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Too Many ("Personal") Guitars? What's the Limit?

charlie brown

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I don't feel so bad now......

And Here I was thinking having THREE guitars was overkill.


Thank all of you for COMPLETELY making me not feel like a wacko for wanting/purchasing a fourth.





I could snuggle up real easy with one of these little ladies...



Let me not enable your disease any further.....



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I gotta reply one more time because this is something I have been thinking about. First I agree with the notion that it's good that people post their collections because I can say "Hey honey, look, that guy has way more than I do", I have 7.

Also what I've gone for is the entire spectrum of sound possibilities: through choice in pickups. I needed to have humbuckers (ceramics, burstbuckers [different of course]) and the whole array of single coils, THEN, there was the exotic wood tops, zebrawood for some reason. I didn't even like zebrawood until I saw the Firebird GOTW. So I got the LP, a tele and a strat. There, I think that defines the disease in me, maybe for the DSM V perhaps?

My brother is into watches, he's spent considerably more than I have and that's justification I believe?

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For me, once I acquired the guitars that I'd always wanted but could never afford, (because of family and commitments i.e. bills) It clearly became the thrill of the hunt.

I would bring home a guitar and tell my wife " Well thats it I now have everything I need." Then that night be on the internet scouring for hot guitar deals.


A guy near me is selling a Gretsch 6118 in Cadillac green. It's taken all my willpower and then some not to call about it because it's another I've always lusted after.


The crazy thing is my wonderful wife is all for me getting more guitars. She finds them to be beautiful works of art.

My current total is 13 and holding..........until .......2011.........I.........think....

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Why not, Charlie? I know I have too many guitars but I don't actually think way. I look at is as my own private music store.


Have you ever been in someone's home where the entire place was littered with gear? I have - a local guy was selling his 50th anniversary R9 and I went to check it out. Pretty big, old house that I'd say was around 4,000 sq ft. I went in through the side door (because I later saw the front door was blocked by a Marshall stack) and literally had to step over a few amps blocking the doorway to get in. The guy said he had well over 100 guitars (a good 50 of them were just lying around on stands, couches, the floor, on one another, etc.) and somewhere around 50 amps...and I'm not talking cheap stuff, either - '52 Les Paul, '61 SG, maybe 15 '50s/'60s Strats/Teles - just sitting there like garbage. The house was just littered with gear. I was at a loss for words.

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Why not, Charlie? I know I have too many guitars but I don't actually think way. I look at is as my own private music store.


Have you ever been in someone's home where the entire place was littered with gear? I have - a local guy was selling his 50th anniversary R9 and I went to check it out. Pretty big, old house that I'd say was around 4,000 sq ft. I went in through the side door (because I later saw the front door was blocked by a Marshall stack) and literally had to step over a few amps blocking the doorway to get in. The guy said he had well over 100 guitars (a good 50 of them were just lying around on stands, couches, the floor, on one another, etc.) and somewhere around 50 amps...and I'm not talking cheap stuff, either - '52 Les Paul, '61 SG, maybe 15 '50s/'60s Strats/Teles - just sitting there like garbage. The house was just littered with gear. I was at a loss for words.


Not to worry R9...it was only meant as a discussion starter.

I too, have "too many guitars," and (Sometimes) wonder WHY?

But, as of yet, I haven't sold any...I did trade one, recently on a Marshall 1960A Slant cab (in "new" condition), as well as a "Inspired by 'Texan," Epi acoustic. That was

one deal, I was delighted with! Besides, my "neurosis" is

just that, mine! Was just curious, more than anything, as to

how other's felt about, or delt with, this same thing. That's all. ;>)


Probably, what it boils down to, for me...is that I need to play more, and "think/worry" less! LOL



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Me, too. I always get GAS for another Les Paul when I'm not playing one but it always goes away when I actually play one of my own. Hey, maybe that's the cure?

How many guitars do you have right now? I'm at 14 (?) and have room for one or two more. I think a 335 is next.


I think, I'm at 26. Gibson, Epiphone, Gretsch, Ric, Fenders...and 1 Washburn acoustic 12-string.

Still have a few, that I'd "Love" to have, even though I

certainly don't "need" them. A ES-345, a VOS SG w/maestro,

Guild Acoustic 12-string, and an Martin EC-00028! They're

kind of my "Bucket List" guitars, I guess? LOL



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Me, too. I always get GAS for another Les Paul when I'm not playing one but it always goes away when I actually play one of my own. Hey, maybe that's the cure?

How many guitars do you have right now? I'm at 14 (?) and have room for one or two more. I think a 335 is next.


I have 14 now too and I want an ES 175, R9, Strat, Doves in Flight acoustic, 1968 Black Beauty, Limited Standard Robot, 1959 Danelectrio, 1967 SG Standard, BB King lucille... To name a few...

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I may be the poster child for too many guitars but allot has to do with what your situation is? If you can't easily afford them or are buying them on credit or instead of other things that you or your family needs then something is wrong. If you have a high amount of disposable income and want guitars instead of sports cars or boats or mistresses than it's just that a need or desire to own something you enjoy.


That said there is a number that makes sense it might be different for people but it has to be some limit. last year I was over 80 guitars (easily over and that's all I'm saying) as of right now i'm in the fifties and working towards a personal goal of twenty guitars. That number is nothing magical it's just the number of guitars that I can fit into two closets in my house and seems somewhat logical based on all the different models and styles of guitars out there. Don't know if I'll be able to get down to 20 but it's a goal and I'm working on it.


