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An archtop guitar with P90s --- IMHO you made a good score.


I hope it plays as good as it looks!


Do tighten up the pickup that appears to be loose, and re-install the pickguard to protect the finish of the guitar.


A trip to a music store that has a guitar tech might be worth your while - especially if this is your first guitar. A good guitar tech can take care of the pickup, make sure the neck is true and fix it if it is not, adjust the action, and adjust the intonation of the guitar. It shouldn't cost much money and the pay back will be a better sounding and easier to play guitar. Easier to play is especially good for a new player and very appreciated by an experienced player.


Buy some strings and picks while you are there and let them know you plan on being a regular customer, and chances are they will either adjust your guitar for free or at a reduced price (especially if it is a mom and pop music store). I've done most of my business with small music stores, they appreciate your business, and they usually offer extra services that the big box stores and the Internet do not.


I've got a couple of archtop guitars with P90 pickups (Epiphone Casino and Gibson ES-330) and of the 7 guitars hanging around my house, the P90 archtops are my favorites. They are lightweight and that P90 sound with the stellar highs and warm midranges sound sublime to my ears.


Insights and incites by Notes

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It came today, I took everything everyone said to heart and spent the first hour polishing it, there was black rubber undernieth the Bridge pickup, I removed it and ajusted the pole pieces to my liking. This thing plays great,sounds great, the action was nice and low with no buzzing on the frets. I feel I scored not just a beginner guitar but one that will last me for sometime.

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It came today' date=' I took everything everyone said to heart and spent the first hour polishing it, there was black rubber undernieth the Bridge pickup, I removed it and ajusted the pole pieces to my liking. This thing plays great,sounds great, the action was nice and low with no buzzing on the frets. I feel I scored not just a beginner guitar but one that will last me for sometime. [/quote']



Nice score!! I'm getting a serious case of GAS!!

And I can't afford another guitar right now. :-(

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Sweet guitar, since buying mine I've fallen in love with archtop guitars.


I'd take their advice though and get it setup by a good tech, just got my Sheri back last week from being setup and it plays so much better now (better than my PRS in fact which I now plan to sell) that I'll never buy a guitar with out having a setup done again. Worth every penny IMHO, all 6000 of them 8-[

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I really wish these weren't discontinued.


It's the only direct Gibson copy from Epiphone that has interested me. Ever since I got my Wildkat I've wanted another Bigsby eqipped P90 semi or full hollowbody.


I see your's had the Bigsby removed, (I'm addicted to mine)but no matter, it'll still be a good player when set up well. Epi's P90's are pretty nice IMO too-you'll like your tone-assuming you like a rockabilly-jazz-blues type of thing.

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Hey guys Sorry I haven't been around too much. I just kinda have been playing the heck out of teh guitar. So I will give you the low down of what I think of this. Wow comes to mind I really really like the neck, The finish is awsome and with the pickguard put on it it is a stunning piece of work. Heck even my wife likes it.


Guys the P90's are not P90's... There something called P100's. I like the sound they give me so I am happy.


The tail piece has been brought up so yes it was replaced before I bought it, and to be honest I kinda like it this was. Being my major guitar

hero id Scotty Moore. It is set just like his, no bigsby and heavy flatwound strings. A few set up ajustments are being made by my local tech guy. not that any really needed to be done, but I want him to go over every little thing, since it is used and all, and make sure if there is a slight hint of a ajustment or any kind of issue it can be taken care of.


Now I just need to find a Amp. My friend gave me a Marshall MG10. while it works and sounds ok, It is not the sound I am after.

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Now I just need to find a Amp. My friend gave me a Marshall MG10. while it works and sounds ok' date=' It is not the sound I am after.[/quote']



Depending on your budget, might I suggest a Epiphone BC30? I've had mine for about 3 years now, and Chinese or not, its the best amp I've owned-though granted, I've never had any crazy expensive boutique amps. I've had a Marshall Artist 30 halfstack, Fender Blues Deville, lil' Fender sidekick, a Dean Markely tube job whose model escapes me right now, couple Ampeg superjet reverbs (that I still have) a Marshall Valvetronix combo, and a bitty lil' Vox Ad15 that I still have too. I bet there's a couple in there I forgot, which means they weren't standouts! The BC 30 IMO blows all of these amps away. Mine is still stock too. Though I have eventual customization plans...Everyone who I play it for, no matter the guitar or pickup configuration has been favorably impressed-layman listeners and musicians alike. It has been very reliable too. I've also played through many other kick *** amps that I didn't own (Fender Twins, various Marshall JCM's, Vox AC30's and 15, Mesa Dual Rectifier...while some of these amps are "better" than the BC30, I'm telling you the BC30 in no way sucks when compared to these. In fact, for tone, I like it better than the twin. I've jammed with people playing through these amps with me on my BC30 and there is absolutely nobody saying "wow, that guy on the Epiphone really sounds like he's lacking quality compared to the guy with the AC30" It totally holds its own.


For many years I wouldn't have considered a Chinese amp (or non american guitar) but while there are persistent detractors, I do not always agree with them (though I do think they have some valid points at times) My experience w/ Epiphone has changed that perspective for me. I don't generally seek out Asian stuff-other than Subarus and wasabi, but all of my Epiphone gear stands up well to my Gibson and US Fender gear for playability and tone. All of it- though my Sheraton admittedly needed some help to play and sound as good as my Gibsons (not so w/ my stock Wildkat though-which was even a couple hundred bucks less)


I'm curious aboout the new Valve Seniors, but not sure if I'll jump on one. I do like a "precense" control, but other than that, I don't see it as an improvement over my BC 30....however, if I didn't have the 30, the Valve Senior would be on my list, recession/depression be damned!

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Nothing wrong with that, Scotty is one hell of a guitarist.


You might try to find a music store with a Fender Bassman, Twin Reverb or Super Reverb (if they still make them). I think they will give you the closest sound as they were very popular guitars 'way back when'.


I have a "twin reverb" amp simulator in my zoom G1X pedal, and with the right settings on the guitar and the simulator, it does have a sound very similar to the work Scotty did with Elvis Presley.



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