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Bill Murray


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Bill Murray is pretty awesome so in high school I drew some pictures of him. Here is the best one. The pic is blurry so I'll have to take another in better lighting.


It's in oil pastel. It's on good paper.



Feel free to post your Bill Murray art. I know you all have some.

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If you play as well as you paint (or draw whichever is correct), then you kill it. Nice job.

I saw a No reservations show about the Hudson valley that featured Bill M. Quite an Epicurean.

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Thanks for the compliments guys. It's not really a painting. I used oil pastels which are kindof oil based crayons. I used them because I wanted to have a lot of texture and I like the way the colors blend.


I made a different one on different paper and it didn't work very well.


I couldn't really tell you whether I'm better at drawing or playing guitar. IMO I'm an amatuer at both.


As far as visual art goes I think I might prefer ceramics.

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Bill Murray is a comic genius and is fearless when it comes to acting. He will take a small uncredited roll if he feels moved by the material.

Some of his funniest have been just that. Little Shop of Horrors, Zombieland and Coffee and Cigarettes to name a few.

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