I have not purchased a guitar in 2010 which might not seem like much but I don't think Ive gone a year without buying a guitar since 1977.

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I've never been a guitar hoarder. Generally if I get tired of them or my preferences change, I trade or sell them. I have a few that I would never sell, but the rest of the collection is pretty fluid. I have owned a 78 SG for over 15 years that's unplayable, but I wont sell it. And even though I have not touched it in 8 years, a fretless bass that has been around about as long (a gift from a long lost love). My current main two guitars were purchased new in 2007 and 2008. About five years ago I had accidentally horded almost a dozen axes, but only 3 got any play time. The rest just took up space in my studio. I have 5-6 now, but only 2 get played.

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I have five, and struggle to justify having more. I find myself wanting (note I didn't say "needing") a r9 ... Why? Because it's the closest thing to the most sought after guitar ever? Nevermind that I don't favor the 59 neck, but I've got to have it? Arrg... Or do I go with a more comfortable guitar that's not as "prestigious"? I think we live in a world that looks at you and characterizes you based on what you have. The trick is to not live under the delusion of things = self worth. In the end, no one cares how much one had. I have a "nice" guitar, my r68, and, I wonder what it would be like to have two or three more reissues. If I do get them, I'd have to sell two or three of my "lesser" ones to justify the purchases to myself and to my wife. I can't pull a fast one on her, lol.. I would still "need" to have a workhorse though. Well, this is how I currently feel and have felt in a while. See how it really plays out.. [smile]

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I also question this quest for more.

I've bought 2 custom shop Gibsons and one Gibson USA guitar this past year.

They are all different and I play them all.

Each one has their own voice and feel.

My brain tells me enough is enough but my heart tells me otherwise.

I still don't have a guitar equiped with P-90's or a really good 6 string acoustic or 12 string.

They too will come.

But when will it stop? Will it?

Better question...does it have to stop?

I think my sweety will help me with that question.

She has been awesome in a supportive role.



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I have five, and struggle to justify having more. I find myself wanting (note I didn't say "needing") a r9 ... Why? Because it's the closest thing to the most sought after guitar ever? Nevermind that I don't favor the 59 neck, but I've got to have it? Arrg... Or do I go with a more comfortable guitar that's not as "prestigious"? I think we live in a world that looks at you and characterizes you based on what you have. The trick is to not live under the delusion of things = self worth. In the end, no one cares how much one had. I have a "nice" guitar, my r68, and, I wonder what it would be like to have two or three more reissues. If I do get them, I'd have to sell two or three of my "lesser" ones to justify the purchases to myself and to my wife. I can't pull a fast one on her, lol.. I would still "need" to have a workhorse though. Well, this is how I currently feel and have felt in a while. See how it really plays out.. [smile]


If you are in the market to buy a re-issue and are not comfortable with the 59 neck, please try the R0.

It is soooo lovely in every way.



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I have justified in the past getting so many guitars with it being for my job, but, confession time! I think I convinced myself of that because I got seduced - I am no collector - and It got to a few months back that I took stock of the situation and knew that I had about 5 of my 19 guitars, that I simply didn't use! I suppose I just had developed a greedy attachment to them sitting on their guitar stands looking pretty! and yes - I had bought them with that excited feeling many describe as 'GAS; LOL.


Long and short of it; I recently sold the 'surplus guitars' to pupils, (which yes - was initially hard because I did love them in a way), but I was thrilled when I saw them in lessons the next week and could tell how much they (pupils) were enjoying them msp_biggrin.gif. I also gave my Customied Les Paul studio to my best mate who is a head nurse. He had fallen in love with this guitar and loved the stripped neck and heavy weight! (11 and a half pound studio!!). He is my best mate, so I can use it any time I want and get to see him using it with his band (three of whom are nurses too!)


So my rule again (before GAS infected me and and me fall off the wagon LMAO) , is no doubles. ie different guitars for different tones. ie I have a strat in my sonic arsenal, so I don't require another...but... I don't have a gypsy jazz guitar, so this will be a great addition to the tool box.


...I try not to duplicate guitars too much

Making them as different to each as possible

Thereby 'justifying' the ever increasing number...





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Let's be honest...some of us love shopping

Hitherto considered a female affliction...handbags, shoes, clothes etc

Men shop too...CD's, shoes, jeans, guitars, cars, fishing rods, whatever


The most exciting time I had recently was getting a dealer to accept 2 guitars as trade-in for 1

So I am happy to say, albeit briefly, there was a -1 somewhere in the equation [biggrin]





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I have four electrics; an Epi Special II GT, an ecore 3/4 scale with a single humbucker (for those things I can't normally stretch my fingers to), a First Act with a single humbucker and a Hondo branded Tele clone, which research suggests is actually a Tokai. I also have one steel strung, one classical and a 3/4 scale Jim Deacon bass.


Me and my girlfriend also have a project guitar that will belong to both of us when it's finished. Natural finish strat style body with a Gibson humbucker in the middle and each of the pickups having their own toggle switch, so you can set it to any combination of the three pickups or effectively use the toggles as kill switches.


I think they're all different enough sound wise to justify owning them all, right?


I'll only buy any more in the forseable future if they're heavily underpriced.

Although that's not a hard promise to stick to considering I can't afford to anyway.

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