their beef really is instead of relying( which can't be done really)  on information from iNet forum members who might hate them due to what they've been told by someone running one of those online "news" sites that are generally right or left specific and are usually broadcast "live, from Mom's basement!"  [wink]


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Woke: Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.


Please note,  this is the last time I will do your homework for you, from now on, never demand from me what you are too lazy to do for yourself.  You know damn well what is going on 

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Well, the “usual suspects” are now in a high-speed wobble because Elon Musk is now the majority shareholder and member of the Board of Directors at Twitter.  They are concerned that he might put a stop to censorship and actually promote free speech.  The bastard!  In their latest journalistic bowel movement, the Washington Post had an Op-Ed that was nothing more than their latest steaming pile of hypocrisy.  The Op-Ed said that all of a sudden,  legislation needed to be passed to keep “rich people” from owning and controlling the means of communication in the U.S.  Hmmmm.  The last time I checked, the WAPO was owned by Jeff Bezos.  Does he not qualify as a rich person?  And is the WAPO not a means of communication?  Oh yeah, that’s right.  Bezos is not an “evil” rich person.  He is one of the “good” rich people.  His mind is right and pure.  So he can be trusted to always do the right thing.  Or are they advocating that Bezos be forced to sell the WAPO?  They weren’t real clear about that.  Of,course, it didn’t take long for Elon to give the “middle-finger” salute to the WAPO.  It was hilarious.

And before I receive the usual responses about how Twitter and WAPO are private companies and not subject to Constitutional restrictions, that is true, except if that private company is operating under the direction of a gubamint agency or entity.  For example, while I was still working and if I was involved in a situation where my actions would have been restricted by the Constitution and I convinced a private person or company, either through coercion, financial remuneration or special consideration, to do something that I couldn’t do, that private person or company would now be considered an “agent” of the gubamint and would have to comply with Constitutional restrictions as if they were gubamint employees.  In layman’s terms, you can’t bypass the Constitution by getting the private sector to do your dirty work for you.

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20 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

Woke: Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.


Please note,  this is the last time I will do your homework for you, from now on, never demand from me what you are too lazy to do for yourself.  You know damn well what is going on 

Yes, I know the origins and meaning of the term "woke" and only refer to it as "idiot speak" when it's misused by too many who give the impression that they think being "aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues of racial and social justice"  as a bad thing.  

Nobody with half a brain really believes either the democrats or republicans are really out t ruin this country or "sell it down the river"(without ever mentioning to who or towards what end).   They just each have a belief in a certain approach in how to maintain a peaceful and attainable level of prosperity  for as many as possible.  I personally don't see how so many can be dumb enough to actually believe that conservatives have all the answers.  Or liberals either.  And it's shameful that persons elected to serve and represent "the people" in congress or the senate really only do their best to represent their party and/or largest campaign contributors.  And it really all goes down to what was said in POGO------

Yep.  And it ain't always politicians or political parties that divide people.  It's PEOPLE who do that!-----

"I won't live anywhere near those Irish sonofab!tches....!"

"They oughta put all them ni**ers on a boat and sink it!"

"Them long haired pink-o hippie punks need to be lined up and shot."

"It's all the fault of  those Jews who own all the banks and newspapers!"

"ANTIFA is responsible for...."

"The "woke" lamestream media are......"

"If not for all that QANON nonsense, we'd be better off." 


And if you or anyone you know has ever said or thought anything remotely close to any of that then....

You  and they are part of the problem and will never be part of the solution. 



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It boils down to social influencers with far too much influence.  

But to blame those who react to another social-political assault on traditional western values seems disingenuous  if not intention deflection. 

Progressives seem to have the mindset that any new  physiological double speak that finds it way out of a tenured professors demented imagination can not be challenged and anyone who doesn't walk lock step is an obstructionist.  Kinsey is a perfect example,  his research was dismissed out of hand by his contemporaries because his studies were deeply flawed.  His work however has become a cornerstone of the sexual revolution and transgender/homosexual rights.. His findings that suggested that most if not all humans are sexual deviates and therefore there can be no norms of sexuality are based in his interviews and case studies of prisoners convicted of sexual crimes. His studies were skewed to deliver the outcome he desired. Sadly, his technique has been adapted by researchers embedded in universities across the  nation protected by tenure.

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"ANTIFA is responsible for...."

"The "woke" lamestream media are......"


And if you or anyone you know has ever said or thought anything remotely close to any of that then....

You  and they are part of the problem and will never be part of the solution. 



