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What’s your temperature right now?

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- 8 F 4:15 am CST, Wind Chill -28 F.

Wind speed picking up by 5:00am, increasing to 35 to 40mph gusts, lowering wind chills to below  -40 F.  

Low expected tonight: -18 F with possible -45 to -55 F wind chills, or lower.

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(a poem)

What’s your temperature right now?
What’s the reading on your thermometer?
I’m glad I’m an indoor human and not an outdoor cow
Able to understand the readings on the barometer

So it’s 27 F here, or minus three Centigrade
Balmier here than in Kansas
Even warmer down in the Florida everglade
Where the Catholics pray to St. Francis

It’s bitter cold they say, up there in Minnesota
Minus 8 in downtown St. Cloud
Even worse of in North Dakota
But all the roads are neatly snow-plowed

It’s not an issue for me,
until it’s time to walk the dogs
There’s ice on the nearby pond you see
Glad I’m not a frog

We’re snuggled up inside at this moment
And I’m enjoying my coffee and brandy
Grateful for God’s blessing and bestowment
It’s 70 degrees in here and I’m just dandy

So I send all my best to you this morning
Offering all my prayers and wishes
That your winter hard freeze warning
Doesn’t kill the birdies, frogs, and fishes

Please take care my friends today,
and snuggle up by the fire
Save the outdoor chores for another day
when the temperatures are a whole lot higher



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2 hours ago, sparquelito said:

(a poem)

What’s your temperature right now?
What’s the reading on your thermometer?
I’m glad I’m an indoor human and not an outdoor cow
Able to understand the readings on the barometer



Hey spaq, that was terrific.  Maybe you saw the same thing I did, that the temps and windchill is in the northern tier are hitting unknown territory and they are speculating that even critters and birds adapted to subzero temps could suffer huge kill-offs.  Not to mention the cattle and such that are just exposed out on the prairie with nothing to stop the wind.  The -60s windchills  they are projecting for NDAK, etc, is the new scale.  Under the old measure this would be -90. That’s Antarctica.   Btw, we’re -10 and feels like -23.

Edited by PrairieDog
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4 hours ago, PrairieDog said:

Hey spaq, that was terrific.  Maybe you saw the same thing I did, that the temps and windchill is in the northern tier are hitting unknown territory and they are speculating that even critters and birds adapted to subzero temps could suffer huge kill-offs.  Not to mention the cattle and such that are just exposed out on the prairie with nothing to stop the wind.  The -60s windchills  they are projecting for NDAK, etc, is the new scale.  Under the old measure this would be -90. That’s Antarctica.   Btw, we’re -10 and feels like -23.

Man oh man,

Guys and gals up there are made of tougher stuff!

Our low this week (projected) will be Tuesday morning, and 3 degrees F.

Two mornings at 9 degrees F last year killed off my winter garden, so I haven't planted one thus far this year.

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2 hours ago, sparquelito said:

Man oh man,

Guys and gals up there are made of tougher stuff!

Our low this week (projected) will be Tuesday morning, and 3 degrees F.

Two mornings at 9 degrees F last year killed off my winter garden, so I haven't planted one thus far this year.

So far we’ve been lucky and it’s a pretty standard -20 or so with the windchill.  that is really not bad with a good jacket.  Sorry about the garden.  We had terrible drought for a few summers and lost the gardens and even some trees.  We had a super wet spring this past year so we went ahead and planted 3 new trees.  By July the rain had dried up. Dang.  We put on soaker hoses to minimize waste, because we had to keep them watered.  But We’re on a well, but it’s not as deep as it should be, so it’s a choice between watering or making sure the house doesn’t run dry.  Nerve wracking.  The weather has just gone nuts.  I was in shirt sleeves at the end of December, in Minnesota.  Our lilac buds had even started to swell.   

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On 1/13/2024 at 8:27 AM, Pinch said:


On the upside, we have the highest taxes in the world and rampant gang violence.

Things are looking up. Baltimore counted fewer than 300 murders in 2023. First time since like 2004. 

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-11 as I write this.  Fortunately, there’s very little wind.  Yesterday we were getting steady 30mph wind, down from over 40mph the night before.  From what I’m hearing, there’s a heatwave moving-in and Tuesday should be up around 3-4 degrees.


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Notes,  When we lived in Miami, we use to enjoy watching the local news crews going out to the beach to film shots of the tourists in their bathing suits laying in the sand, while the natives walked by in their winter coats.   Cognitive Dissonance !  

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