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Do you belive hot dogs cause cancer?


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every time you pick up the newspaper they say that something else you eat or drink can increase the risk of cancer...for f**ks sake we might as well all be dead now!, eat what you want, drink what you want, smoke what you want, and the rest! were only here once! i'd rather have a short happy life than a long miserable one!, i'm just gonna stick some cancer causing red meat in the oven...[biggrin]

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every time you pick up the newspaper they say that something else you eat or drink can increase the risk of cancer...for f**ks sake we might as well all be dead now!' date=' eat what you want, drink what you want, smoke what you want, and the rest! were only here once! i'd rather have a short happy life than a long miserable one!, i'm just gonna stick some cancer causing red meat in the oven...[-( [/quote']


I think newspaper ink is carcinogenic. Hope you wear gloves when reading it. [biggrin]

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I'm sure they do, if you consume enough. Like most things.


I suggest using good judgement and moderation. I strongly do not recomend "Do whatever you want, who cares"

That type of thinking is for ****** punks who don't think they'll live that long.


I'm here to tell you from personal experience, it SUCKS *** when you're wrong....




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I'm sure they do' date=' if you consume enough. Like most things.


I suggest using good judgement and moderation. I strongly [i']do not [/i]recomend "Do whatever you want, who cares"

That type of thinking is for ****** punks who don't think they'll live that long.


I'm here to tell you from personal experience, it SUCKS *** when you're wrong....







Face it. Most people are going to live well past 50. If you don't take care of yourself before 50, then life after 50 will not be nearly as much fun and life after 65 will be a lot tougher.



Sodium nitrite is commonly added to bacon, ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, smoked fish, and corned beef to stabilize the red color and add flavor. The preservative prevents growth of bacteria, but studies have linked eating it to various types of cancer. "This would be at the top of my list of additives to cut from my diet," says Christine Gerbstadt, M.D., M.P.H., R.D., L.D.N., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. "Under certain high-temperature cooking conditions such as grilling, it transforms into a reactive compound that has been shown to promote cancer."

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The studies don't say "cause cancer", they say certain substances may increase the chances. The reporting of these studies can be misread and cause anxiety which may increase your chances of certain kinds of cancer.

And we all know that the greatest cause of death is of course, life.

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Then keep them in the Icebox!


Ok you get done by the Canine Defence League but avoid Big C


And remember


"If there's something that you like

you can be ceratin that....


It's immorral


It's illegal


or it makes you fat!

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Scientists, after spending millions of dollars / euros / marks in ''researsch'' and statistical studies (who are now supposed to be a medical method of research) have come to this:



Cancer has been here for thousand of years. It has been discovered in ancient graveyards all over the planet. However, it has been multiplied by many times during the last 2-3 centuries. It is obvious that our ''modern lifestyle'' causes it to emerge more often. Main reasons:


1. Dietary habits


too much red meat, on a daily basis, which is full of toxins. Lack of vegetables, fruits, who can physically shield your imune system against cancer cells.


2. Lack of exercise

it builts up your defences as well.


3. Psychological reasons.

The lack of psychological balance,the daily stress which piles up in every one of us affects the whole story. Cancer is

considered to be a disease not only of the body, but of the soul as well.



So, the answer in your question is both yes and no. A hot dog every now & then (even if you smoke it in a newspaper) doesn't really harm you. But if it's the basis of your daily nutrition, combined with a pack of smokies and a bottle of gin, will surely bring you ''one breath less your last / one step closer to your last'', in the words of Dream Theater.


And for those ''smart'' guys out there, it's not how many years you will live. It's about the quality of your life, during all those years. I don't mind dying young. But I do mind living a lot of miserable years...

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And for those ''smart'' guys out there' date=' it's not how many years you will live. It's about the quality of your life, during all those years. I don't mind dying young. But I do mind living a lot of miserable years...




Sure it is, now. You're young. And you a new father, too, saying you're ok to die and leave those young 'uns. So you're what, 35? Lived a nice "full life" already...


Age grants not just wisdom, but perspective. A perspective that, frankly, you won't "get" until you're one of those "smart guys". Ask the 75 year old Grandfather why he keeps pushing on, despite the myriad of pains and aches that have made is life miserable. He'll tell you it ain't so bad as the alternative....



Just a different perspective...

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Sure it is' date=' now. You're young. And you a new father, too, saying you're ok to die and leave those young 'uns. So you're what, 35? Lived a nice "full life" already...


Age grants not just wisdom, but perspective. A perspective that, frankly, you won't "get" until you're one of those "smart guys". Ask the 75 year old Grandfather why he keeps pushing on, despite the myriad of pains and aches that have made is life miserable. He'll tell you it ain't so bad as the alternative....



Just a different perspective... [/quote']






I'm actually 31, and by saying ''I don't mind dying young'' I meant ''younger than the average life expectancy age'', not right now, exactly since I'm a young dad. But I don't see the point right now (don't know if I will) to live life in very old just for getting out of bed, full of aches, pulling myself to the couch and staying there until I drag my body back to bed... Just call it stubborn pride if you will, but I do want to be able to enjoy even small joys of life and not just living for the sake of living.



In ancient Greece, there was a certain custom on only one of our many islands. The habitants of the island, upon reaching the age of 50 (please bear in mind that comparing it with the life expectancy limit back then, it is closer to our 70-80 years nowadays...), would voluntarily drink the conium (yes, it's the same poison that Socrates was ordered to drink), ending their lifes.


Just another perspective...

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I'm actually 31' date=' and by saying ''I don't mind dying young'' I meant ''younger than the average life expectancy age'', not right now, exactly since I'm a young dad. But I don't see the point right now (don't know if I will) to live life in very old just for getting out of bed, full of aches, pulling myself to the couch and staying there until I drag my body back to bed... Just call it stubborn pride if you will, but I do want to be able to enjoy even small joys of life and not just living for the sake of living.



In ancient Greece, there was a certain custom on only one of our many islands. The habitants of the island, upon reaching the age of 50 (please bear in mind that comparing it with the life expectancy limit back then, it is closer to our 70-80 years nowadays...), would voluntarily drink the conium (yes, it's the same poison that Socrates was ordered to drink), ending their lifes.


Just another perspective...




We think our fathers fools

so wise we grow

our wiser sons will no doubt think us so.




You'll understand when you get here. Until then , enjoy your youth and talk of how it's better to go out young.


You'll see. Life becomes precious when you have little left.

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In ancient Greece' date=' there was a certain custom on only one of our many islands. The habitants of the island, upon reaching the age of 50 (please bear in mind that comparing it with the life expectancy limit back then, it is closer to our 70-80 years nowadays...), [b']would voluntarily drink the conium [/b](yes, it's the same poison that Socrates was ordered to drink), ending their lifes.


Americans have a similar practice.


But they instead eat a hot dog...





All joking aside: "Hector", I'm actually with you on this one: I would prefer to go with dignity, rather than merely to exist for year after year. That may have something to do with the fact that I'm not old. But on the other hand: I've watched the grandmother of my girlfriend go from being a normal, active human being to become a "vegetable". She can't leave her chair, can barely talk, and she understands almost nothing which is said to her. She has been "living" like this for years...


No disrespect, "Chanman". And you're right: It is entirely possible that people think differently when they are older. But every time I think about getting old, I think about the situation I just described...

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