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You know you are getting old when........


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23 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

Daughter texted this am  to tell us she is weight lifting 244lbs.     I felt old when my sons got to the point they could  beat me arm wrestling.  Now I feel decrepit. 

Nope I was wrong its kind of sexual.


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You know you're old when you're heading off to the National Cemetery  to bury a cousin you grew up with.... the other cousin I grew up with died a few months ago....and every single member of the first band I was in have all died.  The old friends I had through my life, who are still with us,  all have serious health issues now.... yeah....I feel pretty old today!

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Yep. That's the one Master Chief.  Supposedly good for glutes.   I'd guess nothing sexual happens for at least 24 hours after - based on the ER docs discharge instruction! 

Dan --  know what you mean.  Neighbors/friends across street, Ms.40 use to go walking with wife most mornings - they've both been incapacitated.  "Perfect Health' up until a few weeks ago then he got one thing after the other - and she has balance/vertigo issues and is suppose to use a walker.  He can't get out (up until a few weeks ago, would do all his own lawn work) so she is the 'designated shopper'.  But she is barely able to walk around the block most days.  It's one thing hear about it or read about it - but when it actually happens across the street ..  what appears to be a permanent slide into a different stage of life with significantly lesser 'quality of life' ....  

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33 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

Dan --  know what you mean.  Neighbors/friends across street, Ms.40 use to go walking with wife most mornings - they've both been incapacitated.  "Perfect Health' up until a few weeks ago then he got one thing after the other - and she has balance/vertigo issues and is suppose to use a walker.  He can't get out (up until a few weeks ago, would do all his own lawn work) so she is the 'designated shopper'.  But she is barely able to walk around the block most days.  It's one thing hear about it or read about it - but when it actually happens across the street ..  what appears to be a permanent slide into a different stage of life with significantly lesser 'quality of life' ....  

40, I worked in the same industry for 53 years.... I have two close friends, one I've worked with since 1967, and the other since 1969.   BOTH are in walkers.... one has congestive heart failure and a knee that won't hold him up....the other has Parkenson's.   My best friend in the world (since we were 12 years old) passed away in 2021.  

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1 hour ago, fortyearspickn said:

Yep. That's the one Master Chief.  Supposedly good for glutes.   I'd guess nothing sexual happens for at least 24 hours after - based on the ER docs discharge instruction! 

Dan --  know what you mean.  Neighbors/friends across street, Ms.40 use to go walking with wife most mornings - they've both been incapacitated.  "Perfect Health' up until a few weeks ago then he got one thing after the other - and she has balance/vertigo issues and is suppose to use a walker.  He can't get out (up until a few weeks ago, would do all his own lawn work) so she is the 'designated shopper'.  But she is barely able to walk around the block most days.  It's one thing hear about it or read about it - but when it actually happens across the street ..  what appears to be a permanent slide into a different stage of life with significantly lesser 'quality of life' ....  

That she is able to walk,even just barely, is not that bad.  Since 2011 my wife could just walk enough to get her down the 15 foot hallway and into the living room and her wing backed chair.  Until 2016 when she had her stroke and became mostly a bedbound invalid hooked to a feeding tube. That only lasted two years then she passed.  And in those two years she lost her right leg at the knee and for her last year was on dialysis.   And was diabetic through all of that too.

So what's your complaint?

Most times I had to care for her without any assistance most of the day.  A couple of her sisters would come and help, but couldn't be there 24/7.  And that level of help is really not possible to find.  Not affordably anyway.  And some of the maneuvers I needed to use to move her around for cleaning and clothing brought about my spinal issues which eventually required surgery.  Most of the pain in my legs is gone, but not my sacrum.  And that limits my ability to walk unassisted for very long.  I can do grocery shopping, but will lean on the cart most of the time.  So there's that.  I could use one of those Amigos those big box stores have, but I need to at least walk, even while leaning on the cart to get at least some exercise.  I'll use the Amigo id I need to go from one side of the store to the other those places are so huge.   But for groceries, which are only on one side of the place, walking while leaning on the cart is OK. 

But since I'm well aware there are many more who are in far worse condition than me, and some of them even much younger, This was just the most complaining about it I've done in many moons.  If I wanted to bore people silly with reports about all the mundane and uninteresting activities of my life and days I'd  be on FaceBook, which is what it seems that place is for.


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On 7/11/2022 at 10:58 PM, Rabs said:

We havent had one of these in a while and I was really feeling it today.

My family doctor retired ages ago and I hate going to the GPs now. Its always a different person who doesnt really know you and they look about 25 years old...  Then last week I went to my dentist and found out he has retired so again. A couple of people have taken over.. Today it was the optician, again, we have been going to him for years, he was a good friend of my father..  And again, now retired and we have a new optician who again looks like she was like 28.. 

