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Epi wanted for a newbie as a gift


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I posted this in the Epi section but this forum is so slow these days I thought id post it here too... I know some of the peeps in this area have Epis too

What do you reckon?

My niece is 13 soon..  Apparently shes in to Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Green Day and the Gorillaz (who I like too)... And she wants to start learning the guitar..

And well, me being me, I am of course going to support that fully.. So I have decided to get a guitar for her birthday.. She said she will be getting some proper lessons at school for which I would imagine she will need an acoustic or classical guitar (will they teach on an electric?) but we can get one of those anywhere for her to learn the basics at school. The thing is theres so many options, but again, me being me I am instantly drawn to a Gibson style guitar.. But  I dont know that much about the epis.  

This is the one I really like for her but its £355 which is ok in itself but you just never know with kids if this is a phase of something she will stick too.. And of course if she does I will happily upgrade her again in a few years.

This is a LP Classic with Mahogany set neck, Mahogany body with Maple cap and a slim C shape neck..



Thats my favourite when I look at the options.. Its probably a bit much for a total newbie though?????   How heavy are these guitars? She is also quite small for her age so I do think weight is a big consideration..

On the slightly cheaper end we have something like this a LP Special VE..   Bolt on neck and all Mahogany for £148..  But I have to wonder at that price how good it will be? So what say you guys?  


Edited 22 min

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Just now, SteveFord said:

If she's small maybe an SG?

Yeah I did think of that.. But I worry about neck dive on those a bit... Plus I think SGs are more marmite than LPs...  You either like that shape or you dont.

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Hi Rabs, that's a really cool gift.  Since you can afford it, go for the Epi LP Classic.  I've had one for quite a while and it plays great, as you said the neck is slim and I would imagine the hardware and woods would be a step up.  I have played the studio and while not bad, the Classic feels better; worth the money in my opinion.  BTW, my  birthday just passed!

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Just now, CNJ said:

Hi Rabs, that's a really cool gift.  Since you can afford it, go for the Epi LP Classic.  I've had one for quite a while and it plays great, as you said the neck is slim and I would imagine the hardware and woods would be a step up.  I have played the studio and while not bad, the Classic feels better; worth the money in my opinion.  BTW, my  birthday just passed!

Cheers and happy Birthday  🙂 

Hows the weight on the Classic?

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3 minutes ago, CNJ said:

Hi Rabs,, the classic comes in about 9.5 pounds/3.2 kg

Hmm, ok. Thanks for that.. 

I would put that down as a good weight.. I have a LP standard that weighs about the same and while its not heavy (my Gibson Classic is 11lbs) its a nice weight.. For me., it feels substantial in the hands and I like that..  I also have a LP Studio Tribute which is about 7.4lbs. It almost feels like a toy in comparison but is really fun to play at the same time. I would think something more in the weight range of my Studio would be better for her, shes smallish for her age.

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I also just went through some of my old guitars.. I think this was like the third one I ever made (with Searcy pickups)..  Its got a more compact body than most which means its a bit lighter than full sized guitars BUT it is solid wood so not exactly light either




Edited by Rabs
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Just now, ghost_of_fl said:

Look at Artist series guitars.   Some of them come with cases.  


Cheers.. But I think thats a bit too much for a new player.. Dont even know if she will keep this up or its just a phase yet...  If I see that she gets in to it I would happily give her my 60s Tribute Studio..  But not yet me thinks 🙂 I just want to make sure she gets something that plays well and doesnt have to fight too hard while she is still learning.

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Rabs,  you just hit the nail on the head.  You want to give her a guitar that fits her and is also a solid player.  If this is not a surprise, perhaps you could go with her to a shop to get a feel for what fits her, keeping price in mind.  But beware, as the father of two now fully grown girls (women), make sure you don't get caught in the "It looks really cool" trap (also know as a crappy guitar with a Hello Kitty sticker on it)

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19 minutes ago, CNJ said:

Rabs,  you just hit the nail on the head.  You want to give her a guitar that fits her and is also a solid player.  If this is not a surprise, perhaps you could go with her to a shop to get a feel for what fits her, keeping price in mind.  But beware, as the father of two now fully grown girls (women), make sure you don't get caught in the "It looks really cool" trap (also know as a crappy guitar with a Hello Kitty sticker on it)

Yeah, I asked her about it today and she literally knows nothing at all.. I think she would like the purple one on the top of the page... But even that I think is on the higher end... I may go in to a shop tomorrow and see what they have...  My brother in law did that years ago. I took him to get his first guitar.. I tried to explain its more about how it feels than how it looks but I think in the end he did just that anyway.. It wasnt long after he realised he got the wrong guitar (I think it was a PRS SE)...  But you all gotta start somewhere and I am hoping that my experience can pick a good one for her and looks cool too 🙂

I did actually think about a Tele.. But I think for a beginner that a short scale guitar is better.

