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"Only one guitar"

The G

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How many out there have one acoustic and have no desire to

add more to the wood pile. Basically you are happy with one ,and

just feel "One is good enough"

What is it and why is it your one and only. (Pictures Please)....

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I am a proud member of the Only One Guitar Club. And I mean one guitar.......SJ200 WC as seen at left. No electric. No beater in the closet. No ukes under the bed. One guitar. Why?


At this point in my life, why not? When I was a young man engaged in the pursuit of musical nirvana it seemed to make sense to have a bunch of guitars and amps and pedals and cords and tuners and and and.......whew. Boy am I glad that's over! If you boil it down to needs as opposed to wants it becomes quite simple. I play guitar for my own amusement and for that purpose I need but one good guitar. That I have. When I was younger I wanted more than one but I truly only needed one. Now I understand that. (see quote below) Life is grand with one good guitar, just like it is with one good woman.

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Howdy -


^^ great post Buc ^^


I'm on my way to the Only One Acoustic and Only One Electric Club!


Right now my only acoustic is an '07 Gibson J-45TV.

It's a smokin geetar. Sold all 3 Martins after I purchased it a few years ago.


I just recorded a 5-song EP with the J-45TV in a real studio last month and could not believe

the tone of the guitar. So sweet, so simple. Paired with a killer signal chain, just unbelieveable.


As a treat, the studio owner brought by his '53 J-45 for me to compare.

A lovely, lovely, lovely guitar. You could play it for hours on end. A truly refined

beauty of it's own. Perhaps if the opportunity presented itself, I'd trade up to

a good vintage one, but as it stands my TV is more guitar than I have talent for.


Electrics on the hand, oh lordy... 2 ES-175's and my ES-225TD. Wish I could get

those down to one. [biggrin] But now is NOT the time to be selling expensive guitars.


Btw, great to be back after being locked out of the forum!!

I used to post as Henry Lee but my account locked me out! lol...



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I did that for about 17 years. Then I knocked my Hummingbird over and broke it's headstock nearly clean off. Caused much anguish and eventually the loss of my beloved 'Bird, but also the immediate purchase of a 'backup' and after that, a lengthy search for the 'perfect replacement for my 'Bird. That's another story.


Past that phase but play acoustic plus electric and mainly one of each, but figure I'll keep a main flattop + back-up, main Fender + back-up until too feeble to know where I am anymore. The back-up doesn't have to be too much really, but that broken guitar years ago told me 'have one'.

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Nothing wrong at all with having only one guitar and building a musical relationship with it and musically bring out all you can with it. Course, there's also nothing wrong with having many guitars and in turn musically bringing out all you can with each of 'em. I had one guitar for many years...but then found that many guitars can lead to many different musical explorations...each one seems to musically bring out something different from me. Can't really explain it otherwise.


QM aka Jazzman Jeff

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I can't be limited to one guitar - which limits sound' date=' style and technique.





I agree. I'm down to just two guitars and they suffice. I think you need at least two for the reasons BK listed. I have one which is rosewood, to get that "bite" and volume (i use it for bluegrass). And my SJ TV, the "hog" back and sides for "that" sound . And also, if you gig regularly like I do, you definetly need a back-up guitar (breaking a string,etc.)

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so far i only have one acoustic...


an arlo guthrie lg-2







i will say this...i am perfectly content with my acoustic and it does everything i need it to and more!

plus being a 3/4 it is super comfy to hold and play...


but i say this...i would still like to get an epi texan...just not anytime soon because their are a few more electrics that need to get liberated by some goofballs first!

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I absolutely love my Gibson F-25, small body like a classical guitar and a wide neck like a classical but with steel strings. I have other guitars - a 12 string, classical, resonator, a Squire Tele and an Alvarez dread cutaway each for its own purpose but the Gibby is forever.

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I am a proud member of the Only One Guitar Club. And I mean one guitar.......SJ200 WC as seen at left. No electric. No beater in the closet. No ukes under the bed. One guitar. Why?


At this point in my life' date=' why not? When I was a young man engaged in the pursuit of musical nirvana it seemed to make sense to have a bunch of guitars and amps and pedals and cords and tuners and and and.......whew. Boy am I glad [i']that's[/i] over! If you boil it down to needs as opposed to wants it becomes quite simple. I play guitar for my own amusement and for that purpose I need but one good guitar. That I have. When I was younger I wanted more than one but I truly only needed one. Now I understand that. (see quote below) Life is grand with one good guitar, just like it is with one good woman.




i want to be like you when i grow up.

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Ha ha ha ha.... sorry. I just can't help but laugh' date=' imagining myself with one acoustic.[/quote']



that was my reaction too. We have 4 acoustics and an acoustic bass, we plan on more in the future but cant decide. (see my other post..lol..)

I have two electrics, the sg and a telecaster which covers most of my wants and needs but i would love a third electric, either a 335/355 or a guild or gretch

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Apparently I've been a member of this club for quite awhile and didn't know it. I guess I owe back dues!

Yes, I'd like to have more than one. (want vs need) But my SJ200 is more than enough to keep me happy. I basically decided I'd rather have one really good guitar, given my budget, than 4 or 5 marginal ones. But, I could certainly learn to live with being a member of "Guitars Anonymous" like most Forum Members. Inspired by someone here a few years ago - who wrote ''if I could have only one guitar for the rest of my life to sit on the back porch with it would be my SJ200", I decided that my rank amateur status did not justify having more than one, since I can only play one at a time so far.

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Dig it Rash'


I have $13 ->15K in guitars' date=' but I don't have a stereo. am/fm cassette in car. Don't buy fresh meat 'cept to cook soup.



I drive a 20+ year old car myself & try to pretty much NEVER eat out. I learned long ago that the car doesn't make me look cool.. I make the car look cool! (that same theory doesn't always apply to guitars)


I've also learned through several small business ventures that generally people will afford what they want to afford. If you look closely enough you'll find that everyone has a "vice" of some sort. [crying]

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