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What does your forum name mean?


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I had a bad disk on my spine between C6 and C7, the nerves that go down to my left hand are somewhat damaged giving me stiffness.


I had surgery to replace the disk and things are a lot better but I my left hand still gets pretty stiff, some fingers more than others. A few weeks ago the stiffness shifted to my pinky and has remained there.

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Some Indian tribes use this formula for choosing their children's names... Once they are born, the father leaves the tee-pee and what ever he see's that strikes him becomes the name. Some examples are - Storm Cloud, Running Bear, Three Feathers, Eagle Eye, Shining Star, Two Dogs Fu*king, O:) oops...well, you get the picture.


I was reborn when I first heard rock and roll. I was awestruck by an older friends 65 Casino. I was 9.

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It's a longish story. Back in the mid-80's we had a bicycle racing team/club in Texas. We needed a name and originally came up with the "West Texas Roadkill Cycling Team" but then decided it might be too prophetic. So we looked for something Texas like and naturally came up with Armadillo. One of our major sponsors was Mobil Oil and about 1/2 the team worked for them, so we decided to poke a little fun at the Pegasus symbol and came up with a winged armadillo for the emblem. (Since the mobil pegasus always faces to the right naturally the armadillo always faced to the left.) When someone did a little more research and found that armadillos jump up when you startle them (usually just before you hit them) it became a natural(the fact that the initials for Flying Armadillo Racing Team let us thumb our noses at USA Cycling a little bit helped too). The club fell apart in the mid-90's but I liked the name and have kept it ever since for email and things.

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well when i first started playing, a buddy was talking to me about guitars and everything. i showed him my strat and he was like "dude, that is a beautiful strat!!" i told him, "yea, i know, but im more of a Gibson guy.... i really want to get a Les Paul". Then he said, "so you're a Gibson kid huh?? im one of those myself." I really liked that phrase, and i guess it's just stuck lol.... and 1993 was the year i was born in.


Hence, Gibsonkid1993 [biggrin]

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you know those Ellis Island processors weren't to good with foreign names


true.... as a matter of fact' date=' when my great-grandparents came to America, the immigration people messed up their last name.... they were from Slovenia but came on a ship with a bunch of Irish folks, so they assumed they were irish and spelled their last name like an irish name.... [biggrin

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As off-beat as I like to be... my name is Robert and I live in Danville.... pretty boring.....


But speaking of mangled names, my mother's maiden name was "Peacock", but it was really "Pavone" from Portugal.


Since my father was a true-to-life Okie, I've always referred to myself as a "Portagee-Okie"

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