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Have you guys heard about the NASA news conference scheduled for later on today?


This is from NASA's website:


NASA will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe.


The news conference will be held at the NASA Headquarters auditorium at 300 E St. SW, in Washington. It will be broadcast live on NASA Television and streamed on the agency's website at http://www.nasa.gov.


Looks like the government is finally going to admit that we're not alone...



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NASA will say anything to keep their funding. Their whole MO these days is to dangle the possibility of extraterrestrial life out there because that's what the avarage citizen is interested in. NASA is an incredible waste of resources. It's an egghead makework program. Nobody's going to the stupid moon or Mars. O.K.?


After 50 years of NASA and 30 years of being a practicing professional engineer, I have realized that NASA isn't saving any lives, they're not helping anybody get fed or stay healthy, and they're surely not making any substantial contribution to real life science or engineering.


As an engineer, I saw a series of tragic management decisions and catastrophic engineering failures at a rate that wouldn't be acceptable in any of the other fields of engineering.


It's all elitists - the engineers, the astronauts, the managers. Elitists for the sake of elitism. And doing a fair job at best.


How much did it cost to go to the moon and how many hungry kids could have been fed with that money? How many water or wastewater treatment plants could have been built with that cash? How about roads and bridges for real people? AIDS research. Lead paint removal. Water purification tablets. Teachers & schools.



Meanwhile, there's some guys in a space station somewhere shooting rubber bands at each other and calling it science. Sheesh.


Rantage over. [cursing]

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I was gonna say the same thing Shred, traces of water or the remnants of some ancient bacteria that disappeared some 100000 million years ago (and in 10 years they will discover was only contamination from

Earths atmosphere).


Remember that "rock from mars" they found in the arctic and said had traces of bacteria?

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Personally, I'm in favor of space exploration and the study of what's out there. I also think it's in the nature of man to discover new places and things.


All I'm gonna say is, I'm glad Ferdinand and Isabella weren't thinking about how many mouths full of food Columbus' trip could have funded....

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After 50 years of NASA and 30 years of being a practicing professional engineer, I have realized that NASA isn't saving any lives, they're not helping anybody get fed or stay healthy, and they're surely not making any substantial contribution to real life science or engineering.


So reports of all the important space-age technologies that have come out of the space program are just shameless self-promotion? Hey, didn't we get Tang out of the Gemini program?

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So reports of all the important space-age technologies that have come out of the space program are just shameless self-promotion? Hey, didn't we get Tang out of the Gemini program?


Don't forget


WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEM - NASA-developed municipal-size water treatment system for developing nations, called the Regenerable Biocide Delivery Unit, uses iodine rather than chlorine to kill bacteria.


SCRATCH-RESISTANT LENSES - A modified version of a dual ion beam bonding process developed by NASA involves coating the lenses with a film of diamond-like carbon that not only provides scratch resistance, but also decreases surface friction, reducing water spots


ENRICHED BABY FOOD - A microalgae-based, vegetable-like oil called Formulaid developed from NASA-sponsored research on long duration space travel, contains two essential fatty acids found in human milk but not in most baby formulas, believed to be important for infants' mental and visual development.


POOL PURIFICATION - Space technology designed to sterilize water on long-duration spacecraft applied to swimming pool purification led to a system that uses two silver-copper alloy electrodes that generate silver and copper ions when an electric current passes through them to kill bacteria and algae without chemicals.


SOLAR ENERGY - NASA-pioneered photovoltaic power system for spacecraft applications was applied to programs to expand terrestrial applications as a viable alternative energy source in areas where no conventional power source exists.


WEATHER FORECASTING AID - Space Shuttle environmental control technology led to the development of the Barorator which continuously measures the atmospheric pressure and calculates the instantaneous rate of change.


FOREST MANAGEMENT - A NASA-initiated satellite scanning system monitors and maps forestation by detecting radiation reflected and emitted from trees.


TELEMETRY SYSTEMS - A spinoff company formed to commercialize NASA high-data-rate telemetry technology, manufactures a high-speed processing system for commercial communications applications.


FIRE RESISTANT MATERIAL - Materials include chemically-treated fabric for sheets, uniforms for hazardous material handlers, crew's clothing, furniture, interior walls of submersibles and auto racer and refueler suits.


DIGITAL IMAGING BREAST BIOPSY SYSTEM - The LORAD Stereo Guide Breast Biopsy system incorporates advanced Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs) as part of a digital camera system. The resulting device images breast tissue more clearly and efficiently. Known as stereotactic large-core needle biopsy, this nonsurgical system developed with Space Telescope Technology is less traumatic and greatly reduces the pain, scarring, radiation exposure, time, and money associated with surgical biopsies.


LASER ANGIOPLASTY - Laser angioplasty with a "cool" type of laser, caller an excimer laser, does not damage blood vessel walls and offers precise non-surgical cleanings of clogged arteries with extraordinary precision and fewer complications than in balloon angioplasty.


PROGRAMMABLE PACEMAKER - Incorporating multiple NASA technologies, the system consists of the implant and a physician's computer console containing the programming and a data printer. Communicates through wireless telemetry signals


MEDICAL GAS ANALYZER - Astronaut-monitoring technology used to develop system to monitor operating rooms for analysis of anesthetic gasses and measurement of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen concentrations to assure proper breathing environment for surgery patients


VOICE-CONTROLLED WHEELCHAIR - NASA teleoperator and robot technology used to develop chair and manipulator that respond to 35 one-word voice commands utilizing a minicomputer to help patient perform daily tasks, like picking up packages, opening doors, and turning on appliances




Oh, and ball point pens that write at any angle.