Not that I have an issue with any of these new people. They all seemed ok.. It just all makes me feel really really old.

That and haemorrhoids  😄   (why did no one ever tell me not to push?)

I usually don't mind. Respect for rank. Maybe I've been lucky? If anything, it's nice to people not yet broken down by overwork.

I'm very courteous as a person, so that usually helps establish rapport. I've only ever met one GP who was such a fking d-ick that I demanded - very loudly - to see someone who wasn't a complete a-sshole. I find most young doctors to be ambitious and friendly.

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35 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

That she is able to walk,even just barely, is not that bad.  Since 2011 my wife could just walk enough to get her down the 15 foot hallway and into the living room and her wing backed chair.  Until 2016 when she had her stroke and became mostly a bedbound invalid hooked to a feeding tube. That only lasted two years then she passed.  And in those two years she lost her right leg at the knee and for her last year was on dialysis.   And was diabetic through all of that too.

So what's your complaint?

Most times I had to care for her without any assistance most of the day.  A couple of her sisters would come and help, but couldn't be there 24/7.  And that level of help is really not possible to find.  Not affordably anyway.  And some of the maneuvers I needed to use to move her around for cleaning and clothing brought about my spinal issues which eventually required surgery.  Most of the pain in my legs is gone, but not my sacrum.  And that limits my ability to walk unassisted for very long.  I can do grocery shopping, but will lean on the cart most of the time.  So there's that.  I could use one of those Amigos those big box stores have, but I need to at least walk, even while leaning on the cart to get at least some exercise.  I'll use the Amigo id I need to go from one side of the store to the other those places are so huge.   But for groceries, which are only on one side of the place, walking while leaning on the cart is OK. 

But since I'm well aware there are many more who are in far worse condition than me, and some of them even much younger, This was just the most complaining about it I've done in many moons.  If I wanted to bore people silly with reports about all the mundane and uninteresting activities of my life and days I'd  be on FaceBook, which is what it seems that place is for.


That's a tough hand you were dealt.

I'm glad you navigated it as best you can..... I do feel VERY fortunate right now.

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I feel for the losses. I to have no childhood friends left.


I know I'm old when (now that),

My SG is not the only thing that has neck dive.
Straps are passe, I sit now.
25 watts is plenty loud.
All my guitars are faster than I am.
If it's in plain sight, I can't find it.
I'm not 6'1" any more.
No, I don't have a pot belly. Now if I could just get my pants to stay up......

I have to omit some answers due to TMI.

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22 hours ago, Whitefang said:

That she is able to walk,even just barely, is not that bad.  Since 2011 my wife could just walk enough to get her down the 15 foot hallway and into the living room and her wing backed chair.  Until 2016 when she had her stroke and became mostly a bedbound invalid hooked to a feeding tube. That only lasted two years then she passed.  And in those two years she lost her right leg at the knee and for her last year was on dialysis.   And was diabetic through all of that too.

So what's your complaint?

Most times I had to care for her without any assistance most of the day.  A couple of her sisters would come and help, but couldn't be there 24/7.  And that level of help is really not possible to find.  Not affordably anyway.  And some of the maneuvers I needed to use to move her around for cleaning and clothing brought about my spinal issues which eventually required surgery.  Most of the pain in my legs is gone, but not my sacrum.  And that limits my ability to walk unassisted for very long.  I can do grocery shopping, but will lean on the cart most of the time.  So there's that.  I could use one of those Amigos those big box stores have, but I need to at least walk, even while leaning on the cart to get at least some exercise.  I'll use the Amigo id I need to go from one side of the store to the other those places are so huge.   But for groceries, which are only on one side of the place, walking while leaning on the cart is OK. 

But since I'm well aware there are many more who are in far worse condition than me, and some of them even much younger, This was just the most complaining about it I've done in many moons.  If I wanted to bore people silly with reports about all the mundane and uninteresting activities of my life and days I'd  be on FaceBook, which is what it seems that place is for.


Whitefang,  No complaint.  Just general observation that age, and it's implications is getting closer to all of us.  "Growing Old Is Not For The Faint of Heart."  was my mother's favorite saying.  I appreciate your great attitude and the good things you bring to this forum.   I hope you and your wife have a good day today! 

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16 hours ago, G Mac said:

You know you're old when all the hits of your youth are the background music in drug adverts...


15 hours ago, CROWB8 said:

Or now elevator music...

