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Solar Eclipse Today.

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We are in Solon Ohio.  Great drive yesterday, beautiful day today.  Clicquot on ice, camp chairs, great spot right outside the hotel.  Getting ready to go sit and watch pretty soon.


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Well....to keep this  "Guitar Related", I'll be playing my Gibson Hummingbird 12-String learning Dave Mason's "We Just Disagree" during the eclipse!   (we don't want Cammo to get all butt-hurt!)

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19 minutes ago, ksdaddy said:

I'm in northern Maine. We should get a good view of it.

I'm ready.


Nice. I was at the outlet mall yesterday buying my wife some new Crocs and there was a booth selling those.

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It just passed. Very trippy. For a long time the scenery looked like one of those bogus filters they used in cheesy 50s movies where they shot in the daylight but filtered it to look like night. When it did fully eclipse, it looked textbook perfect, with the corona(?) visible around the circumference of the moon. It hit right at 3:32 or whatever minute it was, just as predicted. No weirdness from my Jack Russell. She was unusually mellow. 

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I was steadily putting in the garden all afternoon today. 
I'm about 30% done with that week-long project. 

It was solid overcast, so no chance of seeing our northern Alabama eclipse (with the sun mostly covered, with a crescent sliver on the left shining on). 
At some point though, the clouds parted, and I mean sporadically, and just barely.  

I ran and got the eye filters that I got from the University last October, and it was pretty cool!!
And then the clouds rolled back over, and I resumed work on the garden. 



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2 hours ago, Pinch said:

Note that the sun is not actually switched off. 

Sorry 😛

Nah it’s actually the Sun 8 minutes prior. Takes that long for the Suns rays to reach us.

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We survived the insanity.  All the school, business and government office closures.  People flooding into the Austin metro area and Hill Country, getting price gouged for hotel rooms and even places to park their car (up to $200.00)  to view the eclipse.   After all that, it was overcast and other than it becoming dark enough for our solar boundary lights to turn on for about 5 minutes, we couldn’t see it.  At least we were disappointed in the privacy of out back yard and didn’t cost us a dime.

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We've been together since 1977, married in 1980.  We've done some pretty cool weird crazy stuff, this was right up there with the best of them.  Spiral Jetty, Winter in Yellowstone, man, too many to mention but this, this thing was just divine.


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Left home and drove just under 6 hours to Benton, IL to check out the "totality". Took my Squire Strat, my Blackstar Fly 3, VOX Amplug Classic Rock, and a 15' 1/8" to 1/8" cable to connect the VOX to the Aux input of the Blackstar. (easier than bringing pedals.) We arrived 20 minutes before the moon began it's transition, and I played until 5 minutes before the totality. The weather was 80 degrees F, and was clear and calm. It was an amazing experience and I was able to look at the event (from time to time) through a pair of high end telescopes with the proper filters. (A friend from Lake Geneva, WI met us down there, and brought his scopes.) I had never experienced a total eclipse before (within the path of totality), Since this may be the last one I will be alive for, I'm glad I was able to see it. 

Unfortunately, it took me around 11 hours to get home. Hundreds of miles of brake lights on the highways. (I am used to rush hour traffic in Chicago, but this was NUTS!!) Decided to take back roads after 5 plus hours of travelling 20mph on average on the highway. Nothing like 17 hours in a car to watch a 4 minute 17 second show, LOL. (only counting the totality part, not the entire eclipse, fyi)

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This was our 3rd  total eclipse experience. The first was in 1998 in the Caribbean on a cruise ship, the second was on a golf course south of Carbondale, and this one in Ina, IL at the Love's Truck Stop. We drove down from Wisconsin early Monday and bugged out almost immediately after totality ended and avoided the traffic mess. It was the Best One , so far. Our pictures did not turn out but the experience was incredible.

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I'm calling the eclipse my Woodstock experience. As I was only 10 at the time of the first Woodstock so I was too young to go. But seeing the movie and having older friends and uncles tell me the horror stories of the closed NY State Thruway always stuck with me. My sister-in-law lives in Jericho, Vermont in the area of totality and she invited anyone who wanted to to come up for the weekend. We took the RV up on Saturday and it took 3 1/2 hours to drive the 189 miles to get there. There was snow on the ground but it was gone by Sunday afternoon. Eclipse day was perfect; sunny in the 60's. The eclipse was awesome! Definitely in the top 10 experiences of my life. The temp dropped at least 10 degrees and mosquitoes started coming out like crazy about 10 minutes before totality. Once it got dark we heard roosters crowing and owls hooting. Totality looked like this:


My nephew's friend took the pic. We could look at it without the protective glasses for a couple of minutes. The coolest thing was the Prominence (my new vocabulary word) at 7:00. Wild purple colors moving around in a twisting loop. Totality was at 3:26 pm. We hung around until 4:45 and hit the road. A few others left right after totality and let us know that the interstate was clogged so we took low roads for the first 35 miles, which took 4 hours. It was like leaving a stadium concert parking lot that never ended. We sent texts to others for updates but they didn't send. My wife sent me a test text and even though we were 3' feet apart, it took 2 hours to get to me. Altogether it took 9 1/2 hours and it was bumper to bumper except for the last half hour. Definitely worst traffic experience I ever had but at least we have food and a bathroom right in the rig. And it was worth it! I did have to take an extra day off yesterday to unpack and unwind.

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1 hour ago, JO'C said:

I'm calling the eclipse my Woodstock experience. As I was only 10 at the time of the first Woodstock so I was too young to go. But seeing the movie and having older friends and uncles tell me the horror stories of the closed NY State Thruway always stuck with me.



I was drafted on August 13, 1969.    Woodstock was held on August 15 through 17, (although Jimi played on the morning of August 18.).

So, I was in boot came when this happened....and they sure as heck didn't let us off!

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I was in a band for about 10 years called Eclipse. Would have been cool to get a gig that day if we were still a band. 😎

Now there's another local band with that name and they are pretty much a Journey cover band. 

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