Yep. I see the point. Complete waste of time and money. :rolleyes:

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Great post, Chanman! That's very interesting.


I didn't actually intend for this topic to have anything to do with the pro's and con's of NASA, but I found this on the net:


These things all use technologies or materials that were originally developed for the space program.


TV satellite dish

NASA developed ways to correct errors in the signals coming from the spacecraft. This technology is used to reduce noise (that is, messed up picture or sound) in TV signals coming from satellites.


Medical Imaging

NASA developed ways to process signals from spacecraft to produce clearer images. (See more on digital information and how spacecraft send images from space.) This technology also makes possible these photo-like images of our insides.


Vision Screening System

Uses techniques developed for processing space pictures to examine eyes of children and find out quickly if they have any vision problems. The child doesn't have to say a word!


Ear Thermometer

Instead of measuring temperature using a column of mercury (which expands as it heats up), this thermometer has a lens like a camera and detects infrared energy, which we feel as heat. The warmer something is (like your body), the more infrared energy it puts out. This technology was originally developed to detect the birth of stars.


Fire Fighter Equipment

Fire fighters wear suits made of fire resistant fabric developed for use in space suits.


Smoke Detector

First used in the Earth orbiting space station called Skylab (launched back in 1973) to help detect any toxic vapors. Now used in most homes and other buildings to warn people of fire.


Sun glasses

From research done on materials to protect the eyes of welders working on spacecraft, protective lenses were developed that block almost all the wavelengths of radiation that might harm the eyes, while letting through all the useful wavelengths that let us see.


Automobile Design Tools

A computer program developed by NASA to analyze a spacecraft or airplane design and predict how parts will perform is now used to help design automobiles. This kind of software can save car makers a lot of money by letting them see how well a design will work even before they build a prototype.


Cordless Tools

Portable, self-contained power tools were originally developed to help Apollo astronauts drill for moon samples. This technology has lead to development of such tools as the cordless vacuum cleaner, power drill, shrub trimmers, and grass shears.


Aerodynamic Bicycle Wheel

A special bike wheel uses NASA research in airfoils (wings) and design software developed for the space program. The three spokes on the wheel act like wings, making the bicycle very efficient for racing.


Thermal Gloves and Boots

These gloves and boots have heating elements that run on rechargeable batteries worn on the inside wrist of the gloves or embedded in the sole of the ski boot. This technology was adapted from a spacesuit design for the Apollo astronauts.


Shock Absorbing Helmets

These special football helmets use a padding of Temper Foam, a shock absorbing material first developed for use in aircraft seats. These helmets have three times the shock absorbing ability of previous types.


Invisible Braces

These teeth-straightening braces use brackets that are made of a nearly invisible translucent (almost see-through) ceramic material. This material is a spinoff of NASA's advanced ceramic research to develop new, tough materials for spacecraft and aircraft.


Edible Toothpaste

This is a special foamless toothpaste developed for the astronauts to use in space (where spitting is not a very good idea!) Although this would be a great first toothpaste for small children, it is no longer available.


Joystick Controllers

Joystick controllers are used for lots of things now, including computer games and vehicles for people with disabilities. These devices evolved from research to develop a controller for the Apollo Lunar Rover, and from other NASA research into how humans actually operate (called "human factors").


Advanced Plastics

Spacecraft and other electronics need very special, low-cost materials as the base for printed circuits (like those inside your computer). Some of these "liquid crystal polymers" have turned out to be very good, low-cost materials for making containers for foods and beverages.


But enough about NASA. What about them ALIENS?!? [biggrin]

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All the stuff that NASA says they pioneered would have been developed by real engineers for the real purpose that they really served. Every one of the things than Chan got off their website, like laser this and forestry that, is something that's not used by anybody except NASA. Every one of those technologies, from water purification to pool technology to laser angioplasty to pens to everything else - NASA was never a player in those technologies and never will be. Laser angioplasty - yeah, right. Not in forestry, not in pool technology, not in water purification, none of those listed. Nor are any of those systems commercially viable or are they used in any substantial capacity in the real world. NASA has never been a player in medical technology. If you want to make better lasers for use on earth, then do laser research on earth. Why would you ever do laser research in space?


The only thing that NASA is good at is rocketry and high speed aeronautics. I challenge anybody to find a popular commercial product that actually owes it's origins to NASA that justifies all the expense. They are not a player in anything, really. TANG is a perfect example.


And you have to subtract the value of all the useless technology that they spend millions on. Like how to take a dump in space or how to pee without it all floating around. Like how to grow a tomato plant or how a bubble blows in space.


Space exploration is no longer the face of technology in the US.

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Personally, I'm in favor of space exploration and the study of what's out there. I also think it's in the nature of man to discover new places and things.


All I'm gonna say is, I'm glad Ferdinand and Isabella weren't thinking about how many mouths full of food Columbus' trip could have funded....




Nah....there were people there before him and I'm sure others would have rediscovered the New World too...


I wonder how many it could have fed in 1492.

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[unsure] Badbluesplayer, my drummer INSISTS that the bong technology that he currently uses comes DIRECTLY from NASA research ( high altitude research stuff ) ......Some of Victoria's Secret's technology MUST have been dirived from NASA technology ( cool floating tech stuff ), so ah, dunno, hmmm.....


As far as aliens go, if they are from Mars and NASA brings them here, will they need GREEN cards ?


Will NASA bring me some alien emoticons ?


Will 'space rocks' start a new musical fab ?


Will ' Roundup ' keep us safe from NASA aliens ?


[scared] :unsure: eusa_pray.gif:-k

Will the NASA aliens embrace the Firebird X thingees ?

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