I posted this in another thread a few weeks ago.  Notice the part I put in bold....  [wink]


It’s All Over Now

(sung to the tune of “It’s All Over Now [Baby Blue]"


You hope Centrum Silver’s giving you a lift;

You wake up in the morning, and it’s your back that’s stiff;

Those faded bells kept in your bottom drawer;

Don’t seem to fit as loose as once before;

Those plastic rimmed bifocals seal your doom

That it’s all over now, baby boom!


Your empty headed Father’s sounding like a sage;

At times it seems the two of you are the same age;

The long and flowing hair that was your mane;

Keeps slipping off your scalp to clog the drain;

That cubicle you work in is your tomb;

And it’s all over now, baby boom!


The stereo that used to make you so damned proud;

Now sits collecting dust because it’s too damned loud!

The music that the elevator plays;

Are all the tunes from your old rebel days;

Your flower child bride has long since lost her bloom;

And it’s all over now, baby boom!


You used to get a rush from living day to day;

But now you slowly study your 401K;

You used to seek Nirvana from within;

Now, you seek ways to hide your double chin;

You’re being swept aside by a younger broom;

‘Cause it’s all over now, baby boom!


In another forum some years ago I used to update regularly a thread I called "DEATH BY MUZAK"  referencing that in the days before satellite  and subscription radio businesses and restaurants used to us a system of long playing tapes consisting of a compilation of popular tunes "covered" by a studio orchestra using some pretty lame and easygoing arrangements.  The "popular" tunes in this case could be popular songs, all done instrumentally and from any given decade.  I did however, manage to save a few examples.


“Living in the Past” At first, I thought it was the Jethro Tull version, it was that close. Until the trombone came in to cover the vocals.


The “Cheers” Theme. Wasn’t that tune lame enough before MUZAK had a go at it?


“Cat’s In the Cradle”. The melody was nicely done by flutes. But all guitar work was replaced by a harpsichord. Alright I suppose for 1966. But not now. On the other hand…


“Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme”. There’s plenty of harpsichord in Simon and Garfunkle’s original. None at all in this MUZAK version. Go figure…


“Maxwell’s Silver Hammer”. Done “Dixieland” style with a trumpet, clarinet, trombone and banjo taking turns with the melody. Other instruments include a rinky-dink, clangy sounding whorehouse piano, drums and a tuba.


“Blowin’ in the Wind”. Try imagining Sergio Mendes and Brazil ’66 doing this tune their way. I don’t have to imagine it. I heard it. You’re lucky!


“Free Man in Paris”. Flutes and more harpsichord. NO guitar! With scant, Chicago style horns noodling in the background.



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7 hours ago, gearbasher said:

You know you're getting old when the only time you want to see a woman on her hands and knees is when she's looking for your hearing aid.

"... see a woman on her hands and knees...."?  THOSE were the days!

I'm not on Facebook.  People tell me I need to get on Facebook because it's a great way to keep up with old friends.  I tell them, at MY age, if I want to keep up with old friends, I don't need Facebook -- I need a Ouija board.

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That old FB scam; "It's a good way to keep up and catch up with old friends"  only works if those old friends are on FB too.  [cool]  Otherwise you're stuck reading posts by people whose spelling and grammar (plus punctuation) are so pizz-poor they couldn't pass a third grade English class test.  On top of all the boring pictures of grandchildren and their breakfasts, lunches and dinners.  🙄


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I was walking down the Street in downtown San Diego one day between my 2 adult daughters shopping.. Both are beautiful ladies..

An older woman about my age was walking towards us.. As she got closer she started giving me dirty looks.. As she passed she said, “You Dirty Old Man!”..

I was speechless!

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1 hour ago, Larsongs said:

I was walking down the Street in downtown San Diego one day between my 2 adult daughters shopping.. Both are beautiful ladies..

An older woman about my age was walking towards us.. As she got closer she started giving me dirty looks.. As she passed she said, “You Dirty Old Man!”..

I was speechless!

She was probably right, but just not at that moment in time.

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1 hour ago, Larsongs said:

I was walking down the Street in downtown San Diego one day between my 2 adult daughters shopping.. Both are beautiful ladies..

An older woman about my age was walking towards us.. As she got closer she started giving me dirty looks.. As she passed she said, “You Dirty Old Man!”..

I was speechless!

Ha!  I got the same thing when I took my firstborn(a daughter) out on her 21st birthday for her first legal drink(I wan't fool enough to think it would be her first ever! [wink] ).


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I didn't know I was getting old until people started treating me or referring to me as an old man. I guess waking up and everything hurts could be a clue. But it doesn't hurt to have my 32 year old singer flirting with me, causing my blonde ladies eyes to turn green.

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