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Happy Canada Day my fellow Canadians!!!


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It's cloudy and dull here in Newfoundland today but it's kind of warm at about 16 C.Canada Day has a special meaning for NLers as it is our Rememberance Day too.On July 1,1916 701 Newfoundlanders went "Over The Top." in the Battle Of The Somme in Beaumont Hamel France and on the roll call the next morning only 68 answered the roll.633 had either been killed or were critically injured or MIA.It was discovered that their deaths could've been avoided and they were sent to almost certain death through the actions and orders of incompetent and overzealous British Generals. A bomb that had been tunneled under a German gunnery,cannon fortification and munitions bunker had failed to detonate yet the order was given to attack even though the German firepower had not been disabled.So you can see why Canada Day is seen with mixed emotions in Newfoundland and Labrador.Have a Happy Canada anyway but please remember those that were sent to their slaughter on this day 95 years ago.

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See topic...Happy Canada Day! Its a gorgeous day out here in Toronto...i'm gonna drink some beer today!!!



Some Trivia for the Americans...does Canada have the Fourth of July?

Everyone has a 4th of July. You can't delete it from the calendar, LOL. But if you're meaning an Independence Day, is it the 24th of May??? "Everyone would gather on the 24th of May, sitting in the sand to watch the fireworks display"


Happy Canada Day to you. My 4th is coming up and I'm adding a whole week of vacation along with it.

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Happy Canada day to all of my Canadien friends.


I miss living on the border. Our neighboring cities would combine July 1 and July 4 festivities for whole weekend of good times; including a monster fireworks show at the mouth of the St. Clair river.

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It's sunny and blue skies here, not that warm tho' (14 C). I am heading out to ride some horses. Not my horse unfortunately as she's got a bout of laminitis. [crying] Will then come home, eat something yummy for supper and likely play guitar and drink beverages on the deck. I put up some rope lighting and it looks really cool out there when the sun goes down.


HAPPY CANADEH DAY everyone! [thumbup]

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What happens when Quebec secedes ??? [confused] ......Will they join Texas ?????


Enjoy celebration July 4th as Canada Day.......After all, Canadians rock !!!!!!!!!!!

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