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Do 9 gauge strings sound close to 10 gauge on standard SG ?

tom brown

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 The Gibson SG I just bought was set up with tens on it but I noticed that the factory  Had originally  called for the nines  on this guitar.

 I do have some playing issues  because of damage to my fingers  so nines  would definitely be easier for bending and playing  as I understand .

 And the engineers and designers get paid a lot of money to come up with designs for these guitars in so I would think that The Nines would work well .

However, I just got this guitar set up to exactly where I want And the sound is exactly the way I want it so the question is, 

“How much will changing the strings from tens  to nines affect the tone characteristics of this guitar? 



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Not that much.. I have used 9s for most of my playing life...  You may have to adjust the intonation slightly but thats it.

For me the best strings are the newer Hybrid strings (Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinkys) you can get. So they are 10s on the bass strings for rhythm  and 9s on the treble strings for the bendy stuff. For me thats the best of both worlds.

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You know what's funny? I thought about Billy myself after posting that. 

The truth is........you should have the size string that feels the most comfortable for your fingers to play.

Try 9's and 11's. I did. I found that 10's were for me and have been using EB Regular Slinky's ever since.

It's a subjective thing.

Billy wasn't wrong.

Neither was Stevie Ray, who used 13's or higher!😀

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the difference in tone is not huge. 

if you like 9s, try them Tom.  You can always go back.

Nothing will happen SGs  are totally ok with 9s, 10s, 11s,  what ever.

the only thing that may need a tweak is the relief   9s to 10s on an SG should not do anything there tho

I've done it enough times to know!!


Edited by kidblast
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I use 10’s on most of my Gibsons because that’s what came with them… Simple as that..

I use 9’s on my Tele’s because that’s what they came with.. Work great!

I’m passed 12’s &  13’s. I use Martin Retro Custom Light 11’s on my Gibson & Martin Acoustics.. Most Acoustic Strings sound good playing unplugged but sound dull plugged in. The Martin Retro Monels sound great Electric or Acoustic.

To the OP, Changing from 10’s to 9’s on your Guitar might not require anything. If it does it should a very minor Intonation and or minor Truss Rod adjustment..  But, I doubt it….


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I used 9's for a very long time and loved them, they are easier on the fingers. My working band friends convinced me to go to 10's and my fingers bled for a couple of weeks but I got used to them. 10's are a little harder to stretch but if your SG has a slim taper neck, the neck will be more stable. If its a rounded style 9's will fly like butter.

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My 2019 SG Gibson has 9-46 strings from the factory as original. I put on 10-46 strings and have found that I lost that SG bite sound on the E,  B and G strings when on the Bridge pickup which I mainly use,  it just sounded darker, no bite,   so back to 9-46 strings for me. 

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On 7/7/2022 at 8:36 AM, SG Sydney said:

My 2019 SG Gibson has 9-46 strings from the factory as original. I put on 10-46 strings and have found that I lost that SG bite sound on the E,  B and G strings when on the Bridge pickup which I mainly use,  it just sounded darker, no bite,   so back to 9-46 strings for me. 

Curious. You must have a very good ear. 

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33 minutes ago, merciful-evans said:


I don't know  about the good ear, but I definitely got a Tinnitus ear that's for sure.  On my other guitar a Les Paul came with 10 -46 strings, sounded spot on . I tried 9-46 strings and it sounded to tinny on the high end strings,so back to 10-46 strings.  

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