WF,  Help me understand...   Since I believe the rioting that took place for 100 days during the summer of 2020 was carried out by people who carried ANTIFA signs (and BLM)  and was covered up by the mainstream media calling it 'mostly peaceful protesting'  - that therefore, in your opinion,  "I am a part of the problem and will never be part of the solution".       Does that mean I caused this 'peaceful protesting' actively or passively?   Being 'part of the problem'  I caused BLM people to march with signs years earlier -
'What do we want?  Dead Cops?'      And your expectation that I  "never be a part of the solution'' - does that mean I should not vote?  Should not express my opinion?    Aaaah!  There's that nasty old Free Speech that is not protected anywhere except on Government Property.  I guess what that means is I should  Sit Down And Shut Up.   

"Believe those who search for the truth. Doubt those who have found it."   Andre Gide.
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Like that quote at the end there 40.

Not all those gatherings in 2020 were "riots", although many that were had also been condemned by BLM organizers.  Going back to the anti-war protests of the '60's there were always fools who would join in the "marches" in order to cause violence and needless destruction.  After all, back then, it usually was the COPS who'd wade in swinging their billy clubs and cracking heads.  And yet, when the protesters responded in kind it was THEM who were tagged as an "unruly mob". 

And if you read comprehensively you'd have realized nobody was blaming you for any of the mayhem of 2020.  And indeed it was never the "peaceful protests" that were intended to be peaceful and regrettably got out of control that was the problem.  It was what CAUSED people to protest that was.   And it's usually those who parrot such divisive and provocative rhetoric initiated by others who tend to group all who don't go along 100% with their ideology together under one name despite the truth that not all who claim to be one or the other totally all think  alike that are part of the problem.  

There are other problems infecting this country.  And state-to-state(as the case may be)

Here in Michigan we're in the middle of some trials of the members of a  "militia"  :rolleyes: that reportedly hatched a plot to kidnap the governor.  The plot was said to be a reaction to the governor's pandemic restrictions and recommended  mandates, based on what science was known at the time, in an attempt to inhibit the spread of a serious virus that would eventually cause the deaths of over a half million people in the U.S. 

This group claimed it was their way of bringing attention to and resisting the "tyranny" of the governor's mandates. :rolleyes:


These camo clad posers with arrested development had no clue as to what REAL tyranny is.  Mostly they were just mad that they couldn't have their bonfire rallies and go to the bar.   Then there's the "free speech" thing.  People not realizing the the freedom of speech comes with both responsibilities and possible consequences. 

And what's up with those earlobes?  [blink]

And of course you should vote.  vote for the candidate of your choice.  NOT the party.   Don't like either candidate?  well you really don't HAVE to vote for either.  (example:  I passed on voting when the choice was Bush/Gore.  But went to the polls anyway due to several propositions and proposals on the ballot that I felt compelled to vote on)  OH, and Bush 41 and Clinton too.  I supported  Tom Harkin in the primaries, but Clinton got the nomination.  So I went to vote on proposals and some local municipal candidates.


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So -  yeah  Nice deflection -  'Not all those gatherings were riots'.    I was just talking about the actual riots  (google the definition) that took place nightly in several cities all summer long.  Without any local politicians speaking out against them.  Those gatherings.  

So if I understand your response...  if I'm one of those people who 'parrot'  that these were riots - ANTIFA and BLM have just cause to riot.  Got it. 

And, speaking of 'reading comprehensively' if you do - you'll uncover an indication the FBI probably set these dweebs up. Entrapment.

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Apparently you DON'T understand my response.  It was never about you.  

And yeah, I know entrapment was indicated in a couple of the Michigan cases.  NO reading was required as it's  mostly what we hear on the radio around here.  [wink]


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2 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

So -  yeah  Nice deflection -  'Not all those gatherings were riots'.    I was just talking about the actual riots  (google the definition) that took place nightly in several cities all summer long.  Without any local politicians speaking out against them.  Those gatherings.  

So if I understand your response...  if I'm one of those people who 'parrot'  that these were riots - ANTIFA and BLM have just cause to riot.  Got it. 

And, speaking of 'reading comprehensively' if you do - you'll uncover an indication the FBI probably set these dweebs up. Entrapment.

They shut this place down for almost a week and you're still at it, like the grist you are, in somebody else's mill.  All twisty mouthed about some other thing or another.  Dude, didn't your parents tell you your opinions weren't all that valuable like the rest of ours did?

If this was your job I'd have had you fired a long time ago.

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4 hours ago, badbluesplayer said:

They shut this place down for almost a week and you're still at it, like the grist you are, in somebody else's mill.  All twisty mouthed about some other thing or another.  Dude, didn't your parents tell you your opinions weren't all that valuable like the rest of ours did?

If this was your job I'd have had you fired a long time ago.

Wow.  Very eloquent.      I'll let you have the last word and leave it at that. 

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