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That is a great idea Rabs, but you might be getting ahead of yourself.  I have no idea what the program is at her school, but I would tend to think they would start them on an acoustic.  At 13 she may find that the idea of playing the guitar is a lot more fun than actually playing.  I'd get her an inexpensive acoustic and with your luthier skills you can adjust the truss rod, bridge, nut etc. so that it plays easily.  Then give it a month or two to see if she sticks with it before springing for an electric guitar.  The promise of an electric might even serve as good incentive for her to practice every day (in spite of the newbie sore fingers).  And she will need an amp too with an electric, although like most of us you probably have something lying around the house you would loan her.  I like the idea of giving her a Rabswood too, especially if you have one that is on the lighter side with a slim neck and easy action. 

Anyway, have fun and encourage her.  Just don't expect too much.  I have a great-nephew that sort of learned the guitar, and his folks got him a Fender and a small amp eventually.  He took lessons and learned to read guitar notes from sheet music, but could only play the single note leads.  He never learned chords, so he can't really entertain even himself very much playing alone.  He's in college now and I bet that guitar and amp are gathering dust in the basement somewhere.


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12 hours ago, Rabs said:

I did actually think about a Tele.. But I think for a beginner that a short scale guitar is better.

Telecasters are great guitars,  but you gotta work a bit more for everything you get out of them.  

there's a hundred thousand choices and 10x opinions on how to spend your money.

I still say.. Stick with the LP if this is what you're going to do for her



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Well I went to two shops today as they happen to be round the corner to each other...

Pretty much all of the Epis were quite heavy (well not light)...  There were a couple of SGs that wernt so bad but for some reason I just dont want to get her an SG.

Of all the guitars I picked up today, this was the lightest


And this one really shocked me with its price tag.. How any company make a guitar like that for that price is beyond me (£232)


I think after todays experiences I want an Epi LP Junior, if I can find one.

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1 hour ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Do you mean price wise?   The thing is the LP Classic doesn't come with a case and a lot of signature models do.  So while the LP Classic is about $50 cheaper than the Billy Joe Armstrong guitar on the surface, you'll probably spend more than the difference getting an aftermarket case.   

Yeah..  Even £350 is a but much I think for a complete newbie...

As @TwangGang said.. I may even be jumping ahead of myself..  Should probably just start with a decent playing cheap acoustic and see what happens in a few months..

I just wanted to get her excited about it..  Apparently it all started as she wants to be in  band with her friends. I just want to do everything I can to encourage that. I know that being in a band when I was younger was one of the most fun parts of my life.  If I can help give her a similar experience I will.

And its not so much an issue of money. I just want to know how serious she is about it before I go spending hundreds on gear she may never use which will just be a waste of a guitar.

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6 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

Take a look at this. I have one (unmodified). Tuning needs to be higher than standard. About a 5th higher to keep string tension usable and better intonated. PM me if you like.



Well I have a Pignose guitar which is quite similar is shape and size to that.. And it doesnt need special tuning, its a really really nice little guitar.  BUT I dont want her to have a tiny guitar either, she should learn on a proper sized one at least.. I think. 

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16 minutes ago, jdgm said:

Why not a Squier pack?

You could set up and adjust the guitar before you give it to her.  They come in different colours (which IS important).

And it can fall over and not break!





Yeah I have looked at those and the Epiphone versions...  But stock is not good out there at the moment.. I really want to be able to check the guitar out first before buying..   I saw some really dodgy examples of cheap guitars today...

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Just now, ghost_of_fl said:

There are 2 camps when it comes to electric vs acoustic for a starter guitar.  I side with the electric camp and that's how I started.  Here are some reasons to go electric first:

1. Steel string acoustic is harder on the fingers than electric - I think the reason a lot of people give up learning is because it literally hurts to play in the beginning.  Nylon string guitars are an option, but then the student can't really learn to bend strings. 

2.  It's no contest when it comes to the "coolness factor". 

3.  Electric guitars can be used with a headphone amplifier so they are whisper quiet (for late night practice that won't wake the whole family). 

4.  "Shes in to Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Green Day and the Gorillaz"

Yes.. This is why I want to get her an electric. But she will apparently be starting lessons at school soon so they may require an acoustic/classical guitar for that. So they can teach her the basics which I am sure they will do a better job with than I can. Outside of that I can show her how to play power chords and some other stuff which she will hopefully find fun. So a mixture of both I say.

Also actually that was my start too.. My mum forced me to start learning when I went to secondary school (high school) which was at the age of 11.. They taught me proper classical style. I actually used to know how to read proper music at one point. Then I stopped after a couple of years. Then got in to rock music over the next few years and started again when I was 15.. Now, while I had forgotten almost everything I learned and almost had to start again, that basis in music that I was taught at 11 made it very easy for me to get in to it. But I never had anyone else to learn from. I am hoping that with my help she can do better than I did and I can help show her the things that we all know can help especially when you learn them early. I dont think I found out what a pentatonic scale was till I was about 30  